Introduction to Computing and Computer Applications  (CSC105)

Fall 2017

Dr. Gur Saran Adhar

Description: Description: Description: Course Website


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Text Book And Other Resources

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Requirements and Grading

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Exam Calendar

Description: Description: Description: C:\ADHAR\TEACHING\csc105\Sp13\OnWeb\Graphics\button.gif

Project Calendar

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Description: Description: Description: C:\ADHAR\TEACHING\csc105\Sp13\OnWeb\Graphics\button.gif

Useful Links


Online software product from Cengage/Course Technology

A MindTap access code from Cengage Learning which includes all course material and eBooks, available for purchase online at (ISBN: 9781305880023 LMS Integrated MindTap® Computing, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card for New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016: Introductory) or at the UNCW bookstore. Note:  If you purchased a code from the bookstore prior to 8/7/2017, you will need to exchange it for a new (less expensive!) one.  Students may create and use an account with a two-week grace period before needing to purchase the code.


 (Do not purchase a SAM code directly from the SAM website – it will NOT give access to UNCW’s required material.)


Microsoft Office 365/2016

Microsoft Office 365/2016 (The University provides this software to students free of charge. See for details.  You may also use any campus computer.)

Download for Microsoft Office for FREE from

Link to Blackboard Account to Blackboard provided by UNCW

Information on accessing Blackboard


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