Course Schedule
Reserve Readings

PLS 304 - Introduction to Public Policy Analysis

Summer II 2008

Mark T. Imperial, Ph.D.
Office: LH 260
E-mail: imperialm@uncw.edu
Phone: (910) 962 - 7928 (Office)
Fax: (910) 962 - 3286
Secretary: Katie Price (pricek@uncw.edu)
(910) 962 - 3220
Class Times: M-R  10:15 - 12:20 (LH 110)
Office Hours: R 4:00 - 6:00 & by appointment

What's New


(7/25) - The final grades are now posted.  Enjoy the rest of your summer.


(6/24) - Welcome to the website for the summer version of PLS 304 - Introduction to Public Policy Analysis.  The syllabus is now posted (Download a copy) and the website updated with the readings and assignments for Summer I.  Check the course schedule and this website frequently as it is subject to change.  Feel free to email me if you have any questions about the course or its requirements. 


(6/24) - Since this class involves writing a long policy analysis report, I advise you read this recent article in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM) that has a number of useful writing tips (Download).  

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