PHY 101 - Notices


Tutors may be available at the University Learning Center in Westside Hall. 

First Homework Assignment - Email Dr. Herman!

 Watch My Latest Lesson! - August 27th.

Today we went over the rudimentary material that we need on trig and vectors. As noted some of this is online in different forms. So, I wanted to remind you of some key things mentioned in class. Also, I tried an iPad app and redid the last problem I was working on. So, you can  Click here to view my lesson about Vector addition. Let me know how this works.

Other important points: 

We have covered the most important new information in Chapter 1. We are now ready to do Chapter 2 on 1D Kinematics – motion in one dimension.

Welcome to PHY 101 - August 19th.
To all PHY 101 Students

You are currently registered for PHY 101 Section 003. Below is an email I sent out last week. So, some of you have already received that email. However, over the weekend the class has doubled and I am resending the email. It contains information about the course and the labs.

There were a few who had asked about using an earlier edition of the text. We are using Cutnell & Johnson, 9th ed. You may purchase the 8th Edition instead, but not through the bookstore. The problems I will assign are from the 9th Edition. However, I will provide a mapping of the problems between the books. Due to the class size, I would expect the problems to be turned in order (and on time). Furthermore, there may be a few problems from the new edition which are not in the old edition.

Class begins bright and early Thursday at 8:00 AM. I expect everyone to be in class on time. Again, I look forward to getting to know everyone this semester. If you have not done so, read the email below.

Welcome to PHY 101 - August 14th.
Welcome to PHY 101. This is a first course in general physics. We will be covering kinematics, Newtonian statics and dynamics, gravitation, fluids, kinetic theory, waves, and  thermodynamics. You are expected to have had MAT 111 (Precalculus). Any other math that you will need we will cover/review in class. 

Class begins Thursday, August 22nd at 8:00 AM!. The class meets two days a week for 75 minutes and you are expected to attend all classes. Labs meet one day per week. The first labs meetings will be announced at a later date. Labs meet for two hours and you are required to attend all labs. More about that will be covered in the lab. There is a link to the labs at the course web site. The first labs begin August 26, 27, 28.

Course materials are posted at the web site  There you will find the syllabus, homework problems, a tentative schedule, links to useful materials, etc. Keep an eye on this site as it will change periodically as we move through the course. In particular, you should look at the useful materials on how to study physics on the materials page. For additional explanations, or materials for any missed class, visit my PHY 101 physics lectures from my 2005 summer class.

As this class meets three hours a week for lectures, you should plan to study 6-8 hours a week outside of class to be successful in this course. That is at least one hour a day and possibly more for some students. This might be hard to do as we only meet two times a week. So, plan to keep up with the work, stop by my office and ask questions, send emails, etc.

The text we are using can be seen at the publisher web site, . There are several versions and you need to be careful in your selection. Also, you should find a binder version at the bookstore which might be appealing for its cost and that you can carry portions of the text to class instead of a big heavy textbook. We will be covering the first 17 chapters this semester. That is more than one chapter per week! Note also that graphing calculators are not allowed during exams. So, you will need to pick up a cheap scientific calculator and learn how to use it.

Feel free to wander the course pages, look at my site to see who I am, and feel free to email me whenever you have questions. Start reading your book and working on the homework assignments  that are posted!

Good luck, and I will see you soon.


E-Mail: Dr. Russell Herman Last Updated: August 27, 2013