Possible Topics
Peer Evaluation Forms
Presentation Evaluation
Project Evaluation

Policy Paper/Project


Each student will be assigned to a group the second day of class.  Since your peers will evaluate your contribution to the project team, failure to actively participate in the group assignment will adversely effect your grade.  Students should carefully read through the peer evaluation form that is available on the course web site.  It will be collected following the completion of your project.  The web page also contains forms used to evaluate the group presentation and final report.  Be sure that your presentation and final written report addresses these criteria. 

Picking a Topic

Each group is required to complete a thorough, competent, well-written policy analysis with “real world” implications and grounding such as a briefing paper, white paper, or a cost-benefit analysis.  Each group is be expected to identify a hypothetical client for their analysis and employ the appropriate qualitative or quantitative technique(s) needed to analyze a policy problem.  I strongly advise selecting a topic you are interested in and view this project as an opportunity to develop a written work product that can be included in your portfolio when you graduate.   
Each group should waste no time in identifying the subject for their analysis and a primary criterion should be that it can be completed within the timeframe of the course.  You will soon discover that these analyses require research and information to support your analysis.  Accordingly, do not invest your time in a large-scale analysis from which you cannot obtain the required social, political, and economic data. A list of potential topics is posted on the class website.  Students can also look through newspapers and magazines to help identify problems looking for analysis.   Students are advised to consult with the professor before investing too much time in a potential topic to be sure that the project can be completed during the semester.

Preliminary Analysis Memo Assignment

Your group will be required to submit a preliminary written assignment that serves two functions.  First, it helps prevent procrastination and forces you to pick a topic early and perform elements of the analysis while we are discussing the corresponding readings.  Second, it is designed to help you learn how to communicate the key points of your analysis in memo form. 
bulletPreliminary Analysis Memo: Students must prepare a 3 page memo that: defines the problem, client, and rationale for government intervention (e.g., market or government failure); identifies the main factors affecting the problem (i.e., is their a causal model associated with the problem); identifies alternatives; and, summarizes the criteria that will be used to evaluate the alternatives.  It should also include as an attachment a list of bibliographic references and data sources. 

Final Report

You must also learn how to communicate the results of your analysis in a professional manner.  Accordingly, each group is required to submit a final report that counts as a significant portion of your final course grade.  At a minimum, your final report must include the following:
bulletTable of contents
bulletExecutive summary (1 - 2 pages))
bulletMain report (i.e., discussion of problem, discussion of evaluative criteria, discussion of each alternative, projected outcomes of each alternative, a comparison of the alternatives, a recommended alternative, and an implementation strategy for that alternative)
bulletSupporting tables and figures
bulletAppendices or supporting materials
The report is expected to be clear, concise, and professional.  It should communicate your findings effectively to your client.  Final reports will probably be at least 20 double-spaced pages, but many will be longer depending on the problem and nature of your analysis. 
Final Presentation
You must also learn how to communicate the results of your analysis to a broad audience.  Accordingly, you will make a 10 - 12 minute professional presentation that summarizes the results of your analysis.  The presentation will occur near the end of the class and may be on your draft paper so that you have a few more days to polish your written findings. 

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Page last modified 11/17/05

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