Cybertraining for junior marine science researchers at beautiful coastal city Wilmington, North Carolina

This program is funded by the National Science Foundation grants OAC 2230046

Join us in NSF supported CyberTraining to Advance Data Acquisition, Processing, and Machine Learning based Modeling in Marine Science

The training program aims to advance the adoption of data science/machine learning cyber infrastructure by marine science researchers and enhance researchers' abilities in utilizing cyberinfrastructure tools. By participating in this training, you will be gaining interdisciplinary data science and machine learning skills to solve marine science research problems by working with marine science data. Your future research will be on cyberinfrastructure that can efficiently connect laboratories, share data and provide more computational power. So join and and get ready for your future research career!

To promote Eiversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in marine sciences, we strongly encourage participation from researchers at community colleges and minority-serving institutions.

Training Location

UNC Wilmington

Training Time

06/05/2023 - 06/09/2023

05/20/2024 - 05/24/2024

What we offer

Training program participants will receive three meals daily and an up to $600 stipend, which can be used to support travel to and from Wilmington, NC. Free apartment-style dormitory housing will be provided to participants on UNCW’s campus. We can provide childcare support to individuals with family care responsibilities to attend.

What you will learn

Successfully completing the program, workshop participants will:


Seating is limited to 15 participants. The program is limited to currently enrolled graduate students (Master’s and Ph.D.) and undergraduate students (juniors and seniors as of Fall 2024) in marine science-related disciplines. Minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Important dates

2024 Cybertraining is Open to Application until 04/02/2024

2023 Cybertraining:  

Application Window: 02/01/2023 – 04/15/2023 (priority consideration date 03/15/2023) 

Notification Date: On or before 04/30/2023

2024 Cybertraining:  

Application Window: 02/01/2024 – 04/02/2024 (priority consideration date 03/04/2023) 

Notification Date: On or before 04/15/2024

If you are given the approval to attend, please notify us immediately if an urgent matter prohibits your attendance so we can reach out to a waitlist.

How to apply


For additional information contact

About 2023 Cybertraining

UNCW hosted 21 particpants from 12 national universities in summer 2023.

2023 Cybertraining Schedule


2023 Cybertraining Photos

Cybertraining participants was touring UNCW Coastal Engineering wave flume

Dr. Ryan Mieras in Coastal Engineering, UNCW was demonstrating Cybertraining participants wave generation in the wave flume

Cybertraining participants at Congdon Hall, UNCW.

Amy Finelli, Hatchery Operations Manager of the Shellfish Research Hatchery, UNCW was showing Cybertraining participants different oysters.

Cybertraining participants was touring Shellfish Research Hatchery at the Center for Marine Science, UNCW.

Cybertraining participants were presenting their Hackathon project.

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