Knot Links and Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds
- Scottish Physics and Knot Theory's Odd Origins PDF - D. S. Silver, or here and here
- Birth of P G Tait, Pioneer of Knot Theory - APS News
- Orbits of Asteroids, a Braid, and the First Link Invariant - M. Epple
- The modern legacies of Thomson's atomic vortex theory in classical electrodynamics - S. J. Lomonaco
- Life and Scientific Work of Peter Guthrie Tait - book, online
- History of Knot Theory - J. H. Przytycki
- Kelvin's Brilliant Vortex Atoms
- A Brief History of Knot Theory - E. Colberg
- Knot theory from Vandermonde to Jones
- Tait's sealed envelope
- Knot Atlas
- The Geometry Junkyard - more links!
- Parametrized Knots
- Polynomial knots
- SeifertView
- Seifert Matrix Computations - J. Collins
- Calabi-Yau and Hanson’s surfaces
- KnotFinder at
- SnapPy - topology and geometry of 3-manifolds
- Regina - this also has triangulations
- Archive of papers and biographies
- Peter Guthrie Tait: A Knot's Tale - J. Collins
- Virtual Knot Theory - L. Kauffmann
- Lectures at Andrews University - A. Bosman
- Talks on knot theory hosted by R. Fenn and L. Kauffman
- Is the Conway knot slice? (After Lisa Piccirillo)
- How You Too Can Solve 50+ Year Old Problems - Lisa Piccirillo
- Knots and Surfaces - Wildberger lecture
- Knots, three-manifolds and instantons
- Landau Lectures| Prof. Thurston | Part 1 | 1995/6, Part 2
The film
Not Knot and
- In case you missed Flatland
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions - html book
- Sequels and other sources like Sphereland
- TED-Ed 5 minute story
- Flatland - The Film (1:39:55) The Movie Trailer, A Review
- Flatland 2: Sphereland (1:57)
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions - html book
- In case you missed Flatland
- The evolution of geometric structures on 3-manifolds
- Structure of hyperbolic manifolds - Lecture 1
- Segerman
New Links (Posted June 2022)
- Untangling Why Knots Are Important - S. Strogatz interview with C. Adams and L. Piccirillo
- Is the Conway knot slice? (23:59)
PLink -
Python tool, also part of
- Type Manifold('4_1').plink() to edit knot 4_1
- or, type
- M = Manifold('4_1')
- M.volume() - computes volume
- M.plink() - To go to Link Editor
- M.browse() - Gives added info; go inside!
- Screenshots
- Topology Software
- SnapPy Github site - 'interior views of a hyperbolic 3-manifold'
- 7-minute tutorial
- Seifert surface for (5,3) torus knot
- TpX: Drawing Tool for LaTeX [Save to as TpX and edit]
- Drawing hyperbolic polyhedra
Figure 8 Knot Complement
- Figure Eight Knot and at Knot Atlas
- Seifert Surface
- A Topological Picturebook - Figure Eight
- Complement of Figure-8 knot
Figure 8 Knot Complement Model and
Segerman's page
- Visualizing hyperbolic honeycombs - Segerman
- Sculptures in S^3 - in The Bridges Archive, shadertoy rendition from here.
- Hopf Fibration - map from a hypersphere in 4D onto a sphere in 3D, Johnson lecture
- Volumes of Hyperbolic Link Complements - Good discussion of the topology and geometry
- William Thurston
- Landau Lectures| Prof. Thurston | Part 1, Part 2
- Knots to Narnia
The Mystery of
3-Manifolds (58:40)
- Borromean rings and cubes is related to talk (1:12)
- Impossible Triangle Possible in Nil Geometry (2:08)
- Geometry and topology of three-manifolds - lecture notes
- What's Next? The mathematical legacy of Bill Thurston, Videos from 2014 conference
- The Shape of Space -
Library Catalog
- Jeff Weeks Lecture
- Geometry Center Video
- Exploring the Shape of Space pdf
- Visualizing Regular Tessellations (1:01:27)
- Practical computation with hyperbolic 3 manifolds - Dunfield (1:06:59)
- Hyperbolic Knot Theory - Lecture 1 (1:07:27) , Lecture 2 (1:13:54)
- Cusps of Hyperbolic Knots - slides
- The geometry of knot complements - slides
- Hyperbolic Knot Theory - thesis
- Hyperbolic Geometry on the Figure-Eight Knot Complement - report
- Hyperbolic Structure of Knot Complements
- The figure-eight knot complement Geometric structures on manifolds
- Tetrahedral hyperbolic 3-manifolds and links - Talk
- Hyperbolic Non-Euclidean World
Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds
- What is a Hyperbolic 3-Manifold? - C. Adams (2018)
- The geometry of 3-manifolds 1/4 (1:00:53)
- Hyperbolic Geometry
- Hyperbolic Geometry: The first 150 Years - J. Milnor
- Notes from Warwick - 130 pgs
- Poincare' Upper Half Plane Model and Poincare' Disk model - Royster
- Area of hyperbolic triangle - Example
- A Roundabout Introduction to Hyperbolic Area
- Drawing Graphs in the Hyperbolic Plane
- Conformal Models of the Hyperbolic Geometry
- Hyperbolic Geometry in Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology
- Hyperbolic geometry, surfaces, and 3-manifolds - See Chapter 2
- Areas and Volumes
- Heron's Formula and Brahmagupta's Generalization
- Piero della Francesca's Tetrahedron Formula
- The Geometry of Piero della Francesco
- Tartaglia's Formula - General Trattato di Numeri et Misure, Part IV, Book 2, p. 35
- Simplex Volumes and the Cayley-Menger Determinant
- Hyperbolic Volumes and Symmetry
- Brahmahupta’s theorem - generalization - Mednykh Slides
- Hyperbolic Volumes
- Computation of Volume J. W. Milnor in Thurston's Notes
- Formulas on hyperbolic volume - general
- The many aspects of hyperbolic volume (1:02:18) - Kellerhals
- Schläfli – for lush, voluminous polyhedra - blog
- On Application Of Contemporary Proof Of The Sforza Formula To Computation Of Volumes Of Hyperbolic Tetrahedra Of Special Kind
- Explicit Volume Formulafor A Hyperbolic Tetrahedronin Terms Of Edge Lengths
- Volumes of polytopes in spaces of constant curvature
- Hyperbolic Volumes and Symmetry
- The Seidel problem - Abrosimov
- Abhijit Champanerkar: Hyperbolic Knot Theory, Lecture-II (1:08:50)
- The Dilogarithm Function
- Hyperbolic Knot Theory - Purcell
- Tetrahedral hyperbolic 3-manifolds and links - Slides and Lecture (1:11:01)
- The First 1,701,936 Knots
- Enumeration of Knots and Links
- An algorithm for computing the Seifert matrix of a link from a braid representation
- Seifert's Algorithm, Châtelet Bases and the Alexander Ideals .
- AMS article on virtual knots for graduate students.
- Knot Diagrammatics
- Here is one over 250 pages.
- Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications
- Using Parametric Mathematical Modeling to Develop a Geometric and Topological Intuition for Molecular Knots
- Decorative Knot Patterns
- A polynomial parametrization of torus knots
- A Preliminary Study of Klein Knots
- KnotPad: Visualizing and Exploring Knot Theory with Fluid ...
- Computing Chebyshev knot diagrams
- Examples of Polynomial Knots
- On Torus Knots
- Unknotting Unknots
- Three Routes to the Alexander Polynomial
- Bipyramids and bounds on volumes of hyperbolic links
- A Survey of Hyperbolic Knot Theory
- Hyperbolic Knot Theory - thesis
- Visualizing Hyperbolic Honeycombs
- Conway's ZIP Proof
- Graduate Student Solves Decades-Old Conway Knot Problem
- Knot Theory from Cornell's Math Explorer's Club
- Visualization of Seifert surface
- Visualization of the Genus of Knots
- Seifert Matrix Julia Collins or
- Visualizing Torus Knots - play with sliders
- Seifert Surface Creator - in Python
- Computing The Alexander Polynomial From Seifert Surfaces
- Baez Braid Group notes
- Geometry of Knot Complements
- Class on 3-Manifolds
- Hyperbolic Knot Theory - Purcell, Lecture
- Tiling Hyperbolic Space
- Alice, Bob, and the average shadow of a cube - video
- Visualizing the sphere and the hyperbolic plane
- Visualizing hyperbolic honeycombs - Segerman
- Curved Spaces simulator - Weeks
- hypVR-Ray - simulation
Background Math
- What is a Manifold - Topological Manifolds (See lessons 6-7)
- Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
- An Introduction to Geometric Topology - Martelli
- Hyperbolic Knot Theory - Purcell
- Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology - Hitchman
- Geometry and topology of three-manifolds - Thurston
- The Shape of Space, 3rd Ed. - Jeffrey R. Weeks
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