PSY 246: Personality Psychology
Important Dates
** The exam dates are tentative (except for the final) and may be changed at my discretion. It is YOUR responsibility to keep informed of any changes if you are not attending classes.**
The dates for the final exam, optional method paper, and personality assessments are final.
Exam 1: Thursday Feb 4 2016 at 2pm.
Exam 2: Thursday March 3, 2016 at 2pm.
Exam 3: Tuesday April 12, 2016 at 2pm.
Exam 4 (final exam): Thursday May 5, 2016 at 3pm.
Personality Assessments are due on the last day of regular class (turned in during class) and must be complete in order for you to get full credit. The five assessments you must turn in are the TAT, Autobiographical statement, Repetory grid, the Big 5, and the self vs. other assessment. Although they will be accepted late, there will be a significant late penalty. Personality assessments will not be accepted after the date/time of the final exam.
Typed outline for the Optional Method paper is due no later than the date of the 3rd exam.
Optional method paper is due the last day of regular class (turned in during class).