PSY 246: Personality Psychology

Grading Policies

Option 1 (this is the default unless you indicate otherwise to me - see Important Dates link for deadline)

Final grades will be based upon 4 exams (cumulatively worth 96% of the final mark or 24% each) and the completion of 5 personality self-assessments (worth 4%). The personality self-assessments will be described further in class. Exams are multiple choice. All exams will be closed-book and will draw heavily from the lectures. 

Option 2

Students selecting this option will have their final grades based upon 4 exams (cumulatively worth 76% of the final mark or 19% each), a method paper (worth 20%), and the completion of 5 personality self-assessments (worth 4%). Topics for the method paper must be cleared by me by turning in an outline by the date of the third exam. See the syllabus or the link entitled Method paper for a detailed discussion of the method paper (this MUST be typed on a word processor).

Attendance is an important part of this class, and I will take attendance on several occasions and reward those present with extra credit. Regular attendance and good note taking are the key ingredients to getting the most out of this class.

Unless you have a death in the family or a serious illness (both require documentation), there is NO EXCUSE for missing an exam. You will receive an F for any unexcused absences from an exam. Make-up exams will be scheduled on the same day as the final exam. Any student missing more than one exam will have to provide further documentation. Final grades will be calculated using the +/- system. Please note that each section described under Class Lectures/Topics does not necessarily represent a single lecture. 

Practice exams are now available through the following link (Practice exams). The exams should give you some idea of what to expect and how to study. 

Please feel free to contact me anytime.