Linear Components

  Remember that linear components are considered in three ways: textual elements, spatial elements, and graphic elements.  In all cases linear components exist within a document.  However, we take these elements for granted and sometimes miss small pieces of information that contribute to the meaning of words not just in content/context, but visually. 

It is up to the designer, writer, creator, composer to both critique and create documents that satisfy a reader, viewer, or user.  As in traditional literary study, we should be responsible producers and consumers of text in all its forms, shapes, sizes, places, and ideological contexts. 

And, like many disciplines in and outside of English Studies we always consider the rhetorical situation because we must make appropriate design and writing choices/decisions based on the context (perceptual), purpose, message, and audience while we carefully orchestrate/negotiate ethos, pathos, and logos.  Our "selves" are represented in what we write and how we present that writing both visually and textually.

On the final exam, you will be asked to respond to a document much like you did today.  Know the cognate strategies (arrangement, emphasis, clarity, conciseness, ethos, and tone), crap, and linear components so that you can provide a thoughtful intelligent critique of any document that I submit to you.

For more review see pgs 119-153 (DVL) or visit the links below.

objectives> laws of gestalt> crap> linear components>