

You are required to prepare a research paper on a topic of your choosing.  Since you will obviously spend a lot of time on this assignment I encourage you to choose an issue of interest to you.  The only requirement is that it should address some sort of environmental policy or management issue.  If you are having trouble thinking of a topic I have several conference proceeding in my office you can look through.  You can also leaf through the fields leading journals such as Coastal Management, Ocean and Coastal Management, or Environmental Management to get some ideas.  In certain cases a project may be accepted in place of a paper if it adds to your professional development.  You will be required to submit a short paper/project proposal early in the semester when indicated on the course schedule.  Your paper proposal must include a 1 - 2 page abstract that clearly indicates the environmental problem and research questions you will examine.  It should also include a proposed outline of the paper.  It must also include a list of 10 references (in addition to websites) to government reports, books, or journal articles that will constitute the core bibliography of your research paper.    


I have high expectations for your paper.  You are all capable of writing papers that are consistent in scope, substance, and quality with that found in the papers presented at conferences for academics and practitioners in this field such as the American Society of Public Administration (ASPA) or The Coastal Society.  There is no set length requirement but I expect most of the papers will be at least 20 or more double-spaced pages.  They should be well written, be professional in appearance, and be properly referenced in any acceptable style.  All papers must be professional in appearance and include a title page, abstract, use headings/subheadings, have page numbers, and include a bibliography.  The draft paper should also be formatted  as a single document that can be posed on the class website.
In terms of content, there is some flexibility but all research papers involve researching a topic and must clearly specify a research question and use data to answer the question.  The term data should be broadly construed.  It may include the results of data collection (interviews, reviews of archival records like reports and newspapers) to produce a case study or to evaluate a policy or program.  You can produce a position paper that uses existing data and research to evaluate a problem, produce options for addressing the problem, and evaluate the possible consequences of the action.  You can also do a paper that reviews the literature in a particular area.  You are advised to look through various environmental policy journals like the Natural Resources Journal, Society & Natural Resources, Environmental Management, etc. and the electronic reserve readings for additional examples of how to write a research paper. 
I encourage all of you to consider trying to present the papers you develop for this assignment at a professional conference in the future.  These conferences provide excellent  networking opportunities for those seeking a job in this area.  Presentations at these conferences also look good on your resume and will help you to develop your public speaking skills.  The UNCW Graduate School also provides up to $400 for student travel expenses when they are presenting a paper at a conference.  You may also want to  consider submitting a revised version of your paper to an appropriate journal  in the field.  In fact, Coastal Management regularly solicits student contributions for its final issue of the year.  


We will have our own mini-conference the last day of class where you will present your paper or someone else's paper depending on the format of the conference.  I expect your presentations to be professional and to use appropriate audiovisual aids (e.g., power point).  You will have 10 to 12 minutes for your presentation and it will be timed.  
To ensure that we have a lively discussion of your papers, they will be available electronically to all of the other students in the class through this web site.  Someone will also serve as a discussant for your paper.  This will either be a faculty member, fellow student, or practitioner familiar with the paper's subject matter.  The discussant will provide feedback and draw out some of the key themes in the papers he/she reviewed.  We will then have a question and answer  period.   Each discussant must provide written comments and suggestions for improving the paper.  These comments should be included as an appendix in the final paper. 


Your final paper grade will be evaluated based on your analysis, the organization of your ideas, the strength and substance of your arguments, your ability to properly apply the concepts discussed in class, and the quality of your writing (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.).  Your final participation grade will for the course will be influenced by the effort you put into the presentation, comments on the paper you present, and your participation in the mini-conference.  This website also provides useful style guidelines  (Click here), although any generally accepted format is acceptable.   The following evaluation forms will give you some idea about what is expected for the paper.   
bullet Paper/Project Evaluation Form

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