(6/30) - Our
next class is on Thursday July 8th. I will be available this week and
early next week to provide assistance if needed on your group projects.
Next class we will discuss public
participation and some topics related to science.
Be prepared to give a progress report and hand one in. Also, be
prepared to discuss your required
journal entries.
(6/17) - Next
week we will discuss negotiation
and conflict resolution. Be sure you have done the readings.
We will discuss them and do some in class exercises.
(6/10) - I
dropped off a copy of the reserves at the library today and they will not be
available electronically. A hard copy of all of the reserve readings
is out by the Secretary's desk. If you borrow them, please return them
no later than the next day.
(6/7) - At
long last the summer version of the class website is now posted. See
the course outline for topics
and dates class will meet.
(6/7) - There
is no class this week (6/10) but I will be available to meet with the groups
and help finalize your scope of work
due next class. Next class (6/17) we will do some practice interviews
(bring a final version of your discussion guide for practice interviews to
the next class) and discuss the readings on reflective
practice and searching for solutions.
You should also be prepared to discuss your required
journal entry #2.