Department of Psychology

Lab Location
Teaching Laboratory 3108
UNCW 601 College Road,
Wilmington, NC 28403
This is a sample of some of the research presented by the
UNCW Neuropsychology Lab.
Click poster to read.
Presented at 2015 American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention

Presented at UNCW Center for the Support of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, Summer Undergraduate Research and Creativity Awards

Presented at National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) 34th Annual Conference

Presented at 2015 North Carolina Psychological Association (NCPA) Annual Conference

Presented at 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA), 2014

Presented at 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA), 2014

Presented at XVII National Congress of Psychiatry (CNP), 2013

Presented at XVII National Congress of Psychiatry (CNP), 2013

Presented at XVII National Congress of Psychiatry (CNP), 2013

Presented at 11th Congress of the Andalusian Association of Mental Health Professionals (AEN), 2014

Presented at Psychiatry Meetings: Suicidal Behavior, 2014

Presented at World Psychiatric Association Thematic Meeting, Mental Health and Family Medicine Working Together (WPA Thematic Conference), 2012. Best poster award