ACE SF 5 Digit Number-Series SF Singles
Five-digit number format: 90000-99999

URSULA K. LE GUIN A Wizard of Earthsea (cover by Leo and
Diane Dillon and interior drawings by Ruth Robbins; c.1968; 1970;
1st ACE printing)
This is one of the ACE Science Fiction Specials (1st.
Series). Includes the same map and chapter heading drawings as found
in the Parnassus Press hardcover edition.
URSULA K. LE GUIN A Wizard of Earthsea (cover
by Joseph
Lombardero; c.1968; December 1973; 2nd ACE printing)
This edition has interior art: four pages of maps and
10 small drawings, one for each chapter's title page. These are
credited to Ruth Robbins and are not original to the Ace editions,
having a copyright date of 1968 [Parnassus hardcover]. However, the
cover art is not attributed on this volume.
COLIN KAPP The Wizard of Anharitte (cover by Richard
Corben; February 1980; 1st ACE printing )
(back cover)
90190 EDGAR
RICE BURROUGHS The Wizard of Venus and Pirate Blood (cover
by Roy G. Krenkel, Jr.; August 1970; 1st ACE printing)
This is a combined edition of 2 stories by Edgar Rice
Burroughs - The Wizard of Venus and Pirate
Blood. Since it was marketed as an ACE single I have
placed it in this section.
illustration by one of the great masters of fantasy
illustration - Roy G. Krenkel, Jr. This is the final pencil drawing that
Roy created for the ACE paperback cover painting of ACE 90190 THE WIZARD
OF VENUS by Edgar Rice Burroughs, published in 1970. This original
drawing measures 6 1/2" x 11" and is executed with pencil on artist's
vellum. This art is the actual drawing transferred to canvas board in
preparation for the final oil painting. The piece is in good condition
although there are several small border pieces missing along the outer
edges at the top.
90191 EDGAR
RICE BURROUGHS The Wizard of Venus (cover by Roy G.
Krenkel, Jr.; c.1970; 1973; 2nd ACE printing)
Note the
title does not include Pirate
Blood on this printing.
90192 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Wizard of Venus and Pirate
Blood (cover by Roy G. Krenkel, Jr.; c.1970; 1973; nd; 3rd
ACE printing)
90193-X EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Wizard of Venus and
Pirate Blood (cover by Estaban Morato; c.1970; 1973; June
1979; 4th ACE printing)
EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Wizard of Venus and Pirate Blood
(cover by Estaban Morato; c.1970; 1973; 1979; 1983; nd; 5th ACE
EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Wizard of Venus and Pirate Blood
(cover by Estaban Morato; c.1970; 1973; 1979; September 1983)
A double with a single cover.
SHERI S. TEPPER Wizard's Eleven (wrap-around cover by James
Christensen; February 1984; 1st ACE printing and PBO; ACE Fantasy)
(back cover)
SHERI S. TEPPER Wizard's Eleven (cover by James
Christensen; c.1984; nd; 2nd ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
Book 3 of the True Game series. Both of these
editions use the same cover art.
STASHEFF A Wizard In Bedlam
(cover by Stephen Hickman;
c.1979; February 1986; ACE Fantasy)
(back cover)
90781-3 THOMAS A.
EASTON Woodsman (cover
by Pat Morrissey; April 1992; 1st ACE printing)
90872-1 R
A SALVATORE The Woods Out Back
(October 1993; ACE Fantasy)
First book following the exploits of Gary Leger, Dragonslayer.
90923-X ROBERT
SILVERBERG World's Fair 1992
by Attila Hejja; c.1970; November 1982; 1st ACE printing)
published in 1970 under the title Regan’s
World by Pyramid Books.
Worlds of Frank Herbert (cover
by Dean Ellis; c.1970; 1971)
90926 FRANK
HERBERT The Worlds of Frank Herbert (cover
by Dean Ellis; c.1970; 1971; 1972)
First published in the UK in 1970,
but that version only had 8 stories. The ACE edition adds “By the
Book." Story contents are here:
PHILIP K. DICK The World Jones Made (cover by Frank Kelly
Freas; c.1956; 1975)
90951 (back
The World Jones Made was originally published in ACE
Double D-150 (1956) bound with Margaret S. Clair's Agent of the
90955 JACK
VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) The World of Jack Vance
(December 1973; 1st ACE printing)
Short story collection including The World Between,
The Moon Moth, Brain of the Galaxy, The Devil on
Salvation Bluff, The Men Return, The Kokod Warriors,
The King of Thieves, Coup de Grace, and The Brains of
Invisible (1984; ACE fantasy)
91051 JOHN
BRUNNER The World Swappers (cover by Don Puchatz; c.1959;
May 1976)
World Swappers was originally published as ACE G-649 (1959)
JOHN CARR (ed.) The Worlds of H. Beam Piper (February 1983; 1st
ACE printing)
This contains most of the short stories not in the Paratime or
Terran Federation series. An Introduction by John F. Carr; Time
and Time Again, The Mercenaries, Dearest, Hunter
Patrol (with John J. McGuire), Flight From Tomorrow, Operation
R. S. V. P., Genesis, The Answer, Crossroads
of Destiny, and Day of the Moron.
91055 POUL
ANDERSON The Worlds Of Poul Anderson (wrap-around cover
by Joseph Lombardero; 1974; 1st ACE printing)
91056 POUL
ANDERSON The Worlds Of Poul Anderson (cover by Joseph
Lombardero; c.1974; nd)
This contains three short novella/novels: Planet of No Return,
The War of Two Worlds, and World Without Stars.
"wrap-around" cover art by Joseph Lombardero for The
Worlds Of Poul Anderson. Acrylic on thick illustration board
(20' x 24").
JOSEPH LOMBARDERO (1922 - 2004) was born in Tampa, Florida and
won an art scholarship and studied design at the Ringling School of
Art in Sarasota, Florida. After World War II, he moved to New York
(1948), where he worked for Sudler & Hennessey as an illustrator
specializing in pharmaceutical illustrations. During the 1960's he
illustrated several books in the Time-Life Science series as
well as record jackets for RCA, Capitol, Camden and EMI, primarily
for classical and jazz albums. Lombardero illustrated for Dell,
Popular Library, Pyramid, Jove, Trident, Harper & Row, ACE, and
others. He received the Edgar Allan Poe Award for "Best Mystery Book
THEODORE STURGEON The Worlds of Theodore Sturgeon (cover by
Davis Meltzer and interior illustration by Jack Gaughan; 1972; 1st
ACE printing)
THEODORE STURGEON The Worlds of Theodore Sturgeon (cover by
Davis Meltzer and interior illustration by Jack Gaughan; c.1972;
September 1977; 2nd ACE printing)
Includes The Skills of Xanadu, There is No Defenses,
The Perfect Host, The Graveyard Reader, The Other
Man, The Sky Was Full of Ships, Shottle Bop, Maturity,
Memorial, as well as From Plynck to Planck, and an
editorial - introduction by the author.
Original cover art
by Davis Meltzer for The Worlds of Theodore Sturgeon.
Acrylic on board (16" x 10") with signature
in lower left.
Worlds Apart (cover
by Jim Burns; September 1984; 1st ACE edition)
91102-1 A. C. ELLIS
Worldmaker (cover
by Lp Mountain, nd)
MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The World Wreckers (cover by Kelly
Freas; 1971; 1st ACE printing)
cover art by Kelly Freas for The World Wreckers. Acrylic
on board (20" x 15") and signed with the KF
logo "bug" in lower left by foot.
91171-4 MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The World Wreckers (cover
by Michael Whelan; c.1971; June 1977; 2nd ACE printing)
MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The World Wreckers (cover
by Michael Whelan; c.1971; 197; 1978)
Wreckers (cover by
Michael Whelan; c.191; 1977; 1978; April 1980)
91174-9 MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The World Wreckers (cover
by Michael Whelan; c.1971; 1977; 1978; 1980; 1981)
91175-7 MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The World Wreckers (cover
by Michael Whelan; c.1971; 1977; 1978; 1980; 1981; November 1982)
91176-5 MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The World Wreckers (cover
by Michael Whelan; c.1971; 1977; 1978; 1980; 1981; 1982; January
Wreckers (cover by James
Warhola; c.191; 1977; 1978; 1980; 1981; 1982; 1984; October 1985)
Wreckers (cover by James
Warhola; c.1971; 1977; 1978; 1980; 1981; 1982; 1984; 1985; January 1988)
DONALD A. WOLLHEIM and TERRY CARR (eds.) World's Best Science Fiction,
1969 (cover by John Schoenherr and interior art by
Jack Gaughan; c.1969; 1970; 1st ACE printing)
Contains Robert Sheckley Streets of Dreams, Feet of Clay,
Burt Filer Backtracked, Poul Anderson Kyrie, Robert
Silverberg Going Down Smooth, Brian W. Aldiss The Worm
That Flies, Damon Knight Masks, Samuel R. Delany Time
Considered as a Helix of Semiprecious Stones (my personal
favourite and first U.S. publication), E. G. Von Wald Hemac,
Colin Kapp The Cloudbuilders, R. A. Lafferty This Grand
Carcass, Sydney Van Scyoc A Visit to Cleveland General,
Laurence Yep The Selchey Kids, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Welcome
ToThe Money House, Terry Carr The Dance of the Changer and
the Three, H. H. Hollis Sword Game, Brian W. Aldiss Total
Environment, Fritz Leiber The Square Root of Brain, Fred
Saberhagen Starsong, and Katherine MacLean Fear Hound.
DONALD A. WOLLHEIM and TERRY CARR (eds.) World's Best Science Fiction,
First Series (c. 1965; 1970)
This volume was originally published as ACE G-551
(1965) under the title World's Best Science Fiction 1965. Contains
Tom Purdom Greenplace, Ben Bova & Myron R. Lewis Men
of Good Will, Christopher Anvil Bill for Delivery,
Norman Kagan Four Brands of Impossible, William F. Temple A
Niche in Time, Edward Jesby Sea Wrack, C. C. McApp For
Every Action, Josef Nesvadba Vampires Ltd., John
Brunner The Last Lonely Man, Robert Lory The Star Party,
Colin Free The Weather in the Underworld, Philip K. Dick O,
To Be A Blobel!, Edward Mackin The Unremembered, Harry
Mulisch What Happened to Sergeant Masuro?, Thomas M. Disch Now
is Forever, Jack B. Lawson The Competitors, and Fritz
Leiber When the Change-Winds Blow.
DONALD A. WOLLHEIM and TERRY CARR (eds.) World's Best Science Fiction,
Second Series (cover by Jack Gaughan; c.1966; 1970)
Originally published as ACE H-15 (1966) under the title
World's Best Science Fiction, 1966.
Contains Arthur C. Clarke Sunjammer (read this in BOY'S LIFE),
Ron Goulart Calling Dr. Clockwork, Larry Niven Becalmed in
Hell, Vernor Vinge Apartness, Clifford D. Simak Over
the River and Through the Woods, James H. Schmitz Planet of
Forgetting, Harlan Ellison "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the
Ticktockman, Joseph Green The Decision Makers, David I.
Masson Traveler's Rest, Lin Carter Uncollected Works,
Jonathon Brand Vanishing Point, R. A. Lafferty In Our
Block, Fred Saberhagen Masque of the Red Shift,
Christopher Anvil The Captive Djinn, and Fritz Leiber The
Good New Days.
DONALD A. WOLLHEIM and TERRY CARR (eds.) World's Best Science Fiction,
Third Series (c.1967; 1970)
This volume was originally published as ACE A-10
(1967) under the title World's Best Science Fiction 1967. Short
story collection including contributions by Brian W. Aldiss, Frederik
Pohl, Philip K. Dick, Avram Davidson, and Roger Zelazny.
DONALD A. WOLLHEIM and TERRY CARR (eds.) World's Best Science Fiction,
Fourth Series (cover by Jack Gaughan; c.1968;
This volume was originally published as ACE A-15
(1968) under the title World's Best Science Fiction 1968. This
collection was also released under the title World's Best Science
Fiction No. 1. Contains Richard Wilson See Me
Not, Samuel R. Delany Driftglass ( a personal favourite),
Colin Kapp Ambassador to Verdammt, R. A. Lafferty The Man
Who Never Was, Isaac Asimov The Billard Ball, Robert
Silverberg Hawksbill Station (later expanded to novel size),
Thomas M. Disch The Number You Have Reached, Roger Zelazny The
Man Who Loved The Faiolli, Andrew J Offutt Population
Implosion, Harlan Ellison I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
, Ron Goulart The Sword Swallower (later expanded to novel
size), Keith Roberts Coranda, R. A. Lafferty Thus We
Frustrate Charlemagne, Larry Niven Handicap, Brian W.
Aldiss Full Sun, and D. G. Compton It's Smart To Have An
English Address.
DONALD A. WOLLHEIM and TERRY CARR (eds.) World's Best Science Fiction,
1970 (cover by John Schoenherr and interior art by
Jack Gaughan; 1970; 1st ACE printing)
Contains Richard Wilson A Man Spekith, Robert Silverberg After
the Myths Went Home, Larry Niven Death By Ecstasy (one
of my person favourites), Alexei Panshin One Sunday in Neptune,
Suzette Haden Elgin For the Sake of Grace, James Tiptree, Jr.
Your Haploid Heart, Keith Roberts Therapy 2000, Michael
G. Coney Sixth Sense, Harlan Ellison A Boy and His Dog
(from which the really silly movie of the same title provides Don
Johnson his first starring role), Bruce McAllister And So Say All
of Us, Fritz Leiber Ship of Shadows, Ursula K. LeGuin Nine
Lives, and Norman Spinrad The Big Flash.
DONALD A. WOLLHEIM and TERRY CARR (eds.) World's Best Science Fiction
1971 (cover by Davis Meltzer and interior art by
Jack Gaughan; 1971; 1st ACE printing)
Contains Theodore Sturgeon Slow Sculpture, Larry Niven Bird
in the Hand, Robert Silverberg Ishmael in Love, Bob Shaw
Invasion of Privacy, Isaac Asimov Waterclap, R. A.
Lafferty Continued on the Next Rock, Clifford D. Simak The
Thing in the Stone, Gregory Benford Nobody Lives on Burton
Street, Michael G. Coney Whatever Became of the McGowans?,
Arthur Sellings The Last Time Around, Neal Barrett, Jr. Greyspun's
Gift, Gerald Jonas The Shaker Revival, Gordon Eklund Dear
Aunt Annie, Ron Goulart Confessions, and H. B. Hickey Gone
Are the Lupo.
FREDERIK POHL (ed.) Best Science Fiction for 1972 (c.1972; 1st ACE
printing and PBO)
This volume is a continuation of the series "World's
Best Science Fiction." Includes stories by Larry Niven, Ryu Mitsuse,
James Tiptree, Jr., Grahame Leman, Doris Piserchia, Harlan Ellison, H.
H. Hollis, John Brunner, and Frederik Pohl.
FORREST J. ACKERMAN (ed.) Best Science Fiction for 1973 (June
1973; 1st ACE printing)
Contains Forrest J. Ackerman Forward and Afterword,
Norman Spinrad A Thing of Beauty, Robert Silverberg What We
Learned From This Morning's Newspaper, Philip Jose Farmer Seventy
Years of Decpop, Frederik Pohl The Shape of Science Fiction to
Come (World SF Convention Guest of Honor speech), Milton A.
Rothman Getting Together, Thomas N. Scortia By the Time I
Get to Phoenix, Robert Bloch Forever and Amen, A. E. van
Vogt Ersatz Eternal, and Frederik Pohl The Merchants of
Note: These anthologies are
wildly out of place with respect to the ACE Letter-Number series
coding. The suggestion is that the working title was "World's Best
SF" which is noted on the back cover (and would fit with the '9' leading
letter-number code). Thank you Bill for bringing this to my
ROBERT A. HEINLEIN The Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein (cover and
frontspiece illustration by Jack Gaughan; c.1965; nd; 2nd ACE
This volume is identical to ACE F-375 (1965) and
suggests a renumbering of old stock. See ACE F-375 for original
preliminary cover art by Jack Gaughan.
ROBERT A. HEINLEIN The Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein (cover
by Ed Valigursky; c.1965; December 1973; 3rd ACE printing)
ROBERT A. HEINLEIN The Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein (cover
by Ed Valigursky; c.1965; 1973; nd; 4th ACE printing)
91581 KEITH
LAUMER Worlds of the Imperium (c.1962; 1966; October 1973; 3rd ACE
Worlds of the Imperium was originally
published as ACE F-127(1962).
91640 FRITZ
LEIBER The Worlds of Fritz Leiber (cover by Jeff Jones;
November 1976; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
Collection of 22 short stories.
KEITH LAUMER The World Shuffler (cover
by Rowena Morrill; April 1981; 1st ACE printing)
KEITH LAUMER The World Shuffler
(cover by Rowena Morrill; October 1981; another reprint in same
year; 2nd ACE printing)
KEITH LAUMER The World Shuffler
(cover by Rowena Morrill; 1981;
April 1984; 4th ACE printing)
The short stories of Sir Lafayette O'Leary.
POUL ANDERSON World Without Stars (cover by Michael Whelan;
c.1967; 1978; 2nd ACE printing)
World Without Stars was originally published
as ACE F-425 (1967).
ROBERT E. HOWARD Worms of the Earth (cover
by Sanjulian and
interior art by David Ireland; c.1969; June 1979; 1st ACE
ROBERT E. HOWARD Worms of the Earth (cover
by Sanjulian; c.1969; September 1987; 2nd ACE printing)
MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The World Wreckers:A Novel of Darkover
(1985; 1st thus)
Chronicle (cover by Don Maitz; July 1983; 1st ACE printing
and PBO)
This story has portions which are derived from the books Capitol
and Hot Sleep.
92551 ANDRE
NORTON The X Factor (c.1965; 1970)
This ACE
Letter-Number series was printed three times with the same cover art and
price, but can only be separated by the advertisements at the back. The
first printing was in 1970 using the same ads as the G-646 edition. The
following editions were in 1972 and 1973.
92553 ANDRE
NORTON The X Factor (c.1965; 1970; 1972; 1973; 1974; 5th ACE
The X Factor was originally published as ACE
G-646 (1965).
SAMUEL R. DELANY The Jewels of Aptor (cover by
Enrich; c.1962; 1968; 1972; January 1978; 4th ACE printing)
Jewels of Aptor was originally published in ACE Double F-173
(1962) bound with James White's Second
Ending. It was then reprinted (revised edition) as G-706
(1968) and 39021 (1972).
As you can observe,
this edition is SERIOUSLY out of sequence with the ACE Letter-Number
set-up of ACE. This may be a typesetter error, as this edition
would properly be set as ACE 39022.
CHARLES de LINT Yarrow (cover by
Vicente Segrelles; October 1986; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
WILSON TUCKER The Year of the Quiet Sun (cover by Leo and
Diane Dillon; 1970; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
This is one of the ACE Science Fiction Specials (1st.
Series). An amazingly haunting story, if you have not read it.
WILSON TUCKER The Year of the Quiet Sun (cover
by Michael Whelan; c.1970; April 1977; 2nd ACE printing)
94251 ANDRE
NORTON Year of the Unicorn (cover and interior illustrations by
Jack Gaughan; c.1965; July 1969; listed as "First Book Publication")
Year of the Unicorn was originally published
as ACE F-357 (1965) with the same Jack Gaughan cover art. Thus, this
is actually a 2nd ACE printing, despite the "first book publication"
notation. This is an example of renumbered old stock.
94252 ANDRE
NORTON Year of the Unicorn (cover by J. H. Breslow; c.1965;
1969; May 1974)
The artist is identified by the initials HB - or at
least that is what it looks like. However (Thanks William) this is a
stylized "H" that is joined to the "B" and stands for J.
H. Breslow.
Another artist who uses the intials JHB has been
identified as Harry R. Bennett (thank you Bill). The URL
credited or
signed works. Check out Inferno,
Lomokome Papers,
and Best of A.E. Van
Vogt as they show the signature and the style.
94253 ANDRE
NORTON Year of the Unicorn (cover by J. H. Breslow; c.1965;
1969; 1974; January 1976)
ANDRE NORTON Year of the Unicorn (cover by J. H. Breslow;
c.1965; 1969; 1974; 1976; March 1979)
ANDRE NORTON Year of the Unicorn (cover by J. H. Breslow;
c.1965; 1969; 1974; 1976; 1979; 1980)
ANDRE NORTON Year of the Unicorn (cover by John Pound; c.1965;
1969; 1974; 1976; 1979; 1980; 1983)
This ACE Letter-Number series was
printed multiple times with the same price but two different covers! In
1980 with the J.H. Breslow cover and in 1983 [twice] with the John Pound
cover. Another
odd thing is that if you look at the two slug lines, one lists the
novel as SF whilst the other lists it as Fantasy. Lastly, the
1983 printing has a circled 3 indicating the
numbering of the "Witch World' series by ACE.
Still working on getting the printing history straightened out.
94350 REX
GORDON (aka STANLEY BENNETT HOUGH) The Yellow Fraction (cover
by Kelly Freas; c.1969; 1st ACE printing)
STEVEN BRUST Yendi (cover
by Stephen Hickman; July 1984; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
STEVEN BRUST Yendi (cover by
Stephen Hickman; c.1984; October 1984; 2nd ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
95145 FRITZ
LEIBER You're All Alone (cover by Jack Woolhiser (signed as
JW) and interior illustration by Jack Gaughan; c.1972; 1973)
95146 FRITZ
LEIBER You're All Alone (cover by Jack Woolhiser (signed as
JW) and interior illustration by Jack Gaughan; 1972; first thus)
Three short stories: You're All Alone, Four Ghosts in
Hamlet, and The Creature From the Cleveland Depths. You're
All Alone is probably the classic "who is really real" story.
If any
IMAGE LIBRARY USER has information on the artist intials JW - please
contact me. (03 October 2016) JW corresponds to Jack Woolhiser
(thank you Dirk).
ANDRE NORTON Zarsthor's Bane (cover by Sanjulian and interior
artwork by Evan TenBroeck Steadman; July 1978; listed as "First
Publication Anywhere")
ANDRE NORTON Zarsthor's Bane (cover by Sanjulian and interior
artwork by Evan TenBroeck Steadman; c.1978; May 1981; listed as "First
Publication Anywhere")
This is actually the 2nd ACE printing. Both of these
are listed (on cover) as "An ACE Illustrated Novel of Fantasy
Adventure." The interior illustrations are by Evan TenBroeck Steadman.
Spanish artist and is best known in the United States for his 1970's
horror-fantasy cover art for the Warren Publication magazines Creepy,
Eerie, and Vampirella.
ANDRE NORTON Zarsthor's Bane (cover by John Pound; c.1978;
1981; July 1983; 3rd ACE printing)
Note: The cover blurb changes with this edition
and new cover art by John Pound. It is listed as the "Only Illustrated
Witch World Novel!" - illustrated by Evan TenBroeck Steadman. In
addition, is has a circled 8 indicating the numbering of the "Witch
World' series by ACE.
As you can see this volume is a
second printing of the same ACE Letter-Number with different cover
art. ACE strikes again. You will also see this with ACE 94255-5.
ANDRE NORTON Zarsthor's Bane (cover by John Pound; c.1978;
4th ACE printing January 1984)
ANDRE NORTON Zarsthor's Bane (cover by John Pound; c.1978;
5th ACE printing August 1986)
95960 ANDRE
NORTON The Zero Stone (cover by Jeff Jones; 1968; 1st ACE
printing; listed as "Complete & Unabridged")
95961 ANDRE
NORTON The Zero Stone (cover by Jeff Jones; c.1968; 1972;
2nd ACE printing)
95962 ANDRE
NORTON The Zero Stone (cover by Jeff Jones; c.1968; 1972;
1974; 3rd ACE printing)
ANDRE NORTON The Zero Stone (uses same Jeff Jones cover
art but truncated; c.1968; 1972; 1974; 1978; 4th ACE printing)
ANDRE NORTON The Zero Stone (cover by Walter Velez;
c.1968; 1972; 1974; 1978; August 1981; 5th ACE printing)
(cover by Walter Velez; c.1968;
1972; 1974; 1978; 1981; September 1983; 6th ACE printing)
(cover by Mark E. Rogers; December 1986; 1st ACE printing; ACE
Set (box cover art by J. H. Breslow; nd)
Box set
containing the Witch World series by Andre Norton but with
no notation on the box,
only an ACE Letter-Number. This one was empty, so I am uncertain
which volumes were included.
Compare this to another box set of the same series. However,
this one is much different in that the cover art appears to be Jack
Gaughan and is labeled "Andre
Norton's Witch World Series." It also contains a "Free!
Bonus Witch World Map included." In addition, there is a price
of $3.30 but no ACE Letter-Number on the box.
Year of the Unicorn (ACE 94251), Warlock of the Witch
World (ACE 87319), Three Against the Witch World (ACE
80800), Web of the Witch World (ACE G-716), Sorceress of
the Witch World (ACE 08084), and Witch World (ACE
I am uncertain if I am comfortable with these all being
original, but until I find an advertisement or another box set, I
will list this as found.
Box Set (nd)
Box set.
The box is illustrated
on three sides, with cropped cover art from the three volumes. Note
that Robert Howard's name is NOT on this box set.
Set (box cover art by Michael Whelan; nd)
set. The box is illustrated on two sides, with cropped
cover art.
96456 H. BEAM PIPER Box Set
Box set containing Space Viking (ACE 77781-3), Lord
Kalvan of Otherwhen (ACE 49052-2), Little
Fuzzy (ACE 48492-1) and Fuzzy Sapiens (ACE
26192-X). The box is illustrated on three sides, with cropped cover
art from three of the volumes.
96458-3 ANDRE NORTON Box Set (
box cover
art by J. H. Breslow; 1978)
This box set is very similar in
style to ACE 96233 where there is no indication on the box, other than
Andre Norton name, that this contains a set of Witch World
volumes. The art by J. H. Breslow is very distinctive and a
Norton fan would immediately understand the series. If any AIL users
have this ACE Letter-Number series box with the original four
paperback volumes, please let me know.
(box cover art by Boris Vallejo; nd)
set containing The
Moon Men (ACE 53755-3, The
Lad and the Lion (ACE 46872-1), Back
to the Stone Age (ACE 04636-3), and The
Outlaw of Torn (ACE 64513-5). The box is illustrated
on two sides, with cropped cover art from two of the volumes.
The front has a circular tag with the ISBN number and price of the box
set. The spine
has the author's name and the ACE Letter-Number for this box set.
Set (c.1970)
Box set containing an assortment of
eight (8) Andre Norton stories. Interestingly, the cover art is
derived from the Web of the
Witch World (ACE 87871), but there are only two Witch World
series volumes in this box set. The box has the titles
included (on one side) and only an ACE
Letter-Number and a price of $8.00 (on the other side).
Catseye (ACE
09266), Galactic Derelict
(ACE 27226), High Sorcery
(ACE 33701), Lord
of Thunder (ACE
49236), Shadow Hawk
(ACE 75991), Sorceress of
the Witch World (ACE 77551), Web
of the Witch World (ACE 87871), and The
X-Factor (ACE
Note that these are the highest 97000 ACE Letter-Number series
volumes I have found in the SF ACE singles. Has anyone seen an
advertisement of these box sets in the advertisement sections in any
ACE volume? If so, let me know and send me a scanned image if
possible. Thank you.

Last Update: 24 October 2021