
Welcome to the PLS 304 Bulletin Board

Please check here frequently to find out about changes in the course schedule and other important announcements related to the class.

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(5/1) - Final grades are posted.  Enjoy the summer! 


(4/18) - The take home final exam is now posted (download the exam, download the readings, download the honor pledge).  It will be due at 12:00 PM on Thursday April 28, 2005 along with the paper for your policy project.    


(4/12) - Next week we finish discussing cost-benefit analysis (download lecture notes).  Be sure to bring Patton and Sawicki book, a calculator, and your completed homework assignment.  You should also bring a completed peer evaluation form for your group case memo assignments. 


(4/12) - The take home final exam will be posted on or about 4/18.  It will be due at 12:00 PM on Thursday April 28, 2005 along with your the paper for your policy project.  


(4/7) - Next week we will finish discussing the readings on evaluating alternatives and begin discussing cost-benefit analysis.  Be sure to bring Patton and Sawicki book and a calculator.


(3/28) - Next week (4/4) we will discuss the readings on evaluating alternatives including reserve #6 and look at some of the ways you can display this analysis.  Be sure to bring you Patton and Sawicki book.  We will also have presentations from groups 4 and 9 on Case #14 on emergency aid for home fuel.  Be sure you are prepared to discuss the case. 


(3/24) - At the beginning of next week's (3/28) class we will have a guest lecturer who is applying for a job in our MPA program.  After the speaker, we will finish up our discussion of the exercise I handed out at the end of last class and the readings and notes on identifying alternatives.  Your preliminary analysis memos for your policy projects are also due and will be worth 10% of your final grade. 


(3/16) - Next week (3/21) we will discuss the topic identifying alternatives.  If you are having trouble identifying alternatives for your policy projects, this class should help.  The presentations for Case #13 are also due.  Your preliminary analysis memo for your policy projects will be due the following week (3/28). 


(3/9) - Next week is the mid-term exam.  The review sheet for mid-term #1 is now posted.  The exam will be administered in class.  Be sure to bring at least one blue book. 


(3/9) - The week after the exam we will begin discussing the topic identifying alternatives.  The presentations for Case #13 are also due (3/21).


(3/3) - The review sheet for mid-term #1 is now posted.  The exam will be administered in class on Monday 3/14.  Be sure you have looked through the review sheet before next week's class (2/7) so that I can answer any question you have. 


(2/23) - Next class we'll continue discussing the topic evaluative criteria and the exercise handed out at the end of class on 2/21.  You should also read and come prepared to discuss Case #10 in the Patton and Sawicki book.  


(2/17) - Next week (2/21) we'll start discussing the topic evaluative criteria.  You should also read and come prepared to discuss Case #16 in the Patton and Sawicki book.  


(2/9) - Next week we will continue discussing the rationales for public policy and the exercise and handout from last class. Time permitting we will start discussing evaluative criteria.  


(2/3) - Lecture notes for several topics have now been added to the topics pages on the website.  You can download the notes for next week's class on rationales for government policy by clicking here.  


(2/1) - Next week we will discuss the remaining portions of the readings on policy problems and discuss rationales for public policy.  Be sure you have done the reserve readings.  


(2/1) - If you missed class on 1/31, the teams have been assigned for your case presentations.  Be sure to contact your team if you missed class.   The web page also lists the case your group is responsible for analyzing, presenting, and writing a memo.  See the course schedule for when your group presentation and memo are due.


(1/24) - Next week (1/31) we will discuss policy problems and the collection of data for your policy projects.  Be prepared to discuss the topic you are considering for your project.  You will also have a library tour and session with Christopher Field at 7:15 in the bibliographic instruction room.  He will also be available afterward to help you with your own particular information needs for your policy projects.  


(1/12) There is no class next week (1/17) due to Martin Luther King Day.  Our next class is 1/24.  We will focus on the public policy process and the role of policy analysts in that process.  Be sure you are prepared to discuss the readings.  You will also be assigned to your teams for the group case presentations


(1/10) - Welcome to PLS 304 - Introduction to Public Policy Analysis.  I will periodically post reminders and announcements so you should check the website frequently.  The syllabus for this class can be viewed on the website or can be downloaded for printing by clicking here.  You should view the course schedule for dates that readings and assignments are due.  Please check the class web site and your email frequently as the course schedule may change.


(1/10) - My graduate assistant for this class is Brad Ashburn (brad28480@yahoo.com).  If you have questions about the grades for memo assignment or need help with your policy projects feel free to make an appointment to see him or stop by during my office hours.


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Page last modified 03/09/05

Report problems to imperialm@uncw.edu