Case Memos
Org. Assessment

Case Memos

The analysis of case studies essentially is self-learning through simulated experience.  Therefore, its success depends on the lively interchange of information, ideas, and opinions brought out in class discussion.  Students are required to complete 4 memos based on cases of varying length and complexity.  Each memo must also include an attachment that describes how 3 sets of theories or concepts (see the review sheet for the final exam for examples) applies to that particular case.  Since case analysis and writing memos may be a new experience, students can rewrite 2 memos and I will average the grades.  Accordingly, students concerned about their final course grade should consider revising memos with poor grades.  Failure to complete a memo results in a zero.  Memo grades are reduced by a letter grade each day they are late.  Click here for detailed directions.


Organizational Assessment

Each student must select a public or nonprofit organization to analyze for this assignment.  It cannot be affiliated with UNCW and you should not be a past or present employee of the organization.  It should also have at least 10 employees.  You will have to interview at least 3 employees, one of which must have some managerial/leadership responsibilities.  During your interviews, you should attempt to find out the answers to a variety of questions and prepare a written report and present their findings to the class.  A detailed description of this assignment is posted on the course web site.

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Page last modified 11/17/05

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