Issue 2


Issue Memo Assignment #2


You should read the following article on reserve in the library and come to class prepared to discuss it.  The reading will also help you prepare the written assignment described below.  Other class readings, videos, handouts, and web sites may also be of use in preparing your written assignment.  
Issue Memo Assignment #2: "Issue 4: Should Environmental Policy Attempt to Cure Environmental Racism?" (On reserve)


Imagine you’re the head of the planning department tasked with finding a site to build a new sewage plant facility for your county.  After weeks of research, you have narrowed your search to three possible locations, each of which when developed has comparable costs:  
A small parcel located in the middle of the community’s central business and commercial district.  The site is  easily accessible, but not visible due to the parcel's  configuration and the presence of heavy vegetation, this may aid in aesthetics but not odor.  Given the parcel's size, there would not be room to expand the facility in the future but it could serve the communities needs for the next five to ten years.  Due to its location, the site may hinder future commercial development in the surrounding area.  The facility would also occupy land that could be used for residential or commercial development in the downtown area and thus would result in a loss of the future tax base.  
A large parcel of land surrounded by land zoned as low density residential development, mixed use development, and commercial development.  Given the parcel's size, there would be adequate room to expand the facility in the future to accommodate additional growth into the foreseeable future.  The site is currently surrounded by vacant land but new roads, utilities, and sewers have recently been added to encourage residential and commercial development.  You are aware of several proposals to build on surrounding parcels including a large 300 unit subdivision and an upscale shopping mall with several surrounding restaurants and box stores.  It is unclear what effect locating a large sewage treatment plant will have on surrounding land values or current development proposals.  
A medium size parcel that was once used as a waste disposal site and is highly visible from major roads and is somewhat smaller than desired.  Given its size, the facility could be expanded to accommodate growth over the next 20 to 30 years.  There will be some added cost of cleaning up the old waste disposal site, otherwise this would be significantly cheaper than the other two options.  The site is surrounded mostly by an industrial park and some light manufacturing and industry.  However, there are several large housing projects serving a mostly low income and minority populations nearby,  There is also a large government housing project nearby.  
The Mayor has asked you to critique each site and forward your recommendation on which site the City should purchase.  Be sure to include your rationale in your response.  

Format of the Written Assignment

This assignment should take the form of a memo.  It is limited to 2 single-spaced, 12 point font pages, with 1 inch margins and must be in a standard memo format.  A sample of an acceptable memo format is available for download and most word processing software has templates for memos.  The reason that a memo format is required is that it is the standard means of communication in the world of business and government.  Thus, these memo assignments will help you to develop your ability to analyze policy questions and to think, act, and communicate more effectively about environmental issues and problems.


Your memo should answer the question posed and be argumentative in nature.  There is no one "right" answer.  Instead, you will be graded on the strength and organization of your arguments as well as the quality of your writing.  You may introduce any facts and evidence you wish to support your arguments.  If you are unfamiliar with how to write a memo please arrange to see me or my graduate assistant during office hours for assistance. 

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