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Support for this meeting has been graciously provided by the Geological Society of America, the National Science Foundation, the Petroleum Research Fund, the United States Geological Survey and the National Aeronautical and Space Agency.
The purpose of the Conference is to foster discussion of new ideas and develop associations between ideas drawn from different disciplines in earth science. Talks and discussions will focus on a better characterization of the tectonic controls and deformational effects of subduction to strike-slip transitions areas. Experts in geology, seismology, paleoseismology, geodesy, modeling of geological and geophysical data, and deep seismic imaging will discuss deformation at all levels in lithosphere and mantle of subduction to strike-slip transition areas. This information will provide insights into the seismogenic mechanisms for the large and commonly destructive earthquakes that affect these areas.
Participants will focus on the manifestation of both tectonic styles in tectonically active areas including the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and eastern Venezuela, Panama and Costa Rica, the Scotia Sea, northern California, eastern Alaska, the western Aleutian arc and Kamchatka, Japan, the Marianas trench, New Guinea and Irian Jaya, New Zealand and the Macquarie Ridge, Indonesia, and the Alpine-Mediterranean area. Experts on other transition areas ore on non-site specific modeling work are welcome as participants.
Discussion topics by keynote speakers and participants will include the following:
The Conference will be held at the Puerto Plata Village Caribbean Resort located in the Playa Dorado area on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. The resort is 12 miles (10-15 minute drive) from the Puerto Plata International Airport in the Dominican Republic. Because taxis are plentiful and inexpensive we suggest that you take a taxi from the airport to the hotel.
The Puerto Plata Village has 282 hotel rooms arranged in a low-rise villa style. In addition to excellent meeting facilities, the complex includes a swimming pool, tennis courts and a beach club featuring water sports.
For those participants who wish to arrive early or stay after the conference, the rate would be $85 US single (including applicable taxes), and $70 per person, double. Individuals should make their own reservations directly with the hotel.
Daily flights from Miami, FL, San Juan, PR and New York's JFK airports service the Puerto Plata International Airport. Airlines include: American, Trans World Airlines and APA International Airlines. Participants are encouraged to book their flights as soon as possible, as January is a high season in this center for tourism in the Dominican Republic.
Tips for Travel in the Dominican Republic
To avoid having valuables disappear from your hotel room, don't leave valuables out in the open when you are gone for the day. I would suggest buying a sturdy suitcase lock and keeping valuable locked in your suitcase or on your person while at the meeting.
Another problem area can be the beach. If you go in the water, make sure that someone remains onland to watch over your belongings.
These types of problems are not unique to the Dominican Republic but
are found throughout the developing world where average incomes are low
and unemployment is high.
Paul Mann
Institute for Geophysics University of Texas at Austin 4412 Spicewood Springs Road Building 600 Austin, TX 78759-8500 (512) 471-0452 FAX: 512 471-8844 |
Nancy R. Grindlay
Department of Earth Sciences University of North Carolina at Wilmington 601 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403-3297 (910) 962-7421 FAX: 910 962-7077 |
James Dolan
Department of Earth Sciences University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740 (213) 740-8599 FAX: 213 740-0011 |
Lois Elms
Western Experience
926 Hover Ridge Circle
Longmont, CO 80501 USA
FAX: 303 485-5291
Registration deadline is November 13, 1998. The registration fee for the conference is $685 for members of GSA, $695 for non-members which includes accommodations, based on two persons per room, for the nights of January 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, meals beginning with dinner on January 18 through breakfast on January 24; registration materials, coffee breaks, field trips, and all other conference costs except personal incidentals. After November 13, a late fee of $95 will apply. Because we do have a waiting list, if we do not hear from the invited participants by the deadline, we will assume that you are not planning to attend, and will invite the next person on the list.
Please note, we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of the registration fee. Please send check or money order, made payable to GSA Puerto Plata Penrose, along with registration form to Lois Elms, Western Experience, 926 Hover Ridge Circle, Longmont, CO 80501, USA.
Policy on non-registered spouses and friends:
We appreciate your cooperation in not bringing family
members or non-registered friends to the meeting for two reasons: 1) most
of us will be sharing rooms with other participants; and 2) the GSA rules
for Penrose meetings do not allow this practice since it tends to distract
participants from the science program and field trip. If you have family
or friends coming after the meeting, please ask them to arrive no earlier
than the morning of Sunday, January 24 (the official end of the meeting).
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
This page is maintained by N.R. Grindlay