70270-8 NICK CARTER (house pseudonym for DAVID HAGBERG) Race of Death (1978; 1st ACE printing - Charter imprint)
70290-2 ANNE MAYBURY (aka ANNE BUXTON) Radiance (c.1979; July 1980; 1st ACE printing; ACE Romance)
70290-2 (back cover)
70345-3 JACK RAMSAY (aka MATTHEW CHAPMAN and BRUCE ROBINSON) The Rage (1978; 1st ACE printing; ACE horror/mystery)
70345-3 (back cover)
70401-5 SUZANNE ROBERTS Rangeland Nurse (1967; 1972; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Nurse Romance Series)
70550 JANE BLACKMORE Ravenden (1977; ACE Gothic Mystery)
70566-9 FRANK KING Raya (ACE Charter edition; 1981)
70850-1 VICTOR BRIGGS Reap the Harvest (c.1976; nd; ACE historical fiction)
71094-8 P. N. ELROD Red Death (cover by Mark Garro; 1993; 2nd ACE printing; vampire genre)
71000 MANFRED VON RICHTHOFEN The Red Baron (1969; 1st ACE printing; nonfiction)
71001 MANFRED VON RICHTHOFEN The Red Baron (c.1968; nd; nonfiction)
71107 NELLE McFATHER The Red Jaguar (cover by Charles Copeland; July 1974; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
Affair (April 1979; listed as "First Time In Paperback;"
ACE Charter imprint)
71165-0 ZANE GREY The Reef Girl (c.1977; November 1978; 1st ACE printing; ACE Romance)
71181 JAN ROFFMAN (aka MARGARET SUMMERTON) The Reflection of Evil (original title: Death of a Fox (US title) or Winter of the Fox (UK title); c.1964; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
71182 JAN ROFFMAN (aka MARGARET SUMMERTON) The Reflection of Evil (original title: Death of a Fox (US title) or Winter of the Fox (UK title); c.1964; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
71194 WILLO DAVID ROBERTS The Nurses (c.1972; 1973; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Nurse Romance Series)
71220-7 MAX EHRLICH Reincarnation in Venice (1979)
71220-7 (back cover)
71225-8 VIRGINIA COFFMAN The Devil Beyond Moura (original title: The Vicar of Moura; c.1966; nd; 1st thus; ACE Gothic Novel)
71225-8 (back cover)
71228-2 NICK CARTER (house pseudonym for FRED HUBER) Reich Four (1979; 1st ACE printing - Charter imprint)
71235-5 HUGH MILLER The Rejuvenators (1979; 1st ACE printing; medical thriller)
71296-7 KATHLEEN A. SHOESMITH Reluctant Puritan (1972; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Interlude Romance)
71296-7 (back cover)
71300 GEORGETTE HEYER The Reluctant Widow (c.1946; 1966; nd; ACE Romance)
71300 (back cover)
71301-6 GEORGETTE HEYER The Reluctant Widow (c.1946; 1966; nd; ACE Romance)
71331 HELEN ARVONEN Remember With Tears (c.1968; 1972; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
71385 ELIZABETH RENIER The Renshawe Inheritance (May 1973; 1st ACE printing; ACE Regency Romance)
71816 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Return of the Mucker (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1976; probably 2nd ACE printing)
71834-5 NICK CARTER Revenge of the Generals (1st ACE printing - Charter imprint)
72180 HELEN ARVONEN Rickshaw Bend (1973; ACE Gothic Novel)
72280 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Rider (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1915; 1974; listed as "First Time in Paperback")
72281 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Rider (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1915; 1974; 1978; listed as "First Time in Paperback")
72380-2 NORMA DAVISON Rievaulx Abbey (May 1975; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
72647-X ANNE McCAFFREY Ring Of Fear (1977; 1st ACE printing; ACE Romance/Suspense)
72681-0 MARGARET SUMMERTON Ring Of Mischief (c.1965; nd; ACE Gothic Mystery)
72681-0 (back cover)
73200-3 MARY ELLEN MOORE The Robin Williams Scrapbook (1979; 1st ACE printing; photo cover; biography, film, and TV)
73325-5 D. E. STEVENSON Rochester's Wife (1968)
73460-8 JANE BLACKMORE The Room in the Tower (c.1972; 1973; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
73471 MONICA DICKENS The Room Upstairs (cover by Robert Maguire; c.1966; February 1974; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Gothic mystery)
73605-X JULIET DYMOKE The Plantagenets: The Royal Griffin (1978; 1st thus; historical fiction)
73705-6 ANNE WORBOYS Run, Sara, Run (c.1981; March 1982; 1st ACE printing; suspense)
74965-8 NICK CARTER (house pseudonym for JOSEPH GILMORE) San Juan Inferno: Killmaster #195 (1984; 1st ACE printing - Charter imprint)
75020 SHARON WAGNER Satan's Acres (cover by Victor Kalin; September 1974; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
75181 JEAN VICARY Saverstall (c.1967; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
75411 CAROLYN WILSON The Scent of Lilacs (c.1966; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
75418-X ROBERT HUGHES School Days (1982; 1st thus; horror/mystery)
75420 ARLENE HALE (aka MARY ARLENE HALE) School Nurse (c.1962; nd; 2nd ACE printing)
75434-1 FREDERIK POHL & FREDERIK POHL IV Science Fiction Studies in Film (c.1981; 1984; 2nd ACE printing; science fiction film and movies)
75434-1 (back cover)
75437-6 FREDERIK POHL & FREDERIK POHL IV Science Fiction Studies in Film (January 1981; 1st ACE printing; science fiction film and movies)
75455 ISAAC ASIMOV Science, Numbers, and I (c.1968; 1st ACE printing; non-fiction)
75456 ISAAC ASIMOV Science, Numbers, and I (c.1968; nd; non-fiction)
Listed as "Revised and Updated."Collection of articles written for the general public on topics ranging from prime numbers to the scientific method.
75490-2 SAMUEL EDWARDS The Scimitar (1979; historical novel)
75570-2 TOM FIGLOZZI Scrabblegrams: The Word Game With A Mind Of Its Own (cover and interior illustrations by Don Figlozzi; 1973; 1st ACE printing and PBO; crossword/puzzle book)
75708-8 SHEILA BISHOP The Second Husband (c.1964; nd; ACE Regency Romance)75709 SHEILA BISHOP The Second Husband (c.1964; ACE Star edition; ACE Regency Romance)
75721 ELISABETH KYLE The Second Mally Lee (original title: Malley Lee; c.1947; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
75750 SAX ROHMER The Secret of Holm Peel and Other Strange Stories (1970, 1st ACE printing)
75750 (back cover)
75791 FRANCINE DAVENPORT (aka VELMA TATE) The Secret of the Bayou (c.1967; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
75885-1 CARTER A. VAUGHAN The Seneca Hostage (wrap-around cover art; c.1969; 1980; historical fiction - American colonial history)
75951-4 RONA RANDALL (aka RONA SHAMBROOK) Seven Days From Midnight (c.1966; nd; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
75953 ELIOT ASINOF 7 Days To Sunday: Crisis Week With The New York Football Giants (1968; possible 1st ACE printing; sports)
75953 (back cover)
75954 CHARLES SOPKIN Seven Glorious Days, Seven Fun-Filled Nights (1968; 1st ACE printing; non-fiction)
75954 (back cover)
75958 BRAD STEIGER Sex and Satanism (1969; listed as "Published In The U.S. For The First Time"; occult/paranormal)
75963 DANIEL GORDON (ed.) Sex Games That People Play (c.1968; 1973; 2nd ACE printing; different photo cover)
75963 (back cover)
75970 DANIEL GORDON (ed.) sex games that people play (1968; listed as "First Time In Paperback"; photo cover)
75980 BARBARA LEWIS The Sexual Power of Marijuana (c.1970; 1st ACE printing; non-fiction)
75980 (back cover)
75986-6 HUGH B. CAVE Shades Of Evil (August 1982; 1st ACE Charter original; horror)
75986-6 (back cover)
75987 RUTH ABBEY The Shadow Between (c.1970; February 1974; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
75991 ANDRE NORTON Shadow Hawk (cover by Darrell K. Sweet; c.1965; 1971; historical fiction - ancient Egypt)
75995 POPPY NOTTINGHAM Shadow of a Cat (October 1974; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
76000 ANONYMOUS Sexy Crosswords #1 (front and back cover and interior vignettes by Bill Wenzel; 1974; 1st ACE printing and PBO; risque crossword puzzles)
76000 (back cover)
76018 FRANCES COWEN The Shadow of Polperro (c.1969; 1973; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
76018 (back cover)
76021 ANNE MAYBURY (aka ANNE BUXTON) Shadow of a Stranger (c.1960; 1966; August 1971; 3rd ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
76021 (back cover)
76022-3 ANNE MAYBURY (aka ANNE BUXTON) Shadow of a Stranger (c.1960; 1966; 1971; October 1972; 4th ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
76022-3 (back cover)
76024-4 ANNE MAYBURY (aka ANNE BUXTON) Shadow of a Stranger (c.1960; 1966; 1971; 1972; 1975; 5th ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
76050 FRANCIS COWEN Shadow of Theale (cover by Harry Barton; January 1974; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Mystery)
76071 DOROTHY EDEN (aka DOROTHY ENID EDEN) Shadow of a Witch (c.1962; nd; ACE Gothic Mystery)
76072 DOROTHY EDEN (aka DOROTHY ENID EDEN) Shadow of a Witch (c.1962; nd; ACE Gothic Mystery)
76073 DOROTHY EDEN (aka DOROTHY ENID EDEN) Shadow of a Witch (c.1962; nd; ACE Gothic Mystery)
76076-9 RONA RANDALL (aka RONA SHAMBROOK) Shadows on the Sand (c.1949; 1973; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
76076-9 (back cover)
76200 WILLO DAVIS ROBERTS Shroud of Fog (1970; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
76201 WILLO DAVIS ROBERTS Shroud of Fog (cover by R. Kursar; c.1970; nd; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
76232 THERESA CHARLES (aka IRENE MAUDE SWATRIDGE and CHARLES JOHN SWATRIDGE) The Shrouded Tower (alternate title: The Man For Me; c.1965; 1965; nd; ACE Gothic/Romance Novel)
The Shrouded Tower was originally published under the title of The Man For Me by Hale (hard cover) in UK in 1965. In ACE Books, it was originally published as ACE G-567 (1965).
76291 SUSAN HOWATCH The Shrouded Walls (c.1967; 1968; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
76293-X SUSAN HOWATCH The Shrouded Walls (wrap-around cover art; c.1967; 1973; 3rd ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
76340 DAVID BOYER The Sidelong Glances of A Pigeon Kicker (cover by Akex Gnidziejko; c.1968; 1st ACE printing)
76350 JOHN S. SIMON The Sign of the Fool: Memoirs From the Haight-Ashbury, 1965-68 (cover by Gene Szafran; 1971; 1st ACE printing and probably PBO; non-fiction)
76355-3 NICK CARTER The Sign of the Prayer Shawl (1976; 1st ACE printing - Charter imprint)
76371-5 JOAN AIKEN The Silence of Herondale (c.1967; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
76400 RACHEL COSGROVE PAYES The Silent Place (cover by George Gross; c.1969; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
76400 (back cover)
76401 RACHEL CROSGROVE PAYES The Silent Place (c.1969; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
76551-1 RONA RANDALL (aka RONA SHAMBROOK) The Silver Cord (nd; ACE Romance)
76631-1 MARGARET ERSKINE (aka MARGARET WETHERBY WILLIAMS) The Silver Ladies (c.1966; 1969; ACE Gothic Novel)
76740 ELIZABETH RENIER A Singing in the Woods (1966; 1st ACE printing; ACE Star edition; ACE Regency Romance)
76838 NICK CARTER (house pseudonym for DeWITT COPP) Six Bloody Summer Days (1975; 1st Charter printing and PBO; "Killmaster series")
76970 DOROTHY EDEN (aka DOROTHY ENID EDEN) Sleep In the Woods (c.1960; 1967; ACE Gothic/Historical Novel)
76971 DOROTHY EDEN (aka DOROTHY ENID EDEN) Sleep In the Woods (c.1960; 1967; nd; ACE Gothic/Historical Novel)
76972 DOROTHY EDEN (aka DOROTHY ENID EDEN) Sleep In the Woods (c.1960; 1967; nd; ACE Gothic/Historical Novel)
76995 MARILYN LYNCH The Sky Girls (original title: Secret Lives of the Sky Girls; 1974; 1st ACE printing)
77050 MARGARET ERSKINE (aka MARGARET WETHERBY WILLIAMS) Sleep No More (cover by Robert Maguire; c.1958; nd; ACE Star edition; ACE Gothic Mystery)
77051 MARGARET ERSKINE (aka MARGARET WETHERBY WILLIAMS) Sleep No More (cover by Robert Maguire; c.1958; nd; ACE Gothic Mystery)
77121 DOROTHY EDEN (aka DOROTHY ENID EDEN) The Sleeping Bride (c.1959; 1967; nd; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Gothic Mystery)
77121 (back cover)
77122 DOROTHY EDEN (aka DOROTHY ENID EDEN) The Sleeping Bride (c.1959; 1967; nd; ACE Gothic Mystery)
77123 DOROTHY EDEN (aka DOROTHY ENID EDEN) The Sleeping Bride (c.1959; 1967; nd; ACE Gothic Mystery)
77125-4 DOROTHY EDEN (aka DOROTHY ENID EDEN) The Sleeping Bride (c.1959; 1967; nd; ACE Gothic Mystery)
77233-1 NICK
CARTER The Society of Nine
(cover by George Gross; nd; 1st ACE Charter printing)
(back cover)
77250 DONALD KENNEDY So You Think You Know Movies (nd; 1st ACE printing; movie photo montage cover art; popular culture)
A book of trivia for movies and its stars.
77413-X NICK CARTER (house pseudonym for ROBERT E. VARDEMAN) The Solar Menace (August 1981; 1st ACE printing - Charter imprint)
77425 BETTY DeFORREST The Shows Of Yesterday (cover by Robert Maguire; nd)
77471 ANNE MAYBURY (aka ANNE BUXTON) Someone Waiting (c.1961; 1966, nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
77472-9 ANNE MAYBURY (aka ANNE BUXTON) Someone Waiting (c.1961; 1966, October 1972; 4th ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
77473-3 ANNE MAYBURY (aka ANNE BUXTON) Someone Waiting (c.1961; 1966, nd; 5th ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel - different cover art)
77473-3 (back cover)
77560 HELEN ARVONEN A Sorrow For Angels (cover by Harry Barton; 1973; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
77560 (back cover)
77601-9 MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY Souvenir of Monique (c.1967; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
77680-9 DONALD KENNEDY So You Think You Know TV (1971; 1st ACE printing and PBO; photo montage cover art; popular culture)
77744-9 G. HARRY STINE Space Power (cover by Vincent Di Fate; September 1981; 1st ACE printing; non-fiction - space utilization)
77755 ELIZABETH RENIER The Spanish Doll (1970; 1st ACE printing; ACE Star edition; ACE Georgian/Regency Romance)
77832 GEORGETTE HEYER Spring Muslin (c.1956; 1966; nd; ACE Romance)
Spring Muslin was originally published as ACE K-235 (1966) and reprinted as ACE H-101 (nd).
77841-0 D. E. STEVENSON Spring Magic (nd; ACE Regency Romance Novel)
77905 JANE BLACKMORE The Square of Many Colors (nd; probably 1st thus; ACE Gothic Novel)
77906-6 JANE BLACKMORE The Square of Many Colors (c.1948; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
77920-4 SYLVESTER STALLONE Sylvester Stallone's Offical Rocky Scrapbook (1977; 1st thus; Tempo Star edition; photo cover)
77920-4 (back cover)
79077-1 NICK CARTER (house pseudonym for GEORGE WARREN) Suicide Seat (1980; 1st ACE printing - Charter imprint)
78455 ISAAC ASIMOV The Stars In Their Courses (July 1975 1st ACE printing; non-fiction)
78456 ISAAC ASIMOV The Stars In Their Courses (1976; listed as "revised and updated," non-fiction)
Collection of articles written for the general public on topics ranging from origin of the universe to the orbital dynamics of the planets.
78477-1 GERRY TURNBULL (ed.) A Star Trek Catalog: The Complete Guide to the Fantastic World of Star Trek (1979; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
78500 WARREN SMITH Strange & Miraculous Cures (1969: listed as "First American Publication," occult/paranormal)
78551-9 ANNE MAYBURY (aka ANNE BUXTON) Stay Until Tomorrow (c.1961, 1973; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
78585-9 JERRY POURNELLE A Step Farther Out (1979; 1st ACE printing; non-fiction)
78587-3 JANE BLACKMORE Stephanie (nd; ACE Romance)
78659 GERALDINE KILLORAN The Stones Of Strendleigh (November 1974; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
78725 ELIZABETH TREHEARNE Storms at Midnight (1973; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
78730-4 JUSTINE SOMMERS So Wild, So Wonderful (1978; 1st ACE printing; ACE Romance)
78750 CYNTHIA ALCOTT Storm Over Windmere (1973; ACE Gothic Novel)
78800 WARREN SMITH Strange & Miraculous Cures (c.1969; nd; listed as "Published For The Frst Time In The United States"; occult/paranormal)
78800 (back cover)
78850 JOSEPHINE BELL Stranger On A Cliff (1970; 1st ACE printing and PBO; ACE Gothic Novel)
78861 JOHN MACKLIN Strange Destinies (c.1965; nd; photo art cover; occult/paranormal)
78901 BRAD STEIGER Strange Guests (c.1966; nd; listed as "First Time In Paperback"; occult/paranormal)
78902 BRAD STEIGER Strange Guests (c.1966; nd; occult/paranormal; different photo cover art)
78902 (back cover)
78927 E. J. KAHN Jr. The Stragglers (1972; 1st thus; non-fiction)
78935 R. DeWITT MILLER Stranger Than Life (original title: You Do Take It With You; c.1955; 1962; 1972; 2nd ACE printing; occult/paranormal)
78935 (back cover)
78950-1 WARREN SMITH Strange Powers of the Mind (c.1967; nd; occult/paranormal)
78961 BRANT HOUSE (ed.) Strange Powers of Unusual People (c.1963; June 1973; 2nd ACE printing; ACE occult/paranormal)
78961 (back cover)
78987-5 STEWART ROBB Strange Prophecies That Came True (c.1967; nd; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Star edition; occult/paranormal)
79001 BERNHARDT J. HURWOOD Strange Talents (c.1967; nd; occult/paranormal)
79065 MAURICE DRUON The Strangled Queen (nd; historical fiction)
79067 JIM MORRIS Strawberry Soldier (1972; 1st ACE printing; psychedelic 1960's)
79067 (back cover)
79073-9 NICK CARTER The Strontium Code (cover by George Gross; 1981; 1st ACE printing - Charter imprint)
79075-5 PARLEY J. COOPER The Studio (1975)
79077-1 NICK CARTER (house pseudonym for GEORGE WARREN) Suicide Seat (1980; 1st ACE printing - Charter imprint)
79081 HELEN ARVONEN The Summer of Evil (c.1965; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
79082-8 HELEN ARVONEN The Summer of Evil (c.1965; 1977; 2nd ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
79088-7 ANASTASIA CLEAVER Summerstorm (July 1979; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Mystery)
79100 SHIRLEY JACKSON The Sundial (c.1958; 1962; nd; ACE Gothic Novel)
79105-0 JEAN POND Surviving (1979; 1st ACE printing; autobiography)
79109 SHARON HEATH The Sunshine Nurse (1969; 1st ACE printing; ACE Nurse Romance Series)
79132-8 GRAHAM MASTERTON The Sweetman Curve (June 1979; 1st ACE printing; ACE suspense/thriller)
79133-6 GRAHAM MASTERTON The Sweetman Curve (c.1979; nd; 2nd ACE printing; ACE suspense/thriller)
79136 SHEILA BISHOP Sweet Nightingale (c.1966; ACE Regency Romance)
79350 GEORGETTE HEYER Sylvester, or the Wicked Uncle (c.1965; nd; ACE Romance)
79621-4 D. E. STEVENSON The Tall Stranger (1978; ACE Romance)
79810 MARIANNE RUUTH Tapestry Of Terror (February 1975; 1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)
79822-3 NICK CARTER Target Red Star: Killmaster #208 (nd; 1st ACE printing - Charter imprint)
79970 ISOBEL LAMBOT A Taste of Murder (1966;1st ACE printing; ACE Gothic Novel)