Artist as Genius and High vs. Pop Culture
A. Social, Cultural, Historical Context
1. 16th-18th
centuries -- birth of "modern" societies:
2. population
3. technological innovations: agriculture --> labor-intensive -->
capital-intensive enterprise
a. (= "redundant labor")
4. mass production -- the rise of the factory system; mechanization of manufacturing
5. [3 + 4] --> toward urbanization
6. aristocracy on the decline
B. Artists
1. response to sudden downward mobility
2. ideology of ressentiment
C. High vs. Mass (Pop) Culture emerged from same conditions
II. Elements of Mass Culture Critique
A. "Pop Culture is solely and purely a commercial enterprise"
1. pop culture = industry
2. products are commodities; standardized
3. creative minimized
4. high culture is:
a. non-commercial
b. unique, non-standardized, heterogeneous products
3. innovation and individual creativity
B. "There is a huge difference between creators of high and popular culture"
1. HC: geniuses; educating the masses; art for art's sake
2. Pop C: creators pander to masses
C. "Pop Culture is Harmful to High Culture"
1. pc borrows from hc, thereby debasing it
2. pc's $ incentives lure hc producers away from their art
D. "Pop Culture has a negative effect on its audience: it is emotionally, intellectually, and culturally destructive."
1. emotionally = spurious gratifications (sex and violence)
2. intellectually: escapism, entertainment v. serious & deliberate reflection on important themes
3. culturally -- undermines capacity to recognize and appreciate high culture