Latino Book Club Outreach
Bookmarks for Literacy 2011
This is a summer project done by the members of the Latino Book Club, in which old and used greeting cards are transformed into wonderful and unique bookmarks. These bookmarks were sold for $1 and the money from the proceeds were given to the Bilingual Reading Program, which uses it to buy new bilingual books for participating Latino kids.
Book Drive 2009
UNCW James Hall
Fountain The Latino Book Club organized its first community project "Book Drive 2009" to help local school kids. More than 700 books were collected and bought, and given to school kids from Mary C. Williams Elementary, Williston Middle, and Hoggard High Schools. Please visit the website for more information about the project.
Bilingual Reading Program
The Latino Book Club is co-sponsoring the Bilingual Reading Program. It is a collaborative project of University of North Carolina Wilmington’s Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Watson School of Education, and the Centro Hispano. This is a community outreach project to engage UNCW students to use their language skills to increase native language reading proficiency, and promote and sustain good reading habits among the Latino children of the Wilmington community. Latino Book Club is helping raise money to buy bilingual books to be given to children participating in the Pine Valley Baptist Church, Mary C. Williams' Elementary, and Friends School of Wilmington's outreach programs.
If you want to help or want more information contact Amrita Das
Bilingual Story Time/La hora del cuento
The Latino Book Club in collaboration with Pomegranate Books, a local independent bookstore, is promoting bilingualism among our children. Children's stories are read every third Staurday of each month in English and Spanish. Latest information is available on our facebook page.