Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CSC 380)

Fall 2019

Dr. Gur Saran Adhar

Course Website




Text Book

Requirements and Grading


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Exam Calendar

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Catalogue Description

Csc380: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3) Prerequisite: CSC 133, CSC 231, MAT 161

Algorithm design paradigms such as divide and conquer, greedy, and dynamic programming; techniques for algorithm analysis, such as asymptotic notations and estimates, as well as time/space trade-offs. Topics may include sorting, searching, scheduling, string matching, graph algorithms, amortized analysis, and computational geometry.

Meeting Day, Time, Place:  

 Tuesday, Thursday: 12:30-3:45pm CIS 1006

Important Dates:  
        Drop/add closes:  Aug 28, 2019                
        Last date to withdraw with W:  Nov. 14, 2019

Final Exam Review



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