The ACE Doubles (and Singles): Image Library
The ACE SF Double had a 21 year life span and went through several
numbering systems. In addition, the ACE Letter-Number system included
single titles (either short novella length stories or longer, often
abridged, stories that had originally been published in hardback) as well
as the tête-bêche (back-to-back)
At this time, I know of no publication and author/cover artist
references for the ACE Western Doubles or the ACE Singles published during
this time period.
The primary reference for anyone interested in the tête-bêche style
of publication is James
A. Corrick (1991) Double Your
Pleasure: The ACE SF Double, Gryphon Books (Brooklyn;
Another reference available for the ACE doubles and singles
volumes (science fiction, fantasy, and horror only!) is Harold R.
Peters (1996) Science Fiction,
Fantasy & Horror in the Ace Letter-Series Editions: A
Collector's Notebook, Silver Sun Press, P. O. Box 647
Grindstone, PA, 15442 (listed price $6.50). This 65 page spiral bound
volume is a listing of each letter series ACE single and double volume
with notation space for condition and edition. It has an author index to
correlate the singles and doubles published. It is useful for the ACE
singles - although I have found a few discrepancies with my collection and
this listing.
The ACE mystery
doubles have an out-of-print reference by Sheldon Jaffery (1987) Double
Trouble: A
Bibliographic Chronicle of Ace Mystery Doubles, Starmont
Popular Culture Series no. 11, Borgo Press. This is currently
available (for how long I do not know) through the Barnes and
Noble website at
in the library binding edition for about $30 (US).
Sheldon Jaffery (1934-2003), author of the Double
Trouble bibliographic chronicle as well as FUTURE AND
has passed away and the availability of this volume (in hardback or soft
cover) is decreasing (check out your local interlibary loan officier and
maybe they can help get you a copy).
Another interesting and useful reference for the ACE mystery collector or
the pulp mystery enthusiast. Hardboiled
America, The Lurid Years of Paperbacks by Geoffrey O'Brien.
Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. 1981. 144pp.
Paperback. Illustrated with some color cover images. Essentially a
checklist for the "hardboiled" mystery genre for the time period from 1929
to 1958.
I have found a couple of other
(somewhat) useful volumes for the ACE collector or Science
Fiction enthusiast.
For pseudonyms of authors in any of the
following pages use this site
(AKA - "also known as") as it is well-developed and highly useful with a
good reference section.
In addition, a helpful reader has suggested the
following pseudonym resource:
PSEUDONYMS by Pat Hawk, available on CD from him at
Another source is THE
W. Wells III (1978), published by Purple Unicorn Books (Duluth, MN;
out-of-print, softcover edition). This volume is author-based and
provides information on titles, publishers (mostly paperback), and
For cover art and artist, the best compendium I have found (at this
ARTISTS by Robert Weinberg. Published by Greenwood Press,
Westport, CT: copyright 1988.
Contains biographical sketches of over 250 artists with
bibliographical listings of their work. ("Working bibliographies," as
noted by the author, "not the final word on the work of the illustrators
included..." and "...Artwork not relating to Science Fiction is not
included..." All the major --- and many minor --- artists in the field
are covered from the Pulp Era period (PAUL, ST. JOHN, FINLAY, BOK,
BERGEY, and BRUNDAGE) the SF Digests and the early paperbacks (POWERS,
FREAS, McCAULEY, EMSH, and BELARSKI) and those from the 1960's and
1970's (KRENKEL, FRAZETTA, SCHOENHERR, and GAUGHAN) to the more modern
Volume also contains several short articles addressing "Science
Fiction Art : A Historical Overview" and "Science Fiction Art : What
Still Exists." lastly, it contains a listing of the major awards
garnered by the artists.
However, there are NO illustrations in this volume (sorry).
It is available from a number of used book sources (i.e., for ~ $35 (US). Primarily a research volume, but a
great source for any collector of SF and Fantasy art, particularly those
interested in the early pulp magazines and paperbacks. (This
volume and information was brought to my attention by Grover Deluca -
and I immediately acquired a copy).
There is a science fiction and fantasy artists bibliography available.
Jane Frank (of WORLDS OF WONDER ART - aka
Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists of the Twentieth Century is
available from McFarland Publishing (2009). This is an excellent work
and has a good index and is well documented (all of the criteria a
scientist appreciates). It is a major contribution and extension to
material available from Weinberg (1988).
Yes, it is a bit pricy, but you will have it for years and this well-written
reference will be a great addition to anyone's library (so, buy it).
I recently acquired Outermost: The Art + Life of Jack Gaughan
by Luis Ortiz, published (in hardback, illustrated boards) by Nonstop
Press (New York) in 2010. It is another wonderful work on an artist for
whom I have always had a great deal of respect and admiration. The
forward is by his wife (Phoebe Adams Gaughan) and Luis Ortiz has put
together a well-written biography with a multitude of Gaughan art, many
which I have never seen. Another great gift to your library.
very good reference
(well-indexed and written) on TV Tie-In volumes (some by ACE) is
by Kurt Peers (1999, 2nd edition) TV Tie-Ins: A Bibliography of
American TV tie-in paperbacks. TV Books, NY, 364 pp. This
volume (paperback) is available from
This is especially useful for shows such as The
Man From U.N.C.L.E. , The Prisoner, Marcus Welby, M.D.,
and others published by ACE Books.
The Science Fiction Collector:
a series of pamphlet/checklist volumes with articles,
letters and commentary. Available from several NET book search
engines at highly variable prices. The ones that I am using are
the following:
Science Fiction Collector. # 1.
(Bibliography) # 1 Pandora's
Books published this index to ACE Books in 1976, covering the
period 1953-1968. From his personal collection, Grant Thiessen
prepared an index covering all Ace science fiction, fantasy and
horror books, during the period when Ace prefixed their book
numbers with a letter code to identify the price of the book. The
A- D- F- G- H- N- S- M- and K- series are included. All of the
ACE Doubles during this period are identified. This index also
includes many marginal works, and works in other fields by
authors associated with the science fiction field. With cover
Science Fiction Collector. # 2.
(Bibliography) This issue includes
a few additions and errata to the Ace Books index published in
SFC #1, an appreciation and bibliography of Fredric Brown, and a
book review and bibliography of John Russell Fearn's Golden
Amazon series, as well as letters from subscribers, some
interesting observations, and early attempts (prior to any of the
paperback price guides), to identify the science fiction and
other fantastic literature published by Avon Fantasy Novels,
Bantam of L.A., Bart House, Bond-Charteris, Century,
Double-Action, Handi-Books, Harlequin, Hillman, Lion, Merit,
Permabooks, Prize, Thriller Novel Classics, and Toby Press. With
cover reproductions.
Science Fiction Collector. # 3.
(Bibliography) # 3 Gene Marshall,
Carl F. Waedt and Paul C. Allen made contributions, which, when
combined, served to index the Robert A. W. Lowndes' Health
Knowledge Magazines of the 60's and 70's, which included Bizarre
Fantasy Tales, Famous Science Fiction, Magazine of Horror,
Startling Mystery Stories, Weird Terror Tales, and the
non-fantastic magazines Thrilling Western Magazine and World Wide
Adventure. Also included is a list of the issues announced but
never released. J. Grant Thiessen and Stuart W. Wells III
combined forces to produce a Galaxy Novels annotated index. With
cover reproductions.
Science Fiction Collector. # 4.
(Bibliography, Adult). # 4
Kenneth R. Johnson contributed the major checklist this issue, a
first attempt to identify the books published in the adult
pornography fields which also qualified as science fiction,
fantasy, or horror. Ian Covell sent checklists of the works of
Kenneth Bulmer, Laurence James, and Angus Wells, authors who
often shared pen-names with each other and others. Ronald W.
Spitzer contributed a Vega Books SF checklist. A one-page Tarzan
story by Robert Buhr was complemented by a checklist of Tarzan
imitators, prepared by Grant Thiessen. Mr. Thiessen also
contributed a checklist of the 'Best of...' phenomena, a piece of
verse made up mostly of science fiction titles, and an index to
the Canadian magazine Super Science Stories, which continued
after the demise of its American namesake. Also included are
letters, a question box, reviews, and cover reproductions.
Article about Edgar Rice Burroughs.
The most current paperback enthusiast and collector
magazine is Paperback
Parade: The Magazine For Paperback
Readers and Collectors. Published by Gary Lovisi, it is a
wealth of collector news, articles on various genres, and loaded with
images and information. URL is www.gryphonbooks. com. Check it
out (there are a couple ACE Books articles I have submitted).
Lastly, another good source of information is
the defunct Books Are Everything
fanzine (1988 to 1995; available from your local inter-library loan
officer). I will (in the future) try and quote some of the short articles
and checklists that are found in this interesting (sometimes wacky,
sometimes off-the-wall) collection of short articles, subscribers letters
and interviews.
As I continue with this set of pages I will
add other reference information.

Last update: 02 September 2020