Human Values and Environmental Problems
 | What are policy problems? |
 | Problem framing |
 | Objective vs. subjective problems |
 | Problems tend to be defined in terms of human values |
 | General causes of environmental problems/tradeoffs among problems |
 | Values, norms, ethics and their collective influence on environmental politics |
 | Environmental justice, environmental racism, and disparate impacts |
Lecture Notes
Web Resources
Links to Various National or International Advocacy Groups
and Nongovernmental Organizations |
Links to Various State and Local Advocacy Groups and
Nongovernmental Organizations |
Book's that Might Be of Interest
 | Richard S. Wheeler. The Buffalo Commons (New York, NY: Forge Books,
1998): A story about what happens when good people with good intentions
clash over their ideas about what the earth is for and how life must be lived on it.
The book reveals the wide range of values and how they influence how problems are
defined and policy is formulated. |