ACE SF 5 Digit Number-Series SF Singles

Five-digit number format: 60000-69999

60563 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Oakdale Affair (cover by Frank Frazetta; July 1974; 1st ACE printing; listed as "First Time in Paperback")

Features an introduction by longtime ERB fan writer/editor Kevin B. Hancer

NOTE: "Originally published in Blue Book Magazine. Copyright 1918 by Story-Press Corporation. Restores the final 173 lines as published in the above magazine inadvertently dropped from the '37 Burroughs edition."

I am not quite certain that this title should be in the Science Fiction section. All editions of this story have the same Frazetta cover illustration. These (and later printings) are now also listed in the five-digit ACE POTPOURRI section and the MYSTERY SINGLES section.

60739-X FRED SABERHAGEN Octagon (July 1981; 1st ACE printing)

62160-0 FRED SABERHAGEN An Old Friend of the Family (cover by Bob Adragna; 1979; 1st ACE printing)

62161-9 FRED SABERHAGEN An Old Friend of the Family (cover by Bob Adragna; c.1979; May 1981; 2nd ACE printing)

62380 GEORGE ZEBROWSKI The Omega Point (wrap around cover by Bob Pepper; August 1972; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

62380 (back cover)

Author's first novel.

62381-6 GEORGE ZEBROWSKI The Omega Point Trilogy (cover by Attila Hejja; November 1983; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

Contains Ashes and Stars, The Omega Point, and Mirror of Minds with Afterword: A Genre Night's Entertainment by Zebrowski. Both Ashes and Stars and The Omega Point have been "revised" whereas Mirror of Minds is an original story.

62382-4 STEVE PERRY and MICHAEL REAVES The Omega Cage (wrap around cover by Royo; April 1988; 1st ACE printing)

62686-6 TIM POWERS On Stranger Tides (cover by Jim Gurney; c.1987; November 1988; 1st ACE paperback printing; ACE fantasy)

62938 BOB SHAW One Million Tomorrows (cover by Leo and Diane Dillon; 1970; September 1971; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

This is one of the ACE Science Fiction Specials (1st Series).

62940 TERRY CARR (ed.) On Our Way to the Future (cover by Charles Gross; 1970; 1st thus)cov

Short story collection that includes an Introduction by Terry Carr; Frank Herbert Greenslaves; Edgar Pangborn A Better Mousehole; Kris Neville Ballenger's People; Roger Zelazny King Solomon's Ring; Robert Silverberg Sundance; Algis Budrys Be Merry (another of my personal favourites); Philip Latham Under the Dragon's Tail; Brian W. Aldiss A Taste for Dostoevsky; Fritz Leiber Cyclops; and James H. Schmitz Goblin Night.

63041-3 JAMES MORROW Only Begotten Daughter (cover by Michael Racz; July 1991)

63160-6 GORDON R. DICKSON On The Run (original title: Mankind on the Run; cover by Roger Stine; c. 1956; November 1979, 1st thus with this title)

63161-4 GORDON R. DICKSON On The Run (original title: Mankind on the Run; cover by Roger Stine; c. 1956; 1979, ~1982; 2nd ACE printing)

Mankind on the Run was originally published in ACE Double D-164 (1956) bound with Andre Norton's The Crossroads of Time.

63165 KENNETH BULMER On The Symb-Socket Circuit (cover by Kelly Freas; 1972)

63166-5 KENNETH BULMER On The Symb-Socket Circuit (cover by David Schleinkofer; c.1972; August 1977)

63410 ANDRE NORTON Operation Time Search (cover and interior illustration by Jack Gaughan; January 1969; 1st ACE printing)

63411 ANDRE NORTON Operation Time Search (c.1969; 1973)

63412 ANDRE NORTON Operation Time Search (c.1969; 1973; 1977)

63484-2 JOHN VARLEY The Ophiuchi Hotline (cover by Todd Cameron Hamilton; 1993; 1st ACE printing)

63500-8 JESSICA AMANDA SALMONSON Qu Lu Khen and the Beautiful Madwoman (cover by Kinuko Craft; July 1985; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)

63590 JOHN RANKINE (aka DOUGLAS RANKINE MASON) Operation Umanaq (cover appears as by Vincent Di Fate with an interior illustration by Waldman; February 1973; 1st ACE printing)

63754-X POUL ANDERSON Orbit Unlimited (cover by Alan Gutierrez; c.1961; July 1984; 1st ACE printing)

63780 BOB SHAW Orbitsville (cover by David Schleinkofer; January 1977; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

This is one of the ACE Science Fiction Specials (2nd. Series) and listed as #10.

63781-7 BOB SHAW Orbitsville (cover by David Schleinkofer; c.1977; 1982; 2nd ACE printing)

Note that the cover art for both Orbitsville volumes were painted by Shleinkofer, they are different!  Also, the printing date for ACE Letter-Number 63781-7 is between March to September 1982 as the advertisements in the back first appeared in March/April 1982  and the address changed from 51 Madison to 200 Madison in September/October 1982 [Thank you Bill].

63819-8 ANDRE NORTON Ordeal in Otherwhere (cover by Davis Meltzer; interior illustration by Waldman; c.1965; 1969; 1973; 1975; 1977; 1982; February1985)

63821 ANDRE NORTON Ordeal in Otherwhere (cover by Gray Morrow; c.1965; December 1969; 2nd ACE printing)

This volume uses the same cover art of ACE F-325 and may represent reuse of new old stock.

63822 ANDRE NORTON Ordeal in Otherwhere (interior illustration by Waldman; c.1965; 1969;  February 1973; 3rd ACE printing)

Note: this volume has different cover art than ACE 63824 - and has the same release information and interior illustration by Waldman - hmmm. In addition, note how this cover art is very similar (in context and arrangement of the ship and person in the hatch) to the cover art by Jack Gaughan for ACE G-595 Quest Crosstime.

63823 ANDRE NORTON Ordeal in Otherwhere (c.1965; 1969; 1973; 1975)

63824 ANDRE NORTON Ordeal in Otherwhere (cover by Davis Meltzer; interior illustration by Waldman; c.1965; 1969; 1973; 1975; March 1977)

63825-2 ANDRE NORTON Ordeal in Otherwhere (cover by Davis Meltzer; c.1965; 1969; 1973; 1975; 1977; July 1982; 6th ACE printing)

Ordeal In Otherwhere was originally published as ACE F-325 (1965). This is the sequel to Storm Over Warlock.

63913-5 ROBERT A. HEINLEIN Orphans of the Sky (cover by James Warhola; c.1987; 1992; 5th ACE printing)

64240 BOB SHAW Other Days, Other Eyes (cover by J. H. Breslow; July 1972; 1st ACE printing)

The classic "Slow Glass" story

64274-8 HARLAN ELLISON The Other Glass Teat (cover by Barclay Shaw; June 1983)

64400 PHILIP K. DICK Our Friends From Frolix 8 (cover by John Schoenherr; 1970; 1st ACE printing)

64401 PHILIP K. DICK Our Friends From Frolix 8 (cover by David Plourde; 1977; 2nd ACE printing)

64417-1 FRITZ LEIBER Our Lady of Darkness (cover by Norman Walker; c.1977; April 1984; 1st ACE printing and PBO; fantasy and horror)

64451-1 ROBIN McKINLEY The Outlaws of Sherwood (wrap around cover by Darrell K. Sweet; August 1989; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)

Revisionistic Robin Hood fantasy.

64460 MARK S. GESTON Out of the Mouth of the Dragon (cover by John Schoenherr; 1969; 1st ACE printing)

MARK SYMINGTON GESTON (b. 1946) studied law at New York University Law School (1971).

The cover art for Out of the Mouth of the Dragon was the same scene as the cover art for Lords of the Starship (ACE G-673; 1967), but envisioned years after the first, with the subject matter further reduced to ruin. Schoenherr was really happy that Don Wollheim let him do this. Thanks to David for this additional information.

64465-1 PIERS ANTHONY Out Of Phaze (cover by Darrell K. Sweet, with internal maps by Michael Storrings; c.1988; nd; ACE fantasy)

This is the 4th volume of the Apprentice Adept series. This ACE Letter-Number series has been reprinted numerous times, just with differences in price. 1st printing was in April 1988.

64481 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Out of Time's Abyss (cover by Roy G. Krenkel; c.1918; 1963; November 1969; 2nd ACE printing; listed as "Complete & Unabridged")

64482 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Out of Time's Abyss (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1918; 1963; 1969; March 1973; 3rd ACE printing)

64483 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Out of Time's Abyss (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1918; 1963; 1969; 1973; nd - probably 1974)

64484 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Out of Time's Abyss (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1918; 1963; 1969; 1973; nd)

64485-6 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Out of Time's Abyss (c.1918; 1963; 1969; 1973; 1979) Different cover art.

Out of Time's Abyss was originally published as ACE F-233 (1963).

64510 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Outlaw of Torn (cover by Roy Krenkel Jr.; c.1968; 1971; 2nd ACE printing; listed as "Complete & Unabridged")

64510 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Outlaw of Torn (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1968; 1971; January 1973; 3rd ACE printing)

Note that the ACE Letter-Number 64510 was printed twice - once using the same cover art for the A-25 volume (1971)  and a second (1973) printing with a new cover illustration by Frazetta.

64511 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Outlaw of Torn (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1968; 1971; 1973; nd; 4th ACE printing)

The copyright page for this ACE Letter-Number states "2nd ACE printing," but it is actually the 4th ACE printing.

64512 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Outlaw of Torn (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1968; 1971; 1973; nd; 5th ACE printing)

The copyright page for this ACE Letter-Number states "2nd ACE printing," but it is actually the 5th ACE printing.

64513-5 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Outlaw of Torn (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1968; 1971; 1973; November 1978; 6th ACE printing)

64514-3 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Outlaw of Torn (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1968; 1971; 1973; 1978; May 1982; 7th ACE printing)

The Outlaw of Torn was originally published as ACE A-25 (1968).

64571-2 GREGORY FEELEY The Oxygen Barons (cover by Dave Archer; July 1990; 1st ACE printing)

This is an example of the new line (at least in 1990) of the ACE Science Fiction Special Editions (3rd series). These editions are edited by DAMON KNIGHT and represent new talent in the genre.

64576-3 HARLAN ELLISON Paingod and Other Delusions (c.1965; 1975; December 1983; 1st ACE printing)

Paingod and Other Delusions is a collection of short stories by the wordsmith Harlan Ellison. Originally published in 1965 and later reprinted by Pyramid Books in 1975, it contains two introductions and eight stories.

65050 BOB SHAW The Palace of Eternity (cover by Leo and Diane Dillon; 1969; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

This is one of the ACE Science Fiction Specials (1st Series).

65065-1 CARTER SCHOLZ and GLENN HARCOURT Palimpsets (cover by Attilla Hejja; September 1984; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

This is one of the ACE Science Fiction Specials (3rd. Series), edited by Terry Carr. This is also the author's first novel.

65089-9 WILLIAM GREENLEAF The Pandora Stone (1984; 1st ACE printing)

65125 JACK WILLIAMSON The Pandora Effect (cover by C. Gross; 1969, 1st ACE printing)

This volume is a collection of short stories that have their first appearance in a WILLIAMSON collection. They are from 1928 to 1953 and include stories from Amazing, Astounding, and Star Science Fiction 2 & 3. Contains the stories The Happiest Creature, The Cosmic Express, The Metal Man, The Cold Green Eye, Guinevere for Everybody, With Folded Hands, and The Equalizer.

65127-5 JAMES P. BLAYLOCK The Paper Grail (cover by Kang Yi; c.1991; February 1992; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)

65134-8 DIANA L. PAXSON The Paradise Tree (cover by Kinuko Craft; August 1987; ACE fantasy)

65146-1 JOHN DeCHANCIE Paradox Alley (cover by James Gurney; January 1987; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

65169-0 H. BEAM PIPER Paratime (cover by Michael Whelan; August 1981; 1st ACE printing)

This contains most of the Astounding/Analog SF magazine Paratime short stories with an Introduction and notes by JOHN F. CARR. Contains the short stories He Walked Around the Horses, Police Operation, Last Enemy, Temple Trouble, and the short novel Time Crime.

65170-4 H. BEAM PIPER Paratime (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1981; December 1982; 3rd ACE printing)

65170-4 (back cover)

65192-5 JON DeCLES (aka DON STUDEBAKER) The Particolored Unicorn (cover by Darrell K. Sweet; c.1987; 2nd ACE edition; ACE fantasy)

First published December 1987. Printed at least twice with no date in the second printing.

65204-2 HARLAN ELLISON Partners In Wonder (cover by Barclay Shaw; March 1983; 1st ACE printing)

65205-0 HARLAN ELLISON Partners In Wonder (cover by Barclay Shaw; c.1983; nd; 2nd ACE printing)

65241-7 SEAN STEWART Passion Play (cover by Keith Birdsong; December 1993; 1st ACE printing; this copy is the 2nd edition)

65301-4 R. A. LAFFERTY Past Master (cover by John Melo; c.1968; 1972; November 1977)

65302-2 R. A. LAFFERTY Past Master (cover by John Melo; c.1968; 1972; nd)

65303-0 R. A. LAFFERTY Past Master (c.1968; 1972; July 1981; 4th ACE printing)

65304-9 ROBERT A. HEINLEIN The Past Through Tomorrow (cover by James Warhola; c.1987; May 1988; 2nd ACE printing)

This volume was published three (3) times with the same ACE Letter-Number series.  The 1st printing was in July 1987 with a Carl Lundgren cover.  The third was published sometime in the mid-1990's (still working on that).

65315-4 LARRY NIVEN The Patchwork Girl (cover and interior art by Fernando Fernandez; April 1980; 1st trade paperback ACE printing)

65316-2 LARRY NIVEN The Patchwork Girl (cover and interior art by Fernando Fernandez; c.1980; 1981; listed as "1st mass market paperback edition")

ACE 65316-2 was published three times with the same ACE Letter-Number series, cover art and price. In December 1980, published with full number line; edition with no date given [likely same month or early 1981] with a number line indicating a second printing; and lastly an October 1981 edition with the SAME number line as the no date printing.  Oh, the fun of tracking publication history in the world of ACE Books.

65317-0 LARRY NIVEN The Patchwork Girl (cover and interior art by Fernando Fernandez; c.1980; 1981; October 1984; modified cover art

There is another edition of ACE 65317-0 (March 1989) with a seriously modified cover using pieces of the original Fernando Fernandez art.

An illustrated edition dealing with the "ARM" organization in Niven's "Known Space" universe. 50 black and white interior drawings by Fernando Fernandez.

65390-1 COLIN KAPP Patterns of Chaos (cover by Paul Alexander; May 1978)

65430 KEITH ROBERTS Pavane (cover by Diane and Leo Dillon; c.1966; 1968; 1st ACE printing)

This is one of the ACE Science Fiction Specials (1st Series). This is also (in my estimation) one of the best of the "alternate history" tales ever written.

65431-2 KEITH ROBERTS Pavane (cover by Charles Mikolaycak; c.1966; April 1982; 2nd ACE printing)

65482-7 FRED SABERHAGEN and JOAN SABERHAGEN (eds.) Pawn To Infinity (1982; 1st ACE printing)

Short story collection.

65740-0 ROLAND J. GREEN Peace Company (cover by Luis Royo; October 1985; 1st ACE printing)

65741-9 ROLAND J. GREEN These Green Foreign Hills (cover by Les Edwards; 1st ACE printing 1987)

65742-7 ROLAND J. GREEN The Mountain Walks (cover by Les Edwards; September 1989)

The Roland J. Green stories revolve around the Peace Company.

65851 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pellucidar (cover and interior sketch by Roy Krenkle Jr.; c.1915; 1962; 1968; nd; listed as "complete and unabridged")

65851 (back cover)

Note the ACE Letter-Number application on the cover.  I believe this is the re-use of old stock with a new ACE Letter-Number overprint.

65852 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pellucidar (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1915; 1962; 1968; September 1972; 2nd ACE printing)

Although this is listed on the copyright page as 2nd printing, ACE G-734 (1968) really should be the 2nd ACE printing (after ACE F-158).

65853 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pellucidar (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1915; 1962; 1968; 1972; 1974; 5th ACE printing)

65854 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pellucidar (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1915; 1962; 1968; 1972; nd - probably 1976 or 1977)

65855-5 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pellucidar (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1915; 1962; 1968, 1972; 1978; 1980; January 1982)

Note that this ACE Letter-Number series (65855-5) was printed three (3) times - August 1978, March 1980 and January 1982.  But, it appears the ACE logo changed from the 'tombstone' (1978 printing) to the 'arrowhead' format (1982 printing).  The other thing to look at the ISBN/price line for the January 1982 volume that is a definite overprint. Bill, thank you for this information.

Pellucidar was originally published as ACE F-158 (1962) and G-734 (1968).

65890 JACK WILLIAMSON People Machines (cover by Enrich; 1971; 1st ACE printing)

Short story collection including Star Bright, Non-Stop to Mars, Operation: Gravity, The Masked World, The Man From Outside, Hindsight, Jamboree, The Peddler's Nose, Breakdown, and an Afterword About Theme.

65941 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The People That Time Forgot (cover by Roy Krenkle Jr.; c.1918; 1963; November 1969; 2nd ACE printing)

The People That Time Forgot was originally published as ACE F-220 (1963). This edition is another example of the re-use of old stock as it has the same cover art by Roy Krenkle Jr. and the same ACE Science Fiction Classic logo. I suggest that this represents the 2nd ACE printing.

Original pencil preliminary drawing for The People That Time Forgot drawn in late 1962 for ACE F-220 (1963).  Image area 4" x 6.15." Pencil on cream (light tan) paper with "RGK" signature in lower right.

65942 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The People That Time Forgot (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1918; 1963; 1969; January 1973; 3rd ACE printing)

65943 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The People That Time Forgot (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1918; 1963; 1969; 1973; April 1974; 4th ACE printing)

65944 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The People That Time Forgot (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1918; 1963; 1969; 1973; 1974; October 1975; 5th ACE printing)

65945-4 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The People That Time Forgot (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1918; 1963; 1969; 1973; 1974; 1975; 1982; 9th ACE printing)

65946-2 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The People That Time Forgot (c.1918; 1963; 1969; 1973; 1974; 1975; July 1977; 6th ACE printing)

This edition is a tie-in volume linked to the American International Pictures (AIP) movie release and uses a modified cover modeled on the movie poster art.

65947-0 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The People That Time Forgot (c.1918; 1963; 1969; 1973; 1974; 1975; 1977; June 1979; 7th ACE printing)

There appears to be another printing with the same ACE Letter-Number series (65947-0) in May 1981 (8th ACE printing).

65948-9 MACK REYNOLDS (aka DALLAS McCORD REYNOLDS) Perchance to Dream (cover by Dean Ellis; December 1977; 1st ACE printing)

65949-7 POUL ANDERSON The Peregrine (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1956; 1957; February 1978; 2nd ACE printing)

65950-0  AVRAM DAVIDSON Peregrine: Primus (cover by Michael Herring; October 1977; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)

65954-3 POUL ANDERSON The Peregrine (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1956; 1957; 1978; July 1979; 3rd ACE printing)

The Peregrine was originally published under the title Star Ways by ACE Books as D-568 (1956) and ACE Double D-255 (1957) bound with Kenneth Bulmer's City Under the Sea.

66100 AVRAM DAVIDSON The Phoenix and the Mirror (cover by Leo and Diane Dillon; c.1966, 1969)

This is one of the ACE Science Fiction Specials (1st. Series).

66141-6 WALT and LEIGH RICHMOND Phase Two (cover by Walter Velez; c.1969; December 1979; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

A shorter version of this story was published under the title Phoenix Ship in ACE Double 66160 (1969).

66155-6 AVRAM DAVIDSON The Phoenix and the Mirror (cover by Stephen Hickman; c.1966, 1969; January 1978; 2nd ACE printing)

66156-4 AVRAM DAVIDSON The Phoenix and the Mirror (cover by Stephen Hickman; c.1966, 1969; 1978; February 1983; 3rd ACE printing)

66201 JOANNA RUSS Picnic On Paradise (cover by J. H. Breslow; c.1968; December 1970; probable 2nd ACE printing)

Picnic on Paradise was originally published as an ACE Science Fiction Special (1st series) as H-72 (1968).  The publication date for this volume from Locus #170.

66225-0 STEVEN BRUST Phoenix (nd)

66232-3 MICK FARREN Phaid the Gambler (wraparound cover by Jim Gurney; c.1981; August 1986; 1st ACE printing)

JAMES GURNEY (b. 1958) is best known for his Dinotopia books and has won many honors for his artwork including two Hugo awards (1993 and 1996).

66238-2 PIERS ANTHONY Phthor (cover by John Jude Palencar; June 1987; 3rd ACE printing)

66251-X ROBERT LYNN ASPRIN Phule's Company (cover by James Warhola; July 1990; 1st ACE printing)

Reprinted numerous times (at least 14) with the same ACE Letter-Number series.  The cover for the Canadian edition only has a single price.

66253-6 ROBERT LYNN ASPRIN Phule's Paradise (cover by Jerry Grace; February 1992; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

Reprinted numerous times (at least seven) with the same ACE Letter-Number series.

66253-6 (back cover)

66320-6 ROBERT E. HOWARD Pigeons From Hell (cover by Esteban Maroto; July 1979; 1st ACE printing)

Short story collection that includes Pigeons from Hell, The Children of the Night, The Hyena, The Dead Remember, and The Dream Snake

66385-0 ROBERT SHECKLEY Pilgrimage to Earth (cover by Jordi Penalva; August 1978; 1st ACE printing)

Short story collection and contents are available at URL:

66409-1 SIMON HAWKE The Pimpernel Plot (cover by David Mattingly; September 1984; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

3rd volume in the "Time Wars" series.

66500 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pirates of Venus (cover and interior art by Roy Krenkel Jr.; c.1963; 1969; nd)

66501 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pirates of Venus (cover and interior art by Roy Krenkel Jr.; c.1963; 1969; nd)

66502 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pirates of Venus (c.1963; 1969; March 1973; listed as 2nd ACE printing - but really the 4th ACE printing)

66503 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pirates of Venus (c.1963; 1969; 1973; nd; same cover as 66502)

66504 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pirates of Venus (c.1963; 1969; 1973; nd; same cover as 66502)

66505 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pirates of Venus (c.1963; 1969; 1973; nd; same cover as 66502)

66506-3 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pirates of Venus (cover by Esteban Maroto; c.1963; 1969; 1973; June 1979; 7th ACE printing)

66507-1 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pirates of Venus (cover by Esteban Maroto; c.1963; 1969; 1973; 1979; October 1981; 8th ACE printing)

66508-X EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pirates of Venus (cover by Esteban Maroto; c.1963; 1969; 1973; 1979; 1981; April 1983; 9th ACE printing)

Although the copyright page has this listed as the 8th printing, this is the 9th printing of the five-digit series.

66509-8 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Pirates of Venus (cover by Esteban Maroto; c.1963; 1969; 1973; 1979; 1983; August 1984; 10 ACE printing)

Pirates of Venus was originally published as ACE F-179 (1963).

66760-0 GRAHAM MASTERTON Plague (c.1977; April 1978; 1st ACE and U.S. printing and PBO)

66760-0 (back cover)

66761-9 GRAHAM MASTERTON Plague (c.1977; 1978; nd; 2nd ACE printing)

66780 WILLIAM BARTON A Plague of All Cowards (August 1976; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

66780 (back cover)

This is one of the ACE Science Fiction Specials (2nd. Series) and listed as #9.

This is also William Barton's second novel after Hunting on Kunderer (ACE Double 48245, 1973). 

Cover is possibly by Dean Ellis, but still working on this attribution.  Interestingly, this cover art was also used for ACE 44990-5 (1979) - Laurence M. Janifer Knave in Hand.

66831 ANDRE NORTON Plague Ship (cover by Ed Valigursky; c.1959; 1964; December 1969; 2nd ACE printing)

66832 ANDRE NORTON Plague Ship (cover by Davis Meltzer; c.1959; 1964; 1969; October 1973; 3rd ACE printing)

66833 ANDRE NORTON Plague Ship (cover by Davis Meltzer; c.1959; 1964; 1969; 1973; 1974; probably 4th ACE printing)

66834 ANDRE NORTON Plague Ship (cover by Davis Meltzer; c.1959; 1964; 1969; 1973; 1974; 1976; 6th ACE printing)

66836-4 ANDRE NORTON Plague Ship (cover by Davis Meltzer; c.1959; 1964; 1969; 1973; 1974; 1976; probably 1981)

66836-4 ANDRE NORTON Plague Ship (cover by Vincent Di Fate; c.1959; 1964; 1969; 1973; 1974; 1976; 1981; May 1982)

Note that ACE 66836-4 was published twice under the same ACE Letter-Number series and price, but with different cover art.

66837-2 ANDRE NORTON Plague Ship (cover by Vincent Di Fate; c.1959; 1964; 1969; 1973; 1974; 1976; 1981; 1982; June 1985)

Plague Ship was originally published in ACE Double D-345 (1959) under the Andrew North pseudonym and bound with Voodoo Planet. It was later printed as an ACE single (F-291; 1964) using the same Valigursky cover but having a 'banner headline' identifying Andrew North as Andre Norton.

66883-6 PAMELA O'NEILL and KIM MOHAN Gary Gygax's Cyborg Cammando: Book 1: Planet in Peril (1987; 1st thus in ACE New Infinities Edition)

This appears to be based upon the gaming designs (role-playing stuff) of Gary Gygax (sorry - not much into role-playing scenarios that get put into book form). Gary Gygax died in 2008.

66900 JACK VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) Planet of Adventure #2: Servants of the Wankh (cover by Jeff Jones; 1969; 1st ACE printing)

66901 JACK VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) Planet of Adventure #3: The Dirdir (cover by Jeff Jones; 1969; 1st ACE printing)

66902 JACK VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) Planet of Adventure #4: The Pnume (cover by Jeff Jones; 1970; 1st ACE printing)

66902 (back cover)

These Jack Vance volumes are listed under the composite title of Planet of Adventure and not under the actual title of the story. Thus, under this composite title they are 1st ACE printing.

66951 URSULA K. LE GUIN Planet of Exile (cover by Josh Kirby; c.1966, May 1971; 2nd ACE printing)

66952 URSULA K. LE GUIN Planet of Exile (cover by JW - who is Jack Woolhiser; c.1966; 1971; March 1973; 3rd ACE printing)

66953 URSULA K. LE GUIN Planet of Exile (cover by Alex Ebel; c.1966; 1971; 1973; December 1974; 4th ACE printing)

Then there appears to be two (2) more printings of the same ACE Letter-Number series.  One in 1975 (before October) and a later one in July 1976 that is supposedly the 6th ACE printing. 

66957-3 URSULA K. LE GUIN Planet of Exile (cover by Alex Ebel; c.1966; 1971; 1973; 1974; 1975; 1976; nd)

Planet of Exile was originally published in ACE Double G-597 (1966) bound with Thomas M. Disch Mankind Under the Leash.

66995 MACK REYNOLDS The Rival Rigelians (c.1967) and Planetary Agent X (cover by E. L. Kaum; c.1965; June 1974)

For this single cover ACE Double, there are two title pages, two copyright pages, and both novels are separately paginated.

The Rival Rigelians was originally published in ACE Double G-632 bound with A. Bertram Chandler's Nebula Alert.

Planetary Agent X was originally published in ACE Double M-131 bound with Kenneth Bulmer's Behold The Stars.

67020 MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Planet Savers (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1962, 1976)

Includes the Darkover short story "The Waterfall."

67021-0 MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Planet Savers and The Sword of Aldones (cover by Michael Whelan; same cover for ACE 67020 - a single with only The Planet Savers; c.1962; April 1980)

Note: this is a double story with a single cover. Includes "Darkover Retrospective." In addition, there are two identical printings of this edition that use the same ACE Letter-Number series, price and cover art.  The only way to differentiate them is the number line (oh, such fun are ACE Books).

67022-9 MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Planet Savers and The Sword of Aldones (cover by Michael Whelan; same cover for ACE 67020; c.1962; August 1982)

67025-3 MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Planet Savers and The Sword of Aldones (cover by Michael Whelan; same cover for ACE 67020; c.1962; 1982; December 1983; 5th ACE printing)

Note: this is a double story with a single cover. The original ACE Double with single cover is 67021-0, which also has the same cover art as this edition and the ACE single 67020. However, it is not referenced in any of the databases I have investigated. Since it is not listed, I have not placed the image in the ACE SF Doubles pages.

Never-the-less, The Planet Savers and The Sword of Aldones were originally published in ACE Double F-153 (1962).

67026-1 MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Planet Savers and The Sword of Aldones (cover by James Warhola; c.1962; 1982; 1983; August 1985)

67027-X MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY The Planet Savers and The Sword of Aldones (cover by James Warhola; c.1962; 1982; 1983; 1985; March 1988)

67060 JOHN JAKES The Planet Wizard (cover by Jeff Jones but no notation for identity of artist for interior illustration - though it looks like a Jack Gaughan illustration; 1969; listed as "first book publication")

Here is an image of the original cover illustration by Jeff Jones for Planet Wizard.

67061-X JOHN JAKES The Planet Wizard (cover by Alex Ebel; c.1969;1977)

67145-4 MICHAEL KURLAND Pluribus (cover by Boris Vallejo; January 1980; 1st ACE printing)

67402 ROBERT A. HEINLEIN Podkayne of Mars (cover by Carl Lundgren; May 1987; 1st ACE printing)

67402-X ROBERT A. HEINLEIN Podkayne of Mars (cover by Tim White?; c.1987; November 1989; 2nd ACE printing)

This volume was originally published twice with the same ACE Letter-Number series but different cover art.

67460 MACK REYNOLDS (aka DALLAS McCORD REYNOLDS) Police Patrol: 2000 A. D. (March 1977; 1st ACE printing)

67555 ANDRE NORTON Postmarked the Stars (cover by Jeff Jones and interior illustration by Jack Gaughan; c.1969; March 1971)

This volume was reprinted twice with the same ACE Letter-Number series, with the only difference being the advertisements in the back.  First published in March 1971 and then reprinted in November/December 1972 (based upon a dated advertisement).  Thank you Bill.

67556 ANDRE NORTON Postmarked the Stars (cover by Jeff Jones and interior illustration by Jack Gaughan; c.1969; 1971; 1972' 1975)

Note the cover art on this volume has been enlarged slightly compared to ACE 67555.

Postmarked the Stars is the sequel to Plague Ship (ACE D-345).

67800 PHILIP K. DICK The Preserving Machine (cover by Leo and Diane Dillon; 1969; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

This is one of the ACE Science Fiction Specials (1st Series).

67801 PHILIP K. DICK The Preserving Machine (cover by David Schleinkofer; 1976; 1st ACE printing)

67900 THOMAS M. DISCH The Prisoner (1969)

67900 (back cover)

Another example of a spin-off novel popularizing (or filling in the blanks) of science-fiction or fantasy television programs. Later, not published by ACE, an entire collection of The Prisoner novels appeared in the literature, much like the novelization of the Man From U. N. C. L. E.  Thomas M. Disch was another author of some repute enticed into the TV-series/novel money train.

For a good reference for this genre, investigate KURT PEER TV Tie-Ins (1999, 2nd edition; TV Books, NY).

THOMAS M. DISCH (1940-2008) was a distinguished author and poet who began publishing science fiction in 1962. His darkly brilliant short stories and novels, such as Camp Concentration (1968), 334 (1972) and On Wings of Song (1979; John W. Campbell Memorial Award), "delighted us with an unadulterated shot of pure bracing gloom." (Brian Aldiss). He won the Hugo for The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World (1998). The Brave Little Toaster (1980 F&SF) won a BSFA award and was made into a film.

67901 DAVID McDANIEL The Prisoner #2 (nd)

The next installment of the spin-off novel for The Prisoner.

67902 HANK STINE (aka JEAN MARIE STINE) The Prisoner #3 (1970; photo cover from TV show)

The question to ask is whether Hank Stine is a shortened version of G. Harry Stine. The third spin-of paperback installment of The Prisoner.  

02 July 2020. No, it appears that Hank Stine is the pseudonym of Jean Marie Stine, who appears to been a prolific anthologist as well as a writer. URL:  - thank you Bill.

67928-5 BRIAN HERBERT Prisoners of Arionn (cover by Darrell K. Sweet; December 1988; 1st ACE printing)

67936-6 WILLIAM C. DIETZ Prison Planet (cover by Miro; March 1989)

67937-4 L. SPRAGUE de CAMP The Prisoner of Zhamanak (cover by Paul Alexander; c.1982; April 1983; listed as "first publication in paperback")

Book #5 of the Krishna series.

67952-8 PHILIP JOSE FARMER A Private Cosmos (cover by Boris Vallejo; c.1968; October 1977)

67953-6 PHILIP JOSE FARMER A Private Cosmos (cover by Boris Vallejo; c.1968; 1977; 1979)

67954-4 PHILIP JOSE FARMER A Private Cosmos (cover by Boris Vallejo; c.1968; 1977; 1979;  October 1981)

Third book in the World of Tiers series. Introduction by Roger Zelazny.

68023-2 GORDON R. DICKSON Pro (cover by Benvenuti; interior illustrations - (listed as "An ACE Illustrated Novel") - by James R. Odbert; October 1978; 1st ACE printing)

This story is significantly different from when it appeared in the September 1975 edition of Analog Magazine.

68029-1 KIRK MITCHELL Procurator: A Novel of Alternate History (cover by Jim Gurney; April 1984; 1st ACE printing)

68305-3 STEPHEN ROBINETT Projections (cover by Dean Ellis; January 1979; 1st ACE printing)

Short story (9) collection (from Analog magazine) with an Introduction by the author.

Original cover art by Dean Ellis for Projections. Gouache on board, 23" x 14" and signed lower right.

68312-6 CURTIS H. HOFFMANN Project: Millennium (cover by James Warhola; February 1987; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

68329-0 MIKE RESNICK Prophet (cover by Keith Birdsong; June 1993; 1st ACE printing)

68680-X MICK FARREN Protectorate (cover by Dan La Mountain; January 1985; 1st ACE printing and PBO)

68697-4 RICHARD S. McENROE (ed.) Proteus: Voices for the 80's (A Destinies Special; May 1981; 1st ACE printing)

Short story collection (and accompanying illustrations) with contributions from Reginald Bretnor and John Bryne, George Alec Effinger and Broeck Steadman, Charles Sheffield and Rick DeMarco, Craig Strete and Reg Wells, Eileen Gunn and Alicia Austin, Jean Karl and Michael Wm. Kaluta, H.C. Petley and John Barnes, Andrew Weiner and Stephen Fabian, Nicholas Yermakov and Allan Jones and Takashi Ishikawa and T. Windling.

68790-3 GREG BEAR Psychlone (cover by Edward Soyka; October 1979; 1st ACE printing)

69050-5 DEAN ING Pulling Through (January 1983; 1st ACE printing)

Reprinted with same ACE Letter-Number and cover art in March 1983.

69051-3 DEAN ING Pulling Through (c.1983; January 1987; 2nd ACE printing)

69168-4 ARSEN DARNAY The Purgatory Zone (cover by Don Maitz; July 1981; 1st ACE printing)

69190-0 L. SPRAGUE DE CAMP The Purple Pterodactyls: The Adventures of Wilson Newbury, Ensorcelled Finacier (cover by Stephen Hickman; c. 1979; April 1980; 1st ACE printing)

69222-2 DON CALLANDER Pyromancer (cover by Daniel Horne; May 1992; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)

69222-2 (back cover)

69323-7 ASHLEY McCONNELL Quantum Leap: Too Close For Comfort (cover by Keith Birdsong; April 1993; 1st ACE printing)

This is another of the TV tie-in crossover novels based upon the Universal Television series created by Donald P. Bellisario. For a good reference for this genre, investigate KURT PEER TV Tie-Ins (1999, 2nd edition; TV Books, NY).

69337-7 DENNIS SCHMIDT The Questioner Trilogy: Labyrinth (cover by Rowena; 1st ACE printing)

Book One of this series.  As you can see from the title on the cover, this is the only way this would make sense with the ACE Letter-Number series.

69348-2 JACK L. CHALKER The Quintara Marathon: The Run to Chaos Keep (cover by Darrell K. Sweet; c.1991; May 1992; 1st ACE mass market paperback printing)

69454-3 ALAN DEAN FOSTER Quozl (wrap-around cover by James Gurney; 1989; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)

Original cover art by James Gurney for Quozl. Oil on board, 18" x 24" and signed lower center.

69540 D. G. COMPTON The Quality of Mercy (c.1965; revised U. S. edition 1970; 1st ACE printing)

69540 (back cover)

69658-9 L. SPRAGUE DE CAMP The Queen of Zamba (cover by Paul Alexander; c.1977; May 1982; 1st ACE printing)

Book #1 of the Krishna series.

This story has a long and varied publishing history.  It was originally published as a serial in Astounding in 1949 with the same title.  Then it was released as Cosmic Manhunt in ACE Double D-61 (1954) bound with Clifford D. Simak's Ring Around the Sun.  It was then printed by Compact [UK] in 1966 as A Planet Called Krishna. Then it was released by Davis Publications as a paperback in 1977 as The Queen of Zamba which restored the original text and added the story "Perpetual Motion."

The Ace edition reprints the 1977 Davis book and apparently was reprinted in November 1982 with the same cover, number and price.  [Thanks Bill]

69660-0 ROBERT THURSTON Q Colony (cover by John Harris; February 1985; 1st ACE printing)

69721-6 JOHN MORRESSY The Questing of Kedrigern (1987; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)

69681 ANDRE NORTON Quest Crosstime (cover by Jack Gaughan; c.1965; nd)

Quest Crosstime was originally published as ACE G-595 (1965). This edition has the same cover art and it probably a re-numbered volume - maybe considered the 2nd ACE printing. Quest Crosstime is the sequel to The Crossroads of Time (ACE F-391, 1966).

69682 ANDRE NORTON Quest Crosstime (cover by Victor Kalin; c.1965; 1972)

69683 ANDRE NORTON Quest Crosstime (c.1965; 1972; 1975; same cover art as ACE 69682)

69684-8 ANDRE NORTON Quest Crosstime (cover by Davis Meltzer; c.1965; 1972; 1975; January 1981; 5th ACE printing)

69685-6 ANDRE NORTON Quest Crosstime (cover by Davis Meltzer; c.1965; 1972; 1975; 1981; 1985)

69700 A. E. VAN VOGT Quest For the Future (cover by John Schoenherr; c.1970)

69700 A. E. VAN VOGT Quest For the Future (cover by John Schoenherr; December 1972; 2nd ACE printing; )

Oh, the joys of ACE Book numbering. Thanks to Bill T., we have a second edition ACE printing with the same ACE Letter-Number. The things that you find! Same cover art with slightly different layout.

69770-4 POUL ANDERSON Question and Answer (cover by Michael Whelan;  February 1978; 2nd ACE printing)

69779-8 DENNIS SCHMIDT The Questioner Trilogy: Shadow (1990; 1st ACE printing)

Book Two of this series.  As you can see from the title on the cover, this is the only way this would make sense with the ACE Letter-Number series.

69992-8 JACK L. CHALKER Quintara Marathon #1: The Demons at Rainbow Bridge (cover by Darrell K. Sweet; c.1989; June 1990)

Image shown is for a second printing of the 1st edition.  Reprinted at least four times with the same ACE Letter-Number series and cover art.  Only difference is the price and that the 1st printing has a date.  

Last Update: 13 February 2021