40850-8 ROBERT SHECKLEY The Journey of Joenes (original title: Journey Beyond Tomorrow; cover by David Bergen; August 1979; 1st ACE printing)
Previously issued way back in 1962 under the title of “Journey Beyond Tomorrow” by Signet Books. This is the first edition with this title and could be considered a PBO.
41550 ANDRE NORTON Judgement on Janus (cover by Alex Schomburg; c.1964; 1969; listed as "complete and unabridged")
41551 ANDRE NORTON Judgement on Janus (c.1964; nd - probably 1972)
41552 ANDRE NORTON Judgement on Janus (c.1964; 1972; October 1973)
41553 ANDRE NORTON Judgement on Janus (c.1964; 1972; 1973; 1975)
42032-X PHYLLIS GOTLIEB A Judgment of Dragons (cover by Nenad Lamut; March 1985; 1st ACE printing)
42494-5 KENNETH Von GUNDEN K-9 Corps: Under Fire (August 1991)
42494-5 (back cover)
42495-3 KENNETH Von GUNDEN K-9 Corps: Cry Wolf (February 1992)
42496-1 KENNETH Von GUNDEN K-9 Corps: Last Resort (January 1993)
42801-0 E. C. TUBB Kalin (cover by John Schoenherr; c.1969; March 1978; 2nd ACE printing)
42802-9 E. C. TUBB Kalin: Dumarest of Terra #4 (cover by Paul Alexander; c.1969; 1978; July 1982; 3rd ACE printing)
43264-6 JOHN MORRESSY Kedrigern in Wanderland (1988; 1st thus; ACE fantasy)
43525-4 DENNIS SCHMIDT Kensho (cover by G. Benvenuti; October 1979; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
43526-2 DENNIS SCHMIDT Kensho (cover by G. Benvenuti; c.1979; November 1981; 2nd ACE printing)
43527-0 DENNIS SCHMIDT Kensho (cover by G. Benvenuti; c.1979; 1981; March 1986; 3rd ACE printing)
43671 ANDRE NORTON Key Out Of Time (cover by Emsh and interior illustration by Jack Gaughan; c.1963; 1969; 2nd ACE printing; listed as "complete and unabridged")
43672 ANDRE NORTON Key Out Of Time (cover by W. Strudeski; c.1963; 1969; nd - but possibly 1972)
43673 ANDRE NORTON Key Out Of Time (cover by W. Strudeski; c.1963; 1969; 1972; nd - but possibly 1973 - based upon advertisements in back)
43674 ANDRE NORTON Key Out Of Time (cover by W. Strudeski; c.1963; 1969; 1972; 1973 - but possibly 1976 - based on the Melvyl catalog of the Askins collection)
43675-5 ANDRE NORTON Key Out Of Time (cover by Les Katz; c.1963; 1969; 1972; 1973; 1976; February 1981; 7th ACE printing)
43676-5 ANDRE NORTON Key Out Of Time (cover by Les Katz; c.1963; 1969; 1972; 1973; 1976; 1981; February 1984; 8th ACE printing)
43679 ANDRE NORTON Key Out Of Time (cover by Les Katz; c.1963; 1969; 1972; 1973l; 1976; 1981; 1984; 1987; 1992; nd)
43726-5 ARDATH MAYHAR Khi To Freedom (cover by Stephen Hickman; May 1983; 1st ACE printing)
44116-5 JANET MORRIS and DAVID DRAKE Kill Ratio (cover by Michael Herring; 1987; 1st ACE printing)
44425-3 PIERS ANTHONY Kilobyte (cover by Den Beauvais; c.1992; January 1994; 1st ACE paperback printing)
44453-9 PHYLLIS GOTLIEB The Kingdom of the Cats (cover by Sonja and Nenad Lamort; July 1985; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
44468-7 ANDREW J. OFFUTT King Dragon (cover by Rowena Morrill and interior illustrations by Estaban Maroto; 1980, 2nd ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
44469-5 ANDREW J. OFFUTT King Dragon (cover by Rowena Morrill and interior illustrations by Estaban Maroto; 1980, October 1980; 3rd ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
44470 EDGAR WALLACE and MERIAN C. COOPER King Kong (front and back cover by Frank Frazetta; November 1976; 1st ACE printing)
To further make this edition complicated, there was a second printing of this ACE Letter-Number series with the same art and price. The first printing has “The One, The Only | The Great Original” in silver foil lettering and one advertisement on the last page. The second printing comes with “The Great Spellbinding Novel” in white lettering on the cover and the last page is blank.
44472 LORENZO SEMPLE, JR. King Kong (cover by Frank Frazetta; 1977; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
44481-4 ROBERT W. CHAMBERS The King in Yellow (cover by Stephen Hickman; c.1965; 1977; 2nd ACE printing)
44481-4 (back cover)
44485 CHRISTOPHER STASHEFF King Kobold (cover by Jack Gaughan; April 1971; 1st ACE printing)
44488-1 CHRISTOPHER STASHEFF King Kobold Revived (cover by Steve Hickman; June 1984; 1st ACE printing; listed as "completely revised by the author")
44489 CHRISTOPHER STASHEFF King Kobold Revived (nd)
44524-1 SHERI S. TEPPER King's Blood Four (wrap-around cover by James Christensen; April 1983; 1st ACE printing and PBO; ACE Fantasy)
44524-1 (back cover)
This volume was also reprinted in September 1983 with the same ACE Letter-Number series.
44525-X SHERI S. TEPPER King's Blood Four (wrap-around cover by James Christensen; c.1983; June 1984; 3rd ACE printing; ACE Fantasy)
(back cover)
44526-8 SHERI S. TEPPER King's Blood Four (wrap-around
cover by James Christensen; c.1983; 1984; December 1985; 4th
ACE printing; ACE Fantasy)
This volume was also reprinted in May 1989 with the same ACE Letter-Number series.
Book 1 of the True Game series.
44851-8 KEITH ROBERTS Kiteworld (cover is credited to ‘Blas’ - Blas Gallego; c.1985; 1986; May 1988; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
44990-5 LAURENCE M. JANIFER (aka LARRY M. HARRIS) Knave in Hand (March 1979; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
44990-5b (back cover)
45000 ANDRE NORTON Knave of Dreams (wrap around cover art by Charles Mikolaycak; March 1977; listed as "first paperback publication")
45001 ANDRE NORTON Knave of Dreams (wrap around cover art by Charles Mikolaycak; c.1975; 1977; nd; 2nd ACE printing)
45001-8 ANDRE NORTON Knave of Dreams (cover by Charles Mikolaycak; c.1975; 1977; February 1980; 3rd ACE printing)
45002-4 ANDRE NORTON Knave of Dreams (cover by Charles Mikolaycak; c.1975; 1977; 1980; June 1984; )
45125-X FRITZ LEIBER The Knight and Knave of Swords (cover by Darrell Sweet; c.1988; February 1990; 1st ACE printing)
45130-6 PETER DAVID Knight Life (nd; 2nd ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
45131-4 MICHAEL MOORCOCK The Knight of the Swords (cover by Robert Gould; c. 1971; February 1987; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
The Knight of the Swords was simultaneously published by Mayflower (UK) and Berkley (US) in 1971 [with reprints]. It was later reissued by Berkley in 1986.
45346-5 TIM LUKEMAN Koren (September 1982; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
45443-9 SOMTOW SUCHARITKUL The Aquiliad (1983; ACE fantasy)
46741-5 ALLEN STEELE Labyrinth of Night (cover by Bob Eggleton; October 1992)
46741-5 (back cover)
46850 THOMAS BURNETT SWANN Lady of the Bees (cover by Stephen Hickman; May 1976; 1st ACE printing)
46870 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Lad and the Lion (c. 1938; May 1974; 1st ACE printing)
46871 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Lad and the Lion (c. 1938; 1974; 1976; 2nd ACE printing)
46872-1 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Lad and the Lion (c.1938; 1974; 1976; 1978; - probably 1982; 5th ACE printing)
46928-0 SPIDER ROBINSON Lady Slings The Blues (wrap-around cover by Richard Hescox; November 1992; 1st ACE printing)
46929-9 SPIDER ROBINSON Lady Slings The Blues (wrap-around cover by Richard Hescox; c.1992; November 1992; 2nd ACE printing)
46929-9 (back cover)
46941-8 ANDREW J. OFFUTT The Lady of the Snowmist (February 1984; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
46991-4 WYNNE WHITEFORD Lake of the Sun (cover by Don Dixon; 1989; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
46992-2 KENNETH Von GUNDEN Star Spawn (1990; 1st ACE printing)
46996 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Land of Terror (cover and title page illustration by Frank Frazetta; c.1944; 1964; 1968; 1969; 1973; nd; 3rd ACE printing; listed as "complete and unabridged")
46997 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Land of Terror (new cover art by Frank Frazetta; c.1944; 1964; 1968; 1969; January 1973; 2nd ACE printing)
Although the copyright page lists this as "second printing' the previous three editions [F-256 (1964), G-737 (1968) and 04631 (1969)] suggests that the attribution on this series is going to be complicated. Thus, I will list them as 'printed edition' when documented, but the reader can easily compute which printing they really are.
Furthermore, to complicate even the mess that is "Land of
Terror" printing history, the following printings were issued with
the same copyright page [January
1973 and 'second printing'].
46998 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Land of Terror (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1944; 1964; 1968; 1969; 1973; 1974)
46999 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Land of Terror (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1944; 1964; 1968; 1969; 1973; 1975/1976)
47000-9 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Land of Terror (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1944; 1964; 1968; 1969; 1973, 1974; 1975/1976; August 1978; 6th ACE printing)
There were two more printings of this ACE Letter-Number series (March 1980 and January 1982).
47001-7 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Land of Terror (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1944; 1964; 1968; 1969; 1973, 1974; 1975/1976; 1978; 1980; 1982; April 1982; 9th ACE printing)
47002-5 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Land of Terror (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1944; 1964; 1968; 1969; 1973, 1974; 1975/1976; 1978; 1980; 1982; 1June 1985; 10th ACE printing)
47011 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Land of Hidden Men (original title: The Jungle Girl; cover and title page illustration by Roy Krenkel Jr.; c.1963; November 1969; 2nd ACE printing)
47012 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Land of Hidden Men (original title: The Jungle Girl; cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1963; 1969; January 1973; 3rd ACE printing)
47013 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Land of Hidden Men (original title: The Jungle Girl; cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1963; 1969; 1973; nd; 4th ACE printing)
47016-5 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Land of Hidden Men (original title: The Jungle Girl; cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1963; 1969; 1973; August 1978; 6th ACE printing)
47020 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Land That Time Forgot (cover by Roy Krenkel Jr.; c.1963; August 1970; 2nd ACE printing)
An "ACE Science Fiction Classic" on logo. This edition is an example of renumbering of new old stock. Has the same cover art as ACE F-213 (1963).
47021 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Land That Time Forgot (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1963; 1970; March 1973; 3rd ACE printing)47022 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Land That Time Forgot (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1963; 1970; 1973; nd)
47023 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Land That Time Forgot (c.1963; 1970; 1973; nd; photo cover; movie tie-in)
47023 (back cover)
47024 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Land That Time Forgot (c.1963; 1970; 1973; nd; plugs the movie on cover; same as ACE 47023)
47025-4 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Land That Time Forgot (c.1963; 1970 1973; June 1979; new cover art)
47026-2 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Land That Time Forgot (c.1963; 1970; 1973; 1979; nd; new cover art)
47401 JACK VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) The Languages of Pao (cover by Gray Morrow ; c.1966; nd; 2nd ACE printing; listed as "Complete & Unabridged")
This edition uses the same Gray Morrow cover art from ACE F-390 (1966).
47042 JACK VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) The Languages of Pao (cover by Krusek; c.1966; nd; 3rd ACE printing)
47072-6 JACK VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) The Last Castle (cover by Rucker; c.1967; 1977)
47073-4 JACK VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) The Last Castle (cover by R. Courtney; c.1967; 1977; March 1982; 5th ACE printing)
47075-0 JAMES P. BLAYLOCK The Last Coin (cover by James Gurney; c.1988; December 1989; 1st ACE mass market printing; ACE fantasy)
47121-8 PETER HANRATTY The Last Knight of Albion (1987; ACE New Infinities edition; ACE fantasy/King Arthur)
47161 ANDRE NORTON The Last Planet (original title: Star Rangers; cover by Harry Barton; c.1955; 1969; listed as "complete and unabridged")
47162 ANDRE NORTON The Last Planet (original title: Star Rangers; cover by Dean Ellis; c.1955; 1969; nd)
47163 ANDRE NORTON The Last Planet (original title: Star Rangers; Dean Ellis; c.1955; 1969; April 1974; 7th ACE printing)
47401 JACK VANCE (aka JOHN HOLBROOK VANCE) The Languages of Pao (cover and title page by Gray Morrow; c. 1957; 1958; 1966; nd; listed as "complete and unabridged")
47420-9 PHILIP JOSE FARMER The Lavalite World (cover by Boris Vallejo; 1977; 1st ACE printing; listed as "first publication in any form")
47440 ANDRE NORTON Lavender-Green Magic (wraparound cover by Charles Mikolaycak and interior illustrations and frontspiece by Judith Gwynn Brown; March 1977; 1st ACE printing)
47440 (back cover)
47441 ANDRE NORTON Lavender-Green Magic (wraparound cover by Charles Mikolaycak and interior illustrations and frontspiece by Judith Gwynn Brown; c.1977; March 1980; 2nd ACE printing)
47442-X ANDRE NORTON Lavender-Green Magic (wraparound cover by Charles Mikolaycak and interior illustrations and frontspiece by Judith Gwynn Brown; c.1977; 1980; February 1982; 3rd ACE printing)
47521-3 FRANK HERBERT and BILL RANSOM The Lazarus Effect (September 1987)
47800 URSULA K. LE GUIN The Left Hand of Darkness (cover by Leo and Diane Dillon; c.1969; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
47800-8 URSULA K. LE GUIN The Left Hand of Darkness (cover by Josh Kirby; c.1969; November 1972; 2nd ACE printing)
47801 URSULA K. LE GUIN The Left Hand of Darkness (cover by Josh Kirby; c.1969; 1972; May 1974)
47802 URSULA K. LE GUIN The Left Hand of Darkness (cover by Alex Ebel; c.1969; 1972; 1974; November 1974; listed as 7th ACE printing)
47803 URSULA K. LE GUIN The Left Hand of Darkness (cover by Alex Ebel; c.1969; 1972; 1974; January 1975; listed as 8th ACE printing)
47804 URSULA K. LE GUIN The Left Hand of Darkness (cover by Alex Ebel; c.1969; 1972; 1974; 1975; February 1976; listed as 11th ACE printing)
47805 URSULA K. LE GUIN The Left Hand of Darkness (cover by Alex Ebel; c.1969; 1972; 1974; 1975; December 1976, 13th ACE printing)
47806-9 URSULA K. LE GUIN The Left Hand of Darkness (cover by Alex Ebel; c.1969; 1972; 1974; 1975; 1976, March 1981; 21st ACE printing)
47807-7 URSULA K. LE GUIN The Left Hand of Darkness (c.1969; 1972; 1974; 1975; 1976, 1981; nd)
47809-3 URSULA K. LE GUIN The Left Hand of Darkness (c.1969; 1972; 1974; 1975; 1976, 1981; nd)
47850-6 JAMES H. SCHMITZ Legacy (original title: A Tale of Two Clocks; cover by Bob Adragna; May 1979; 1st ACE printing )
47851-4 JAMES H. SCHMITZ Legacy (original title: A Tale of Two Clocks; cover by Bob Adragna; c.1979; nd)
47962-6 RUTLEDGE ETHERIDGE Legend of the Duelist (cover by Royo; July 1993; 1st ACE printing)
48040-3 WILLIAM C. DIETZ Legion of the Damned (cover by Bruce Jensen; August 1993; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
48180-9 WILL SHETTERLY and EMMA BULL (eds.) Liavek (1985; 1st ACE printing and PBO; fantasy)
48191-4 WILL SHETTERLY and EMMA BULL (eds.) Liavek: Spells of Binding (cover by D.K.S; 1988; 1st ACE printing; fantasy)
48232-5 JERRY POURNELLE with JOHN F. CARR (eds.) Life Among The Asteroids (cover by Richard Courtney; October 1992; 1st ACE printing)
48312-7 CONNIE WILLIS Light Raid (cover by John Harris; 1990; 1st ACE edition)
The reprint ACE Letter-Number edition in 1996 has the same copyright page, with the same notation of the artwork by Harris, but the cover art for this edition is not by Harris. ACE strikes again.
48358-5 MEGAN LINDHOLM The Limbreth Gate (1984; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
48421-2 WILSON TUCKER The Lincoln Hunters (cover by Davis Meltzer; 1977; 2nd ACE printing)
48433-6 JAMES H. SCHMITZ The Lion Game (cover by Wayne Barlowe; 1982; 1st ACE printing)
48434-4 JAMES H. SCHMITZ The Lion Game (cover by Wayne Barlowe; c.1973; 1982; January 1985; 2nd ACE printing)
48490 H. BEAM PIPER Little Fuzzy (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1962, 1976)
48492-1 H. BEAM PIPER Little Fuzzy (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1962, 1976; 1978)
48494-0 H. BEAM PIPER Little Fuzzy (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1962; 1976; 1978; nd)
48497-2 H. BEAM PIPER Little Fuzzy (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1962; 1976; 1978; August 1984; 11th ACE printing)
48499-9 ROBERT ASPRIN Little Myth Marker (cover by Walter Velez; July 1987; ACE fantasy)
48922-2 POUL ANDERSON The Long Way Home (cover by Michael Whelan; February 1978)
48923-0 POUL ANDERSON The Long Way Home (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1978; July 1979)
48924-9 POUL ANDERSON The Long Way Home (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1978; 1979; May 1981 and December 1981)
48928-1 KEITH LAUMER The Long Twilight (cover by Bruce Jensen; January 1986)
48970 MACK REYNOLDS (aka DALLAS McCORD REYNOLDS) Looking Backward: From the Year 2000 (cover by J. H. Breslow; March 1973; 1st ACE printing)
49051-4 H. BEAM PIPER Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1965; nd)
49052-2 H. BEAM PIPER Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1965; late 1977/early 1978)
49055-7 H. BEAM PIPER Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen (cover by Michael Whelan; c.1965; 1977/1978; January 1984; 6th ACE printing)
49141-3 RANDALL GARRETT Lord Darcy Investigates (September 1981; 1st ACE printing)
49142-1 RANDALL GARRETT Lord Darcy Investigates (c.1981; nd)
49236 ANDRE NORTON Lord of Thunder (cover by Alex Schomberg; c.1963; 1968; nd; probably 3rd ACE printing)
49236 (back cover)
49237 ANDRE NORTON Lord of Thunder (cover by David Meltzer; c.1963; nd)
49252-5 PHILIP JOSE FARMER Lord of the Trees and The Mad Goblin (c.1970; May 1980)
49255-X GORDON EKLUND Lord Tedric #1 (cover by Gray Morrow; 1978; 1st ACE printing; fantasy)
49256-8 GORDON EKLUND Lord Tedric #3: Black Knight of the Iron Sphere (1981; 1st ACE printing; ACE fantasy)
49291 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Lost Continent (original title: Beyond Thirty; cover and title page by Frank Frazetta; c.1963; October 1969; 2nd ACE printing)
49292 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Lost Continent (original title: Beyond Thirty; cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1963; 1969; March 1973; 3rd ACE printing)
49293 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Lost Continent (original title: Beyond Thirty; cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1963; 1969; 1973; December 1974; 4th ACE printing)
49294 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Lost Continent (original title: Beyond Thirty; cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1963; 1969; 1973; 1974; April 1975; 5th ACE printing)
49295 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Lost Continent (original title: Beyond Thirty; cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1963; 1969; 1973; 1974; 1975; July 1976; 6th ACE printing)
49296-7 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS The Lost Continent (original title: Beyond Thirty; cover by Sanjulian; c.1963; 1969; 1973; 1974; 1975; 1976; January 1979; 7th ACE printing)
49299-1 GORDON R. DICKSON Lost Dorsai (cover by Enric with interior illustrations by Fernando Fernandez; August 1980; 1st ACE printing)
49300-9 GORDON R. DICKSON Lost Dorsai (cover by Enric with interior illustrations by Fernando Fernandez; c.1980; see notes below)
49302-5 GORDON R. DICKSON Lost Dorsai (cover by Enric with interior illustrations by Fernando Fernandez; c.1980; April 1985; 6th ACE printing)
49303-3 GORDON R. DICKSON Lost Dorsai (cover by Enric with interior illustrations by Fernando Fernandez; c.1980; 1985; nd; 7th ACE printing)
49492-7 GREG BEAR Lost Souls (original title: Psychlone; c.1979; 1982; 1st thus under this title and as an ACE Charter edition)
49500 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Lost on Venus (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1935; 1963; 1969; 2nd ACE printing)
49501 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Lost on Venus (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1935; 1963; 1969; 3rd ACE printing)
49502 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Lost on Venus (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1935; 1963; 1969; March 1973; 4th ACE printing)
49503 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Lost on Venus (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1935; 1963; 1974; 5th ACE printing)
49504 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Lost on Venus (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1935; 1963; nd)
49505 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Lost on Venus (cover by Frank Frazetta; c.1935; 1963; nd)
These editions uses the same Frazetta cover art, but loses the "ACE Science Fiction Classic" logo.
49506-0 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Lost On Venus (cover by Esteban Moroto; c.1935; 1963; June 1979; 8th ACE printing)
49507-9 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Lost on Venus (cover by Esteban Moroto; c.1935; 1963; 1979; nd)
49515-X ROBERT E. HOWARD The Lost Valley of Iskander (cover by Ken Kelly; 1986; ACE Charter edition; 1st ACE printing)
49515-X (back cover)
49525-7 DALE ESTEY A Lost Tale (June 1986; ACE fantasy mystery?)
49535-4 STEVE WILSON The Lost Traveller (1978)
49548-6 FRED SABERHAGEN Love Conquers All (cover by Bob Adragna; January 1979; 1st ACE printing)
49851-5 ALLEN STEELE Orbital Decay ('step back' covers and interior illustrations by Romas Kukalis; November 1989; 1st ACE printing)
49972-4 JAMES P. BLAYLOCK Lord Kelvin's Machine (cover by Jim Thiesen; August 1992; 1st ACE printing)