5 Number Code-Series ACE Doubles

The five numeral series ACE doubles does not follow a number-logical
format. The five number code started in January 1969. Using this system,
ACE first divided 99999 among the twenty-six letters of the alphabet (with
some letters such as "b" obviously receiving a larger range of numbers
than other letters such as "q"). By this system, "A" runs from 00000 to at
least 03800, "B" to 08900, "C" to 12400 and so on. The number ACE assigns
any title is determined by the first word in the title (ignoring the
common articles, "a", "an" and "the"). For example, if the first word is
EMPIRE (as in Empire Star), the assigned number 20571 comes from
the "E" range.
With an ACE SF Double, the assigned number is given only to one of the
stories. The January 1969 ACE SF double, The Fall of the Dream Machine
and The Star Venturers, is 22600. This number falls in the "F"
section of the numbering scheme and the code refers to the "Fall " story.
The next double published is The Rim Gods and The High Hex
and is 72400, in the "R" section of the numbering scheme. In particular,
it is important to know about this system. This numbering scheme allowed
ACE to keep track of the number of printings for any story. This
information is found in the last digit. Generally, first printings were
given the digit zero (0) or five (5). However, this was not always
followed. For example, when The Rim Gods was reprinted in 1978,
its number was 72401, indicating a second printing.
To paraphrase Mack Reynolds "Like they say at the gladiatorial combats,
you need a program to find out who is killing whom!"
KENNETH BULMER The Star Venturers (cover by John
Schoenherr) and 22600b
DEAN R. KOONTZ Fall of the Dream Machine (cover by Jack
Gaughan; January 1969)
The Star Venturers and the Fall of the Dream Machine
are 1st ACE printing. Fall of the Dream Machine has an
"Author's Foreword" in place of the usual inside blurb page.
72400 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Rim Gods (cover by John Schoenherr)
and 72400b
LAURENCE M. JANIFER and S. J. TREIBICH The High Hex (cover by
Kelly Freas; February 1969)
30300 FRITZ
LEIBER The Green Millennium (cover by John Schoenherr;
listed as "complete & unabridged")
and 30300b
FRITZ LEIBER Night Monsters (cover by Jack Gaughan; March
Night Monster is a collection of short stories from
Fantastic that includes I'm Looking for Jeff, The
Casket-Demon, Midnight in the Mirror World, and The
Black Gondolier.
37250 JOHN
M. RACKHAM (aka JOHN T. PHILLIFENT) Ipomoea (cover by
Kelly Freas) and 37250b
MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Brass Dragon (cover by Jack
Gaughan; April 1969)
JOHN T. PHILLIFENT wrote SF from the mid-1950's to the early 1970's,
and died in 1976. Most of his work was published under the pen-name
"JOHN RACKHAM." He claimed to reserve his best work for publication
under his own name, some of those starting to appear in the mid 1960's
in Analog (formerly Astounding), and a half-dozen books under his name
in the 1970's (including 2 Ace Doubles.) Phillifent followed the
inventor of the Ace Double (Donald A. Wollheim) to the new company he
formed in 1972 when he left Ace Books.
cover art by Kelly Freas for Ipomoea. Acrylic on board,
14.5" x 10.5" and initialed
(Freas 'bug') in lower left.
23140 DEAN
R. KOONTZ Fear That Man (cover by Jack Gaughan) and 23140b
E. C. TUBB Toyman (cover by Kelly Freas; May 1969)
77710 MACK
(cover by Kelly Freas) and 77710b
ROBERT LORY The Eyes of Bolsk (cover and frontispiece
illustration by Jack Gaughan; June 1969)
81680 JOHN
JAKES Tonight We Steal the Stars (cover by Kelly Freas and
interior illustration by Jack Gaughan) and 81680b
LAURENCE M. JANIFER and S. J. TREIBICH The Wagered World (cover
and interior illustration by Jack Gaughan; July 1969)
Tonight, We Steal The Stars is part of a loose trilogy that
includes When Star Kings Die and The Planet Wizard.
The Wagered World is a sequel to Target: Terra and The
High Hex. It is the last of the Angelo di Stefano series.
12140 BRIAN
M. STABLEFORD Cradle of the Sea (cover by Jack Gaughan) and
KENNETH BULMER The Wizards of Senchuria (cover by Kelly
Freas; August 1969)
42800 E. C.
TUBB Kalin (cover by John Schoenherr) and 42800b
ALEX DAIN The Bane of Kanthos (cover by Gray Morrow;
September 1969)
23775 K. M.
O'DONNELL Final War and Other Fantasies (cover by Panos
Koutroubousis) and 23775b
JOHN RACKHAM (aka JOHN T. PHILLIFENT) Treasure of Tau Ceti
(cover by Kelly Freas and frontispiece by Gray Morrow;
October 1969)
K. M. O'DONNELL is a pseudonym for BARRY N. MALZBERG and this
collection contains eleven stories.
GEORGE H. SMITH Kar Kaballa (cover by John Schoenherr) and
42900b LIN
CARTER Tower of the Medusa (cover by Jeff Jones; November
cover art by Jeff Jones for Tower of the Medusa. Acrylic
on board (17" x 26").
66160 WALT
and LEIGH RICHMOND Phoenix Ship (cover by Jack Gaughan) and
66160b NICK
KAMIN (aka ROBERT J. ANTONICK) Earthrim (cover by
Panos Koutroubousis; December 1969)
MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Winds of Darkover (cover by Kelly
Freas) and 89250b
JOHN RACKHAM (aka JOHN T. PHILLIFENT) The Anything Tree (cover
by John Schoenherr; January 1970)
The Winds of Darkover was later published as ACE single
89251 (nd), 89252 (1979) and 89261-2 (1986).
06707 BRIAN
M. STABLEFORD The Blind Worm (cover and frontispiece
illustration by Jack Gaughan) and and 06707b
EMIL PETAJA Seed of the Dreamers (cover by Gray Morrow;
February 1970)
cover art by Gray Morrow (1934-2001) for Seed of the
Dreamers. Acrylic on board (22" x 17") and signed
lower center.
81610 DAVID
GRINNELL (aka DONALD A. WOLLHEIM) To Venus! To Venus! (cover
by John Schoenherr) and 81610b
E. C. TUBB The Jester at Scar (cover by Kelly Freas; March
27235 WALT
and LEIGH RICHMOND Gallagher's Glacier (cover by Kelly
Freas) and 27235b
WALT and LEIGH RICHMOND Positive Charge (photo cover; April 1970)
Positive Charge is a collection of eight short
stories by this husband-and-wife writing team. One was published in Galaxy,
all the rest in Analog. Contents:
M’lord Is The Shepherd, If the Sabot Fits, Cows Can’t
Eat Grass, Shorts Wing, Shortstack, Shortsite,
I, BEM, and Prologue To An Analogue.
Three of the stories feature Willy Short, inventor extraordinaire.
Gallaghers Glacier is expanded from a short story from Analog
in 1964.
24100 JOHN
RACKHAM (aka JOHN T. PHILLIFENT) Flower of Doradi (cover
by Kelly Freas) and 24100b
(cover by Jack Gaughan; May 1970)
KENNETH BULMER The Ships of Durostorm (cover by Jack
Gaughan) and 76096b
JEFF SUTTON (aka JEFFERSON SUTTON) Altons Unguessable (cover
by Kelly Freas; June 1970)
ROBERT LORY Masters of the Lamp (cover and frontispiece
illustration by Jack Gaughan) and 52180b
ROBERT LORY A Harvest of Hoodwinks (cover by Gray Morrow;
July 1970)
cover art by Gray Morrow (1934-2001) for A
Harvest of Hoodwinks. Acrylic on paper mounted on board
(5.5" x 8") and signed lower right.
A Harvest of Hoodwinks is a collection of short stories
including Appointment at Ten O'Clock, The Locator, The
Courteous of Ghoor, Debut, Futility is Zuck, Only
A God, The Fall of All-Father, Rolling Robert, Because
of Purple Elephants, The Star Party, Mar-ti-an,
and Snowbird and the Seven Warfs.
BARRINGTON J. BAYLEY The Star Virus (cover by Kelly Freas)
and 78400b
JOHN JAKES Mask of Chaos (cover by Jack Gaughan; August
PHILIP JOSE FARMER The Mad Goblin (cover by Gray Morrow)
and 51375b
PHILIP JOSE FARMER Lord of the Trees (cover by Gray Morrow;
September 1970)
This volume is the last illustrated by Gray Morrow. This pair of
stories was later reprinted as a two stories with a single ACE cover
(49252-5; May 1980).
SUZETTE HADEN ELGIN The Communipaths (cover by Josh Kirby)
and 11560b
LOUIS TRIMBLE The Noblest Experiment In the Galaxy (cover and
frontispiece by Jack Gaughan; October 1970)
The Noblest Experiment in the Galaxy by Louis Trimble is a
sequel to Anthropol (ACE Double H-59)
The Communipaths by Suzette Haden Elginis her first SF book
and the first of three books involving "Coyote Jones." This also
represents the first cover by Josh Kirby for ACE Doubles.
13793 DEAN
R. KOONTZ Dark of the Woods (cover by Jeff Jones) and 13793b
DEAN R. KOONTZ Soft Come the Dragons (cover by Jack
Gaughan; November 1970)
Soft Come the Dragons is a short story collection
containing A Darkness in My Soul, Soft Come the Dragons,
To Behold the Sun, The Psychedelic Children, The
Twelfth Bed, A Third Hand, A Season For Freedom,
and Dragon in the Land.
27400 NEAL
BARRETT, JR. The Gates of Time (cover by Josh Kirby) and K.
M. O'DONNELL Dwellers of the Deep (cover by Jack Gaughan;
December 1970)
58880 SAM
J. LUNDWALL No Time For Heroes (cover by Josh Kirby) and 58880b
SAM J. LUNDWALL Alice's World (cover by Josh Kirby; January
SAM J. LUNDWALL was a Swedish fan, critic, and writer. ACE
editor Donald Wollheim explains in his introduction to these stories
that after contracting for one book, Lundwall got the idea of treating
the situation in two very different ways - and the Ace Double format is
the perfect medium to present such different "takes." The situation of
these stories in common is planet fall on a long-abandoned world.
05595 JOHN
RACKHAM (aka JOHN T. PHILLIFENT) Beyond Capella (cover
by Kelly Freas; note this copy has been signed by Freas) and 05595b
KENNETH BULMER Electric Sword Swallowers (cover and
frontispiece illustration by Jack Gaughan; February 1971)
11182 RON
GOULART Clockwork Pirates (cover by Karel Thole) and 11182b
RON GOULART Ghost Breaker (cover by Karel Thole; March
Ghost Breaker is a short story collection containing The
Strawhouse Pavilion, Please Stand By, Uncle Arly,
McNamara's Fish, Kearny's Last Case, Breakaway
House, Fill in the Blank, The Ghost Patrol, and
Help Stamp Out Chensey.
If any AIL user has information on the artist Karel Thole,
please drop me an e-gram.
CLAUDIA and RHODA NUNES Recoil (cover by Kelly Freas) and 71082b
E. C. TUBB Lallia (cover and interior illustration by Ken
Barr; April 1971)
Lallia is the first ACE Double cover by Ken Barr.
13783 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Dark Dimensions (cover by Kelly Freas)
and A. BERTRAM CHANDLER Alternate Orbits (cover by Karel
Thole; May 1971)
Alternate Orbits is a short story collection containing Hall
of Fame, The Rub, The Sister Ships, and The
Man Who Sailed the Sky.
13805 JOHN
RACKHAM (aka JOHN T. PHILLIFENT) Dark Planet (cover by
Jack Gaughan) and 13805b
NICK KAMIN (aka ROBERT J. ANTONICK) The Herod Men (cover
by John Schoenherr, frontispiece by Jack Gaughan; June 1971)
77785 ERIC
FRANK RUSSELL The Space Willies (cover by Kelly Freas;
1958) and 77785b
ERIC FRANK RUSSELL Six Worlds Yonder (cover by Kelly Freas;
c. 1958; July 1971)
This volume is a reprint of ACE Double D-315 (1958).
Six Worlds Yonder is a short story collection containing Nothing
New, Diabologic, The Waitabits, Tieline,
Top Secret, and Into Your Tent I'll Creep.
68310 JOHN
GLASBY Project Jove (cover by Kelly Freas) and 68310b
KENNETH BULMER The Hunters of Jundagai (cover by Kelly
Freas; August 1971)
27415 K. M.
O'DONNELL Gather in the Hall of Planets (cover art by Jack
Gaughan) and K. M. O'DONNELL In the Pocket and Other S-F Stories (cover
art by Karel Thole; 1st ACE printing September 1971)
K. M. O'DONNELL is a pseudonym for BARRY N. MALZBERG. Gather in
the Hall of Planets is a novelized version of the remarkable
interplanetary events that took place at the World Science Fiction
Convention ,Worldcon 1974.
In The Pocket And Other S-F Stories is a collection of 15
science fiction short stories and an author's introduction.
- Author's Introduction
- In The Pocket
- Gehenna
- Ah, Fair Uranus
- Notes Just Prior To The Fall
- As Between Generations
- The Falcon And The Falconeer
- July 24, 1970
- Pacem Est
- The New Rappacini
- Bat
- A Question Of Slant
- What Time Was That?
- A Soulsong To The Sad, Silly, Soaring Sixties
- Addendum
- The Idea.
66525 MURRAY
LEINSTER (aka WILL F. JENKINS) Pirates of Zan (c. 1959)
and MURRAY LEINSTER The Mutant Weapon (cover by Dean Ellis;
c. 1959; October 1971)
This ACE Double is a reprint of the 1959 Ace Double (D-403; 1959),
with new cover art.
The Mutant Weapon is expanded from "Med Service" published in
Astounding in August 1957. This is the second of the
"Calhoun/Murgatroyd/Med Service" series, reprinted in several story
collections and short novels.
The Pirates of Zan was serialized in Astounding from February
to April 1959 as "The Pirates of Ersatz."
75781 LEIGH
BRACKETT The Secret of Sinharat (cover by Enrich) and LEIGH
BRACKETT People of the Talisman (cover by Enrich; November
A reprint of ACE Double M-101 (1964)
LEIGH DOUGLAS BRACKETT (b. 1915; d. 1978) was one of the earliest
of the women science fiction (and fantasy) writers. Her first
published science fiction story, Martian Quest, appeared in
Astounding in 1940. She was a prolific writer in the
genres of science fiction (her most recognized story is
probably The Long Tomorrow, c. 1955), mystery,
and western as well as television and movie scripts ("The Big Sleep" -
1946 and "Rio Bravo" -1958).
77525 JACK
VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) Son of the Tree (cover
by Josh Kirby) and 77525b
JACK VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) The Houses of Iszm (cover
by Dean Ellis; December 1971)
33710 NEIL
BARRETT, JR. Highwood (cover by Enrich) and 33710b
BARRINGTON J. BAYLEY Annihilation Factor (cover by Lloyd;
January 1972) spine
MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Door Through Space and 15890b
A. BERTRAM CHANDLER Rendezvous on A Lost World (February 1972)
79975 E. C.
TUBB Technos (cover by Harry Borgman) and 79975b
E. C. TUBB A Scatter of Stardust (cover by Karel Thole;
March 1972)
A Scatter of Stardust is a collection of short
stories which appeared in New Worlds, Science Fantasy, and Infinity
between 1957 and 1960. Contains The Bells of Acheron,
Anne, Return Visit, The
Shrine, Survival Demands, Little
Girl Lost, The Eyes of Silence, and Enchanter's
Original cover
art by Harry Borgman for Technos. Acrylic on board (27 1/2”
x 18”), signed
lower left.
16640 JACK
VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) The Dragon Masters (cover
by Josh Kirby) and 16640b
(cover by Lloyd; April 1972)
The Dragon Masters first appeared in Galaxy in August 1962,
and won the Hugo award for "best short fiction" in 1963. The
Five Gold Bands originally appeared in Startling Stories in
November 1950. The first book appearance was titled The Space Pirate
(Toby Press, 1953.).
00990 SUSAN
K. PUTNEY Against Arcturus and 00990b
DEAN R. KOONTZ Time Thieves (cover
by David Plourde; May 1972)
37062 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Inheritors and 37062b
A. BERTRAM CHANDLER The Gateway to Never (June 1972)
10293 JOHN
RACKHAM (aka JOHN T. PHILLIFENT) Earthstrings and 10293b
KENNETH BULMER The Chariots of Ra (cover by Kelly Freas;
July 1972)
06612 MACK
REYNOLDS (aka DALLAS McCORD REYNOLDS) Blackman's Burden and
06612b MACK
REYNOLDS Border, Breed Nor Birth (August 1972)
PHILIP K. DICK Dr. Futurity (cover by Harry Borgman; c.
1960) and 15697b
PHILIP K. DICK The Unteleported Man (cover by Harry
Borgman; c. 1966; September 1972)
For this volume, ACE reprinted Dr. Futurity from ACE D-421
(1960) and The Unteleported Man from ACE G-602 (1966).
Original cover art
by Harry Borgman (b. 1928) for The Unteleported Man. Mixed
media, 22" x 16," signed above left shoulder.
31755 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Hard Way Up (cover by Kelly Freas) and
ROBERT LORY The Veiled World (October 1972)
The Hard Way Up is a short story collection containing The
Wandering Buoy, The Subtracters, The Tin Messiah,
The Sleeping Beauty, What You Know, The Mountain
Movers, and With Good Intentions.
A. BERTRAM CHANDLER Coils of Time (cover by Rucker; c.
1964) and 11451b
A. BERTRAM CHANDLER Into The Alternate Universe (cover by
Dean Ellis; c. 1964; November 1972)
For this volume, ACE reprinted ACE Double M-107 (1964) with new
cover art.
22576 MARION
ZIMMER BRADLEY Falcons of Narabedla (c. 1964) and MARION ZIMMER
BRADLEY The Dark Intruder & Other Stories (cover by
Kelly Freas;c. 1964; December 1972)
For this volume, ACE reprinted ACE Double F-273 (1964).
LESTER Del REY The Sky is Falling and 76960b
LESTER Del REY Badge of Infamy (January 1973)
11650 MACK
REYNOLDS Code Duello (February 1973)
EDMOND HAMILTON A Yank at Valhalla and 93900b
ROSS ROCKLYNNE The Sun Destroyers (March 1973)
16641 JACK
VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) The Dragon Masters (same
cover as the 1972 printing) and 16641b
JACK VANCE The Last Castle (April 1973)
The Dragon Masters first appeared in Galaxy in August 1962,
and won the Hugo award for "best short fiction" in 1963. The
Five Gold Bands originally appeared in Startling Stories in
November 1950. The first book appearance was titled The Space Pirate
(Toby Press, 1953.).
53415 DORIS
PISERCHIA Mister Justice (cover by Kelly Freas; 1st ACE
printing) and 53415b
JOHN T. PHILLIFENT Hierarchies (cover by Kelly Freas; May
1973; 1st ACE printing)
Mister Justice is Doris Piserchia's first novel. (later
reprinted in hardcover in Britain.) She produced just over a dozen SF
novels in the 1970's and early 1980's, several of them under the
pseudonym "Curt Selby." Hierarchies by John T. Phillifent
was serialized in Analog during October and November 1971 and feature
Interstellar Security agents Sixx & Lowry. The other story with
these characters is Genus Unlimited (which appeared in book form
in 1972).
WILLIAM F. TEMPLE The Three Suns of Amara (cover by Kelly
Freas) and 76380b
WILLIAM F. TEMPLE Battle on Venus (cover by Mary Bryman?;
2nd ACE printing June 1973)
The Three Suns of Amara was originally published as ACE
Double F-129 (1962) bound with The Automated Goliath by
William F. Temple.
89301 E. C.
TUBB The Winds of Gath (cover by
Charles Lily; c.1967; 1973) and E. C. TUBB Derai (cover by
Jeff Jones; c. 1968; July 1973)
Derai is the last Jeff Jones cover for ACE Doubles. This is
the same cover art as for 1968 ACE H-77 cover but has a reduced size
and changes in typeface and the addition of "A Dumarest Novel."
The Winds of Gath was originally published ACE H-27 (1967)
bound with Juanita Coulson's Crisis on Chieron. Derai
was originally published in ACE Double H-77 (1968) bound with Juanita
Coulson's The Singing Stones.
48245 JOHN
T. PHILLIFENT Life With Lancelot (cover by Valigursky; 1st
thus) and WILLIAM BARTON Hunting on Kunderer (cover by
Borgman; 1st ACE printing August 1973)
Life With Lancelot is the last Ed Valigursky ACE Double
cover. This volume is an expansion of "The Stainless-Steel Knight"
by John Rackham (Phillifent's pseudonym) for Worlds of If (July
66995 MACK
(c. 1967) and MACK REYNOLDS Planetary Agent X (cover
by E. L. Kuam; c. 1965; June 1974)
The Rival Rigelians is a reprint of ACE G-632 (1967) while
Planetary Agent X is a reprint of ACE M-131 (1965).
14250 MACK
(c. 1974; and MACK REYNOLDS Dawnman Planet (c. 1966; October 1974)
Note: this is a single
cover ACE double. Corick (1991) has an August 1974 publication date
for this volume. My copy has October 1974. Would an AIL user (or
users check their volume - if convenient - and let me know what
publication date is listed).
Ballad of Beta-2 (c. 1965) and SAMUEL R. DELANY Empire Star
(cover by Davis Meltzer; c. 1966; October 1975)
(back cover)
This is a single cover ACE double. The
Ballad of Beta-2 is a reprint of ACE M-121 (1965) and Empire
Star is a reprint of M-139 (1966).
24035 MACK
and MACK REYNOLDS Mercenary from Tomorrow (November 1975)
Note: this
is a single cover ACE double
ACE printed a lot of the popular (well, to some people -
I never could quite get interested) PERRY RHODAN novels. It just seems
that 1974 was a poor year for authors and title construction. Note that
these are single cover designs with two stories.
Abbreviations used below (PR109 = Perry Rhodan #109)
66093 CLARK
DARLTON (aka WALTER ERNSTING) The Stolen Spacefleet
(PR109) and KURT MAHR Sgt. Robot (PR110)
WILLIAM VOLTZ Seeds of Ruin (PR111) and K. H. SCHEER Planet
Mechanica (PR112)
CLARK DARLTON (aka WALTER ERNSTING) Heritage of the Lizard
People (PR113) and KURT MAHR Death's Demand (PR114)
KURT BRAND Saboteurs in A-1 (PR115) and WILLIAM VOLTZ The
Psycho Duel (PR116)
66097-5 K.
H. SCHEER Savior of the Empire (PR117) and CLARK DARLTON (aka
WALTER ERNSTING) The Shadows Attack (PR118)
66098-3 W.
W. SHOLS The Wasp Men Attack (PR-none given) and ERNEST VLCEK Atlan
#1: Spider Desert (listed as a "Special Release" volume)
KURT MAHR Menace of Atomigeddon (PR-none given) and CLARK DARLTON
(aka WALTER ERNSTING) Atland #2: Flight from Tarkihl
(listed as a Special Release volume)
66121-1 W.
W. SHOLS Robot Threat: New York (PR-none given) and HANS KNEIFEL Atlan
#3: Pale Country Pursuit (listed as a Special Release volume)
66128-9 K.
H. SCHEER Atlan #4: The Crystal Prince (PR-none given) and CLARK
DARLTON (aka WALTER ERNSTING) Atlan #5: War of the Ghosts
(cover by Wilson)
For more Perry Rhodan images - published as ACE
singles - as well as information on this series - please go to this link.
Following the lead (really?) of the Perry Rhodan stories, the remainder
of the five-digit numerical series does away with the
tête-bêche style and has only one cover where both stories
are titled. This format was followed by the G-series ACE double mysteries.
It appears that it was a cost-saving technique, where a single author
would be featured and two of the more popular stories were reprinted.
73100-7 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Road to the Rim (c. 1962) and The Hard
Way Up (c. 1972; April 1978)
Book 1 of the Commodore John Grimes series.
37063-2 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Inheritors and The Gateway to Never (cover
by Paul Alexander; June 1978)
Book 2 of the Commodore John Grimes series.
72401-9 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Dark Dimension and The Rim Gods (cover
by Rowena Morrill; c. 1971; this ACE edition August 1978)
Book 3 of the Commodore John Grimes series.
37108-6 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER Into the Alternate Universe and Contraband
From Otherspace (cover by Rowena Morrill)
Book 4 of the Commodore John Grimes series. Note the "ACE Double "
notation on the upper left - different from the other volumes.
AVRAM DAVIDSON The Kar-Chee Reign and Rogue Dragon (cover
by Olivia; c. 1965, 1966, March 1979; 1st thus)
The Kar-Chee Reign was originally published as ACE
Double G-574 (1966) bound with Ursula K. LeGuin's Rocannon's
24890-X H.
BEAM PIPER Four-Day Planet and Lone Star Planet (cover
by Michael Whelan; c.1961; April 1979; 1st ACE printing)
Note that although the cover title indicates only H. Beam Piper, Lone
Star Planet was a collaboration with JOHN J. McGUIRE.
An ACE Double in a single cover and in this form is a 1st thus.
11555-1 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Commodore at Sea and Spartan Planet (cover
by Paul Alexander; c.1971; 1st ACE printing June 1979)
Book 5 of the Commodore John Grimes series.
11705-8 ROBERT
SILVERBERG Conquerors From the Darkness and Master of Life and
Death (c.1957; 1965; this edition
July 1979)
An ACE Double in a single cover and in this form is a 1st thus.
Master of Life and Death was originally published in ACE
Double D-237 (1957) bound with James White's The Secret Visitors.
72402-7 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Rim of Space and The Ship From Outside
(cover by Attila Hejja; November 1979)
ROBERT SHECKLEY The Status Civilization and Notions: Unlimited
(c. 1960, November 1979)
Notions: Unlimited contains the stories
Dawn Invader , Holdout , Feeding
Time, The Leech, Watchbird,
The Native Problem, The
Language of Love, A Wind is Rising, Double
Indemnity, Gray Flannel Armor, Morning
After, and Paradise II
73101-5 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Road to the Rim and The Hard Way Up (cover
by Ken Barr; same as ACE 73100)
BRADLEY The Planet Savers and The Sword of Aldones (cover
by Michael Whelan; same cover for ACE 67020 - a single with
only "The Planet Savers")
"A Darkover Retrospective" listed as "never-before-published."
However, part of this essay appeared in the fanzine FANTASIAE in 1980.
Note: I have a copy 67025-3 by MARION
ZIMMER BRADLEY that is not in any database I have seen. If you have a
copy of this double, let me know. I have placed the image for 67025-3 in
the ACE SF Singles pages as well as further down with the various other
copies of this Bradley double.
37130-2 ROBERT
SILVERBERG Invaders From Earth (c.1958) and To Worlds Beyond
(cover by Chris Foss; April 1980; 1st ACE printing)
Invaders From Earth was originally published in 1958 in ACE
Double D-286 bound with Across Time by David Grinnell (aka
Donald A. Wollheim).
To Worlds Beyond contains the short stories: Mind
Business, Certainty, Double Dare,
The Old Man, The Overlord's Thumb,
Ozymadias, Catch 'Em All Alive, New
Men For Mars, and Misfit
PHILIP JOSE FARMER Lord of the Trees and The Mad Goblin
(May 1970)
GORDON R. DICKSON Alien Art and Arcturus Landing (cover
by David Plourde; 1981)
This is an example of an ACE Double in a single cover.
Alien Art was originally published in paperback as ACE
01684-7 (April 1978) and in hardback in 1973.
Arcturus Landing is an expansion of the story Alien
From Arcturus.
ANDRE NORTON Stars Hunter & Voodoo Planet (cover
by Jeff Jones; 1981; 1st thus)
An ACE Double with a single cover. Star
Hunter was originally published as ACE Double D-509 (1961;
bound with The Beast Master under Andre Norton byline). Voodoo
Planet was originally published as ACE Double D-345 (1959;
bound with Plague Ship under the Andrew North pseudonym).
cover art by Jeff Jones, signed in the lower right (J.
Jones). Acrylic on board (30" x 20") Interestingly, the verso
has the title for the piece, but gives the ACE Letter-Number as
Jeff Jones (aka Jeffrey Catherine Jones; b. 10
January 1944; Atlanta, GA; d. 2012) was a prolific science fiction
and fantasy illustrator whose work is best known from the 1960's
through the 1980's.
GORDON R. DICKSON Time to Teleport and Delusion World (cover
by Steve Hickman; July 1981; 1st ACE printing)
Time to Teleport was originally published in ACE Double
D-449 (1960) bound with The Genetic General.
Delusion World was originally published in ACE Double F-119
(1961) bound with Spatial Delivery.
ROBERT SHECKLEY The People Trap plus Mindswap
(August 1981; 1st ACE printing)
The People Trap contains the short stories: Restricted
Area, The People Trap, Proof of the
Pudding, Diplomatic Immunity, Ghost
V, The Laxian Key, The Necessary
Thing, The Victim From Space, Shall
We Have A Little Talk?, The Last Weapon,
The Odor of Thought, Fishing Season, and
Redfern's Labyrinth
73102-3 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Road to the Rim and The Hard Way Up (cover
by Ken Barr; same as ACE 73100; c. 1967 and 1972; 1981)
The Road to the Rim was originally published as ACE Double
H-29 (1967) bound with The Lost Millennium by Walt and Leigh
The Hard Way Up was originally published as ACE Double 31755
(1972) bound with The Veiled World by Robert Lory.
37064-0 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Inheritors and The Gateway to Never (cover
by Paul Alexander; same as ACE 37063)
72403-5 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Dark Dimensions and The Rim Gods (cover
art by Rowena Morrill; c.1971 and 1969, ACE printing August 1978)
The Dark Dimensions was originally published in ACE Double
13783 (1971) bound with Alternate Orbits.
The Rim Gods was originally published as ACE Double 72400
(1969) bound with The High Hex by Laurence M. Janifer and S.
J. Treibich.
37109-4 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER Into the Alternate Universe and Contraband
From Otherspace (cover by Rowena Morrill; same as
ACE 37108-6; c.1964; August 1981)
11556-X A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Commodore at Sea and Spartan Planet (same
cover as ACE 11555-1)
Same comment as for 72403-5 - the cover
attribution by Corrick has Morrill, but an image of the cover on page
73 of Corrick (1991) has the attribution to Paul Alexander.
72404-3 A.
BERTRAM CHANDLER The Rim of Space and The Ship From Outside
(cover by Attila Hejja; same as ACE 72402-7;
September 1981)
86495-3 L.
SPRAGUE deCAMP The Virgin of
Zesh and The Tower of
Zanid (January 1982)
The Adventures of Dennis Dorgan
The Iron Man contains the stories Iron-Jaw,
The Iron Man, Men of Iron,
and They Always Come Back
24891-8 H.
BEAM PIPER Four-Day Planet and
Lone Star Planet (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1961; 1979;
May 1981)
24892-6 H.
BEAM PIPER Four-Day Planet and Lone Star Planet (cover
by Michael Whelan; c.1961; 1979; 1981; 1984)
Re-issue from ACE 24890-X, 2nd printing and 3rd printing
respectively. Note that although the cover title indicates
only H. Beam Piper, Lone Star Planet was a collaboration
Planet Savers and The
Sword of Aldones (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1962;
August 1982)
67025-3 MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Planet Savers and The Sword of Aldones
(cover by Michael Whelan; c.1962; 1982; nd)
MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Planet Savers and The Sword of
Aldones (cover by James Warhola ; c.1962; 1982;
August 1985)
67027-X MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Planet Savers and The Sword of Aldones
(cover by James Warhola ; c.1962; 1982; 1985; 1988)
Includes "A Darkover Retrospective"
listed as "never-before-published." However, part of this essay
appeared in the fanzine FANTASIAE in 1980.
The Planet Savers was originally published as ACE Double
F-153 (1962) bound with The Sword of Aldones. The Planet
Saver was also published as an ACE single 67020 (1976).
67027-X was released March 1988 and is the
last of the five numeral ACE Double SF series.

Last Update: 15 February 2021