Instructor       Dr. Robert Smith                                                             Office Phone: 962-4076

Office:            Education Building, 376                                                   Home Phone:  256-1860

Website: http://people.uncw.edu/smithrw/                                              Email: smithrw@uncw.edu       


UNCW practices a zero-tolerance policy for violence and harassment of any kind.  For emergencies contact UNCW CARE at 962-2273, Campus Police at 962-3184, or Wilmington Police at 911.  For University or community resources visit http://uncw.edu/wrc/crisis.htm.



The course supports students’ professional growth and reflection throughout the internship. The main focus of the course is on planning, developing effective teaching strategies and assessing the impact of instruction on student learning.  The course is aligned with the WSE conceptual framework in emphasizing the development of highly competent professionals to serve in educational leadership roles.


                                                         COURSE OBJECTIVES

1.    Students will demonstrate knowledge and expertise in a variety of instructional strategies. 


3.         Students will prepare a two week plan to be implemented during internship, taking into account the prescribed curricula, class assignments and student needs.


4.         Students will investigate the effects of instructional decisions on 9-12 student learning.


5.         Students will document their performance in relation to INTASC, NCSS professional standards and NC Advanced Technology competencies.


                                                     COURSE REQUIREMENTS:

·        Attendance is required. The final grade can be reduced by one letter grade for each two unexcused absences.

·        Participate in class activities.

·        Complete all assignments as detailed in the requirements section.





Design a two week unit that you will implement at the start of your internship. Planning helps draw out connections between topics, ensures that you have a sense of where the course is going, and enables you to plan ahead for resources (speakers, videos, duplicating). Student assignments can be scheduled more evenly which is particularly important if students are required to complete assignments (e.g. projects) involving significant preparation. Similarly, planning helps you think about how and when you will utilize different instructional strategies. As with any plan, however, you will likely have to make changes.


It is essential that you discuss the assignment with your partnership teacher. You need to obtain written feedback from your partnership teacher and your teacher needs to sign off on the plan. 


Create your unit plan on TaskStream. The template is listed as SS 2 Week Unit Plan.

To access the template, log onto TaskStream, and click on Web Folio Builder.

Give your Unit Plan a name (eg. Smith 2 Week Plan), then select SS 2 Week Unit Plan. Select style for your unit plan.

Provide a one page overview for your unit including the main objectives/outcomes. Describe how you will connect this unit to the previous topics that have been taught. Use the six point lesson plan and modify as needed.


A draft copy of the plan is to be submitted Jan. 19 with the partnership teacher's written comments included.  Final version due Jan. 24 (50 points).



Select an example of student work that you found significant.  This may be work that demonstrated a high level of achievement or conversely, one that did not meet your expectations for the assignment. Analyze the work including a written statement addressing the following areas:

·       Why you selected this particular work.

·       Whether the example selected is above average, below average compared to the performance of other students in the class.

·       The factors (e.g. quality of instruction, student motivation) you see as contributing to students’ performance on this assignment.

·       If you were to use this assignment again, would you make any changes to the assignment or to your instruction. (20 points).

Be prepared to discuss your analysis with the class.




During the weeks of March 19 and March 26, spend one day at a different school observing another social studies intern’s classroom. Consult  with your partnership teacher, and notify your university supervisor, to select a day that will be least disruptive to your teaching e.g. on a day when you would be testing students. Use the attached Observation form to complete a peer evaluation of one lesson. Turn in a copy of the evaluation (10 points).


4.  Intern Portfolio Due May 1

Students will complete an electronic portfolio that demonstrates competency in relation to the NC Advanced Technology competencies and remaining 5 INTASC and 5 NCSS standards. The portfolio will be submitted electronically using TaskStream (60 points)


Format – the format is also repeated on TaskStream under the template Secondary Education Licensure Portfolio Spring 07. (Remember you have to first give your portfolio a name, choose a style and then select  the template Secondary Education Licensure Portfolio Spring 07). (If needed, more detailed instructions on setting this up in TaskStream)


Include a letter to the reader (two pages maximum). The letter should include:

1.      discuss the professional goals you had when you entered the program and the extent to which they were achieved

2.      explain how the degree program has helped you meet the INTASC Standards (and National Content Standards, if required by instructor)

3.      explain how the degree program helped you meet NC technology competencies

4.      summarize your understanding of the implications that professional standards have on your teaching practice.


Categories of Evidence for meeting INTASC standards and Technology Competencies (and National Content Standards, if required)

In developing your portfolio, choose evidence that best represents your work in your program of study. The portfolio should include 6 artifacts. Ideally, one artifact can be used to demonstrate proficiency in relation to one INTASC standard, one Content Standard and one Technology Standard. Where this is not possible, more than six artifacts will need to be included. Each standard must be addressed by at least one artifact.

Format for INTASC and Content Standards:
Reflection: For each standard, write a reflection of a minimum of half page in length, explaining to the reader how the evidence demonstrates competency in relation to the specific standard. (If the evidence meets two standards, the reflection should be approx. one page in length.)


Format for Technology Standards:
Description: Describe the evidence and the connection to the standard - a reflection is not needed.

There are 6 NC Educational Technology Standards. For Standards 1&5, submission of an electronic portfolio plus prior coursework is accepted as evidence that these 2 standards have been met. (See more detailed statement below).
Interns only have to submit evidence for Technology standards 2, 3, 4 and 6.

The successful development of an electronic portfolio using TaskStream meets the following NETS standards:

1) b Technology Operations and Concepts: demonstrate continual growth in technology

5) a-d Productivity and Professional Practice: Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice


Successful completion of EDN 303: Instructional Technology meets the following standard:
1) a Technology Operations and Concepts: Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts.
(Specific skills met in EDN 303 include: Computer Operation Skills, Setup, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, Word Processing/Intro to Desktop Publishing, Spreadsheet/Graphing, Database, Networking, Telecommunications, Media Communications, Multimedia Communications)


Evaluation of the portfolio. The intern’s partnership teacher and university supervisor review the portfolio to ensure that the Advanced Technology Competencies have been met. Both have to sign to verify that the intern has demonstrated mastery.



5.  INQUIRY PROJECT Due  April 16

Good teachers are frequently engaged in thinking about their practice and trying out new strategies to see what works. (The opposite of this is where a person’s teaching is based on habit or tradition - “this is the way it’s always been done.”) This process of experimentation may be difficult for an outsider to observe and few teachers would probably ever see themselves as engaged in “research.” However, effective teaching requires that teachers reflect on their teaching and seek to find out answers as to what works and what does not.


·   You are to conduct a small-scale inquiry project related to the improvement of your instruction.

·   You are to examine the effects of instruction on student learning.


In consultation with your partnership teacher, identify an issue or question related to your teaching.  In many cases it may be beneficial to select a question that directly relates to an area of instruction that needs improvement (e.g. if the target area for improvement of teaching is “to improve lesson closure,” then the inquiry project could be an investigation of the effects of different approaches to closure on student performance. Other examples of questions include: the advantages or disadvantages of using student selected groups vs. teacher selected groups, analysis of specific strategies for working with unmotivated learners, the value of different note-taking strategies etc.  Given the range of instructional decisions that teachers are engaged in, interns need to select different questions to investigate. Hence I need to approve all questions.


Examples of inquiry projects


Time frame:

·        Question, and Implementation plan, Form 1& 2, due March 12

·        Final project due April 16


A) Identify and describe your question

B) Describe your implementation plan

C) Present findings

D) Discussion of findings, including 2 references on your topic

E) Conclusion  (50 points).



Students will use TaskStream to submit the 2 Week Plan, the Portfolio and to post lesson plans for their university supervisor to view prior to an observation.





Due Date

Two Week Plan with teacher comments                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        50




1/19 -Teacher Comments


1/24 - Final

Videotape of Teaching


Sign Up date

Peer Evaluation



Inquiry Project


3/12 – Form 1&2

4/16 – Final product








Grades for EDN 408 will be assigned as follows:

A = 180-172

A- = 171-163


B+ = 162-158

B =  157- 152

B- = 151-147

C+ = 146-142

C = 141-136

C- = 135-133

D = 132-127

Below 126 F



New Teacher Resources:

American Federation of Teachers: http://www.t-source.org/




 (Due –March 12)




DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: (General statement of why the issue is of importance or of interest)











PROBLEM STATEMENT: (Statement of the specific issue to be investigated)









OBSERVABLE BEHAVIORS: (What information do you need to be able to know whether or not it works? Be as specific as you can about the data you will collect.  This needs to be student outcome related.)










It is possible to change topics but you need to get approval for any changes from your partnership teacher as well as your EDN 408 instructor or university supervisor.

The intern has discussed with me their topic for the classroom inquiry project.


Partnership Teacher Signature: ____________________________




(Due March 12)









QUESTIONS: (List the key questions related to investigation of your problem)








INFORMATION REQUIRED:  (How will I know it works?)








SOURCES OF INFORMATION : (Resources/People to contact for help)








METHODS FOR COLLECTING INFORMATION: (E.g., interviewing a teacher, students’ test scores)