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Class Time: Tuesdays 3:30-5:45pm, SB 215
Instructor: Jammie Price
Hours: Tuesdays
and Thursdays 11am-11:30am, 1:30-3:30pm, Wednesdays 9:30-11:30am
Other times by appointment
NO OFFICE HOURS: 1/12, 2/5, 2/10, 2/11, 2/18, 3/4
E-mail: pricej@uncw.edu, Phone: 962-3590
Course Web Page: http://people.uncw.edu/pricej/teaching/internprac/
General Web Page: http://www.uncw.edu/people/pricejPrerequisites
Sociological Data Analysis
(SOC 300)
Sociology Seminar (SOC 310/390)
Methods of Social Research
(SOC 301)
Social Theory (SOC 360)
Junior or senior standing
Instructor consent
Submission and approval of a
proposal in the semester prior to the practicum
Description: Applied
sociology is the science of using sociology to inform real life social issues.
Students with a bachelor’s degree in sociology with an applied
concentration learn valuable skills that will be directly transferable in
today’s job market. A crucial step in learning how to do applied sociology is
completing a practicum or an internship.
In a practicum, students
gain hands-on experience in applying sociology by working with clients in the
local community on specific social problems and issues.
In an internship, students gain hands-on experience in applying sociology
by working with a manager or supervisor in a large, established organization,
business, or government agency. While
completing a practicum or an internship, students also acquire job contacts and
learn how to market themselves. In
short, practicums and internships help make
sociology practical and economically rewarding and they provide an opportunity
to make a difference in the real world.
In this course, students complete either a practicum or an internship. During weekly seminars, students share practicum and internship experiences, receiving advice and guidance from the other students and the instructor. During the seminar, students will receive instruction on the writing, researching, and presenting their final report. Further, during the seminar, students will discuss jobs they plan to apply for, listen to guest speakers discuss their career trajectories, and receive professional socialization.
For approximately 10-15 hours each week outside of class (depending on whether you are registered for 3 or 6 credits), students work on providing an answer to a client’s problem. This work includes reading published materials on related topics, designing a study, collecting, analyzing and interpreting data, and writing reports. With the exception of collecting data, most of the practicum work occurs at school, libraries, computer labs, or students’ homes. However, students need to communicate with their client regularly and possibly work with the client at the client’s workplace occasionally.
What students get
out of this course depends on what they put into it.
To that end, students must attend class prepared to discuss their
experiences and readings.
Participation is worth 25% of the final
and Assignments: The
main project is to produce a final 10-15 page
report for the client, instructor, and
department (as described above). To
that end, throughout the semester, students submit sections of the final report
for review and revision. All
sections of the report must be typed, double-spaced and written in complete
sentences with no spelling errors. The
final report is worth 25% of the final grade.
Clients will also evaluate
students’ work habits after spring break. This evaluation is worth 15% of the final grade.
Each week, you are expected to bring in a job ad and a draft of a tailored resume and cover letter that you will submit for employment. You will also make a website for your resume and cover letter. These ads, resumes, cover letters, and website are worth 25% of your final grade. Ads, resumes, and cover letters (one each week) are worth 20% of your final grade (no late work accepted). Your website is worth 5% of your final grade.
Exams: None.
and Resources: Our
primary text will be the information you
gather and read to complete your reports. All course material, instructions, assignments, lecture notes,
schedule, etc.. are available on my website website (http://people.uncw.edu/pricej/teaching/internprac/).
Please consult this website regularly, and
definitely before class each week. Throughout
the semester, I may also make recommendations for you to purchase and read books
on career advancement. You will not be evaluated on your comprehension of
these books, though they will likely assist your career outcomes.
the end of the semester, I will assign participation grades, final grades on
reports and presentations, and client evaluations using the following point
A |
93-100 |
A |
90-92 |
B+ |
87-89 |
B |
83-86 |
B- |
80-82 |
C+ |
77-79 |
C |
73-76 |
C- |
70-72 |
D+ |
67-69 |
D |
63-66 |
D- |
60-62 |
F |
or below |
I will enter the above points into the
following formula to calculate final points:
Final Points = Participation Points (.25) +
Final Report Points (.25) + Final Presentation Points (.10) + Client Evaluation
Points (.15)
Student Honor Code: I expect you to abide by
the policies on academic integrity as set forth in Section V of the UNCW
Student Handbook and Code of Student Life which prohibits cheating,
plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty including any unauthorized
collaboration or assistance on any text, assignment, or project.
Additional Resources:
The Learning Center offers a
variety of academic services to students including individual tutoring, study
skills and test taking skills, and writing and reading skills.
All of these services are available to you at no cost.