Days four and five of the conference will be devoted to field trips along the Septentrional fault zone, the primary strike-slip fault of this portion of the North American-Caribbean plate boundary zone. Shoreline features recording recent activity of the offshore subduction boundary that included a magnitude 8.1 earthquake in 1946 will also be featured during the field trips. Recommended gear to bring:
Some additional words of advice:
1. A special note to allergy and asthma sufferers. There will be larger amounts of airborne particles in the air than you may be used to for some parts of the field trip. These particles will include wood smoke from small fires in the country, car and truck fumes from the burning of unleaded gasoline and diesel in older vehicles, exotic tropical pollen that you may not have previously encountered, and dust from unpaved roads that we will be traveling on for short parts of the trip. For these reasons, please bring your prescription and over the counter asthma and allergy medications, asthma inhalers, and particle masks to avoid any problems. If you are subject to acute attacks, please tell one of the meeting organizers before the start of the field trip.
2. Acclimatizing to food and water. For those of you who don't travel often to developing countries, here is some advice that we offer to keep you "bug free". We would suggest that for AT LEAST your first four days in the country (including the two days we will be on the field trip), you STRICTLY avoid any water that is not purified. This would include ice cubes served in cold drinks at bars or restaurants in the airport or conference hotel, water fountains, and tap water in your room at the hotel. Don't believe that the water is pure unless you see it being poured from a newly opened bottle. Waiters are often reassuring about the purity of water they are serving that later turns out to be tap water. Bottled water can be purchased in the airport or the store at the conference hotel. If you plan to arrive late on Monday night, you might bring a large bottle of purified water with you from the US or Europe that you could use until stores open the next morning. Remember to use bottled water rather than tap water to brush your teeth. We would also suggest that you avoid any salads or uncooked foods in the hotel restaurant that you have not peeled yourself since these types of foods can be contaminated by water. After the first four days of the meeting, use your own judgment as to relax or maintain the standards above. Carbonated, bottled drinks like beer, soft drinks and club soda pose no hazard and are widely available.
3. In case of stomach problems or diarrhea, please bring your medication of choice and use as directed (Pepto Bismol, Immodium, etc.). Such medications would get you through long periods of talks and the bus rides over the two day field trip.
4. Biting insects. You may encounter some mosquitos particularly in the morning and evening when they are most active. In your hotel rooms, you can set the air conditioner on higher temperatures to "deactivate" any ones in the room that may become active at night. If you don't like cool temperatures in your room, use your ceiling fan at the appropriate speed to maintain a mosquito free area around your bed. In bright and sunny or windy areas on the field trip or on the beach, mosquitos are generally not a problem. However, we may encounter some black gnats in the Cibao Valley that possess a strong bite that can draw blood and produce a welt. For this reason, we would suggest that you bring a small container of mosquito repellant containing DEET and apply a light layer to any exposed skin areas. We would suggest that you wear long pants for Days One and Two the field trip and bring a long sleeved, collared shirt in your daypack in case these gnats are present. For coastal stops where insects are not a problem, you might also bring a swim suit or shorts to change into. If you are allergic to bee stings, mosquito bites, or gnat bites please bring any OTC or prescription medications you think necessary and let the organizers know before the trip if you are strongly allergic.
5. Restroom sanitation. During the two day field trip we will make periodic restroom and lunch stops. We have attempted to locate restaurants with the most sanitary restroom facilities for these stops. However, we would recommend that you bring a small packet of flushable, alcohol-based baby wipes to clean toilet seats and small packs of antiseptic soap to wash hands. Remember we will have 80 participants using a limited number of toilets.
6. Infections. Small cuts or abrasions which sometimes can result from swimming in the ocean can become infected in a tropical environment. To avoid this you might bring a small tube of Neosporin antibiotic ointment to use as needed.
Volume focused on neotectonic problems: Dolan, J. F., and P. Mann, eds., Active strike-slip and collisional tectonics of the northern Caribbean plate boundary zone, Geological Society of America Special Paper 326, 1998. A limited number of copies will be available for purchase at the conference.
Selected Journal Articles on Earthquake Seismology, Active Faulting, Paleoseismology, and Seismic Hazards of the Northeastern Caribbean:
Calais, E., Bethoux, N. and Mercier de Lepinay, B., 1992, From transcurrent faulting to frontal subduction: A seismotectonic study of the northern Caribbean plate boundary from Cuba to Puerto Rico: Tectonics, v. 11, p.114-123.
Calais, E., Perrot, J., and Mercier de Lepinay, B., 1998, Strike-slip tectonics and seismicity along the northern Caribbean plate boundary from Cuba to Hispaniola, in Dolan, J. F., and Mann, P., eds., Active Tectonicsof the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone, GSA Special Paper 326, p. 125-141.
Deng, J., and Sykes, L. R., 1995, Determination of Euler pole for contemporary relative motion of Caribbean and North American plates using slip vectors of interplate earthquakes: Tectonics, v. 14, p. 39-53.
Dolan, J. F., and Wald, D. J., 1997, Comment on "The 1946 earthquake and the tectonics of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary zone, northeastern Hispaniola, Journal of Geophysical Research" by R. M. Russo and A. Villasenor, J .Geophys.Res., v. 102, p. 785-792.
Dolan, J. F., and Wald, D. J., 1998, The 1943-1953 north-central Caribbean earthquakes: Active tectonic setting, seismic hazards, and implications for Caribbean-North America plate motions, in Dolan, J. F., and Mann, P., eds., Active Tectonics of the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone, GSA Special Paper 326, p. 143-169. .
Mann, P., Prentice, C. S., Burr, G., Pena, L. R., and Taylor, F. W., 1998, Tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology of the Septentrional fault system, Dominican Republic, in Dolan, J. F., and Mann, P., eds., Active Tectonics of the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone, GSA Special Paper 326, p. 63-123.
McCann, W. R., and Sykes, L. R., 1984, Subduction of aseismic ridges beneath the Caribbean plate: Implications for the tectonics and seismic potential of the northeastern Caribbean: J .Geophys. Res., v. 89, p. 4493-4519.
McCann, W. R., 1985, On the earthquake hazards of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: Bull .Seis. Soc. Amer., v. 75, p. 251-262.
Prentice, C. S., Mann, P., Taylor, F. W., Burr, G., and Valastro, S., Jr., 1993, Paleoseismicity of the North American-Caribbean plate boundary (Septentrional fault), Dominican Republic: Geology, v. 21, p. 49-52.
Russo, R. M., and Villasenor, A., 1995, The 1946 earthquake and the tectonics of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary zone, northeastern Hispaniola, J .Geophys. Res., v. 100, p. 6265-6280.
Russo, R. M., and Villasenor, A., 1995, Reply, J .Geophys. Res., v. 102, p. 793-802.
Selected Journal Articles on Marine Geology and Geophysics of the Northeastern Caribbean
Dillon, W. P., Austin, J. A., Jr., Edgar, N. T., and Parson, L. M., 1992, Accretionary margin of northwestern Hispaniola: Morphology, structure, and development of the northern Caribbean plate boundary: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 9, p. 70-88.
Dillon, W. P., and PRICO working group, 1998, Joint Spanish-American research uncovers fracture pattern in northeastern Caribbean, Eos, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, July 14, 1998.
Dolan, J. F., Mullins, H. T., and Wald, D. J., 1998, Active tectonics
of the north-central Caribbean: Oblique collision, strain partitioning
and opposing subducted slabs, in Dolan, J. F., and Mann, P., eds., Active
Tectonics of the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone, GSA Special
Paper 326, p. 1-61.
Grindlay, N.R., Mann, P., and Dolan, J. F., 1997, Researchers investigate submarine faults north Puerto Rico, Eos, Trans. Amer. Geophys.Union, v. 78, p. 404, Sept. 23, 1997.
Larue, D.K. and Ryan, H.F., 1998, Seismic reflection profiles of the Puerto Rico Trench: Shortening between the North American and Caribbean plates, in Lidiak, E.G. and Larue, D.K., eds. Tectonics and Geochemistry of the Northeastern Caribbean, GSA Special Paper, 322, p 193-210.
Larue, D.K., Torrini, R., Smith, A. and Joyce, J., 1998, North Coast Tertiary basin of Puerto Rico: From arc basin to carbonate platform to arc-massif slope, in Lidiak, E.G. and Larue, D.K., eds. Tectonics and Geochemistry of the Northeastern Caribbean, GSA Special Paper, 322, p. 155-176.
Masson, D. G. and Scanlon, K. M., 1991, The neotectonic setting of Puerto Rico: GSA Bull, v. 103, p. 144-154.
Mullins, H. T., and 9 others, 1992, Carbonate platforms along the southeast Bahamas-Hispaniola collision zone: Marine Geology, v. 105, p. 169-209.
Muzsala, S., Grindlay, N.R. and Bird, R.T., Three dimensional Euler deconvolution and tectonic interpretation of marine magnetic anomaly data in the Puerto Rico Trench, J. Geophys. Res., in review.
Schwab, W. C., Danforth, W. W., Scanlon, K. M., and Masson, D. G., 1991, A giant submarine slope failure on the northern insular slope of Puerto Rico: Marine Geology, v. 96, p. 237-246.
van Gestel, J. P., Mann, P., Dolan, J. F., and Grindlay, N., Structure and tectonics of the upper Cenozoic Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands carbonate platform as determined from seismic reflection profiles, in press for December 10, 1998 issue of J .Geophys. Res.
Selected Journal Articles on GPS-Based Geodesy of the Northeastern Caribbean
Dixon, T., Farina, F., DeMets, C., Jansma, P., Mann, P., and Calais, E., 1998, Relative motion between the Caribbean and North American plates and related plate boundary zone deformation from a decade of GPS observations: J Geophys. Res, v. 103, p. 15,157-15,182.
Pollitz, F. and Dixon, T., 1998, GPS measurements across the northern Caribbean plate boundary zone: Impact of postseismic relaxation following historic earthquakes: Geophys.. Res. Lett.., v. 25, p. 2233-2236.
Selected Journal Articles on Onshore Geology of the Northeastern Caribbean
de Zoeten, R., and Mann, P., 1991, Structural geology and Cenozoic tectonic
history of the central Cordillera Septentrional, Dominican Republic, in
Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J. F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic
Development of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary in Hispaniola,
GSA Paper 262, p. 265-279.
Dolan, J., Mann, P., de Zoeten, R., Heubeck, C., and Shiroma, J., 1991, Sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and tectonic synthesis of Eocene-Miocene sedimentary basins, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, in Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J. F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary in Hispaniola, GSA Special Paper 262, p. 217-263.
Draper, G., and Nagle, F., 1991, Geology, structure, and tectonic development of the Rio San Juan Complex, northern Dominican Republic, in Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J. F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary in Hispaniola, GSA Special Paper 262, p. 77-95.
Edgar, N. T., Structure and geologic development of the Cibao Valley, northern Hispaniola, in Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J. F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary in Hispaniola, GSA Special Paper 262, p. 281-299.
Erikson, J. P., Pindell, J. L., Karner, G. D., Sonder, L. J., Fuller, E., and Dent, L., 1998, Neogene sedimentation and tectonics in the Cibao basin and northern Hispaniola: An example of basin evolution near a strike-slip-dominated plate boundary: Journal of Geology, v. 106, p. 473-494.
Evans, C. C., 1986, A field guide to the mixed reefs and siliciclastics of the Neogene Yaque Group, Cibao Valley, Dominican Republic: University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 88 p. (can be ordered through Miami Geological Society)
Iturralde-Vinent, M. A., and MacPhee, R. D. E., 1996, Age and paleogeographical origin of Dominican amber: Science, v. 273, p. 1850-1852.
Jolly, W., Lidiak, E.G., Schellekens, J.H. and Santos, H., 1998, Volcanism, tectonics, and stratigraphic correlations in Puerto Rico, in Lidiak, E.G. and Larue, D.K., eds. Tectonics and Geochemistry of the Northeastern Caribbean, GSA Special Paper, 322, p. 1-34.
Joyce, J., 1991, Blueschist metamorphism and deformation on the Samana Peninsula: A record of subduction and collision in the Greater Antilles, in Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J. F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary in Hispaniola, GSA Special Paper 262, p. 47-76.
Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J. F., 1991, An overview of the geologic and tectonic development of Hispaniola, in Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J. F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary in Hispaniola, GSA Special Paper 262, p. 1-28.
Montgomery, H., Paleogene stratigraphy and sedimentology of the North Coast, Puerto Rico, 1998, in Lidiak, E.G. and Larue, D.K., eds. Tectonics and Geochemistry of the Northeastern Caribbean, GSA Special Paper, 322, p. 177-192.
Pindell, J. L., and Draper, G., 1991, Stratigraphy and geological history of the Puerto Plata area, northern Dominican Republic, in Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J. F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary in Hispaniola, GSA Special Paper 262, p. 97-114.
Winslow, M., Guglielmo, G., Jr., Nadai, A., Vega, L., and McCann, W. R., 1991, Tectonic evolution of the San Francisco Ridge of the eastern Cibao basin, northeastern Hispaniola, in Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J. F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary in Hispaniola, GSA Special Paper 262, p. 301-313.