COM 200 Major Assignments
Assignment | Brief Description: Follow Link for Details and Supporting Materials |
Welcome to COM 200 | Video blog of Tiffani Skandier who got an A in the class. She offers great advice from a student perspective on each major assignment. This link will take you to her introductory post and her take on how to do well in the course. When she talks about "Probes" she is referring to our research projects now called RP 1 and RP 2. |
Exams | Two of the exams are Blackboard exams. The final exam is taken during the final exam period. Tiffani offers some study tips in her blog. The exam review guide found on this site is helpful to look at for each exam as we simply move down the sheet. |
CBT Training in Group skills | Each group member will pick from a provided list of computer-based training courses and complete the course as preparation for group work in COM 200 and the major. You can access SkillPort through MySeaport or Blackboard. |
IRB Certification | Each group member will become certified to interact with human subjects while doing research. This will be our way of exploring the ethical issues of research more deeply. Save for your Portfolio! |
Group Reflection Report |
Your group will use this assignment to apply Forte and CBT insights to reflect on and refine your group teamwork. |
Research Project One: In-Depth Interview | Group will interview one of the group members about a communication issue in his/her life and then write up a formal summary and analysis of the findings. |
Content Analysis Activity |
Research Project Two Conference | Two (or more) members of your group will meet to discuss your plans for RP Two. The more work you've done before this conference the more specific our discussion. Memo must be prepared for conference. Follow link for memo outline. |
Research Project Two | Group will plan a survey or experiment that addresses a communication topic of interest and draft a formal research proposal about the study they design. |
Peer Evaluations | After three of the assignments in the class peer evaluations will be required. They must adhere to the guidelines in the instructions for full credit. |
If you have some specific feedback for improving the tutorials,
please email me or drop by my office!