Undergraduate and Graduate Students Research Opportunities

My group invites applications for M.S. graduate program in marine science (https://uncw.edu/mms/index.html) and ACOS (Applied Coastal and Ocean Sciences) Ph.D. program (https://uncw.edu/academics/majors-programs/cms/applied-coastal-ocean-sciences-phd/) with a focus on hydrodynamic and ecological modeling. Research in my group is focused on 1) coastal and estuarine processes study, 2) hydrodynamic and biophysical model development, and 3) harmful algal bloom (HAB) and toxicity forecasts. You will extensively practice Fortran, Linux shell script and script-based data analysis using R, MATLAB, or python, and you will learn knowledge of oceanography, applied mathematics and statistics analysis and envoriomental science. If you are interested in working with me, I encourage you to directly contact me at liuq@uncw.edu before you submit your application, and in your application you may explicitly mention me as a potential advisor. The successful candidate will be supported with research assistantship (RA) or teaching assistantship (TA).

Please directly conact me at liuq@uncw.edu if you are interested in undergraduate research opportunities.

Visiting Scholars

Visiting scholars are encouraged to contact Prof. Liu for potential opportunities.

Qianqian Liu

Assistant Professor

Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography

Email: liuq@uncw.edu

Phone: (910) 962-2362

Address: CMS 1039, UNCW

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D., Physical Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, US, 2015

M.S., Physical Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, US, 2012

B.S., Marine Science, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China, 2009

Research Interests

Hydrodynamic modeling; Bio-physical processes in coastal and estuaries; Coupled physical-biological modeling; Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) prediction; Toxicity forecat; Estuary and coastal ocean circulatio   

My research interests are shaped by the increasingly common problems of eutrophication, hypoxia, harmful algal blooms (HABs) and invasive species etc. in coastal ecosystems and the increasing public and political awareness. My research focuses on developing advanced numerical models to simulate the physical and biogeochemical processes in the marine systems, to help understand how anthropogenic and natural stressors affect the coastal oceans, and how to improve their health.


Katherine Boot, Ph.D. student

Carter Beaulieu, Master student

Felyssa Karla Mills from UNC Greensboro worked in Dr. Liu's lab in summer 2022 as a REU student.

Orion Whitmer, Andrew Bahhouth, Angelina Locke and Paola Soto Alvarez worked with Dr. Liu's on the UNCW Applied Learning Program in 2021.