Water Quality


Land Development and Its Impact on Water Quality



Point vs. nonpoint source (NPS) pollution
Command and control vs. other policy instruments
Causes of water quality problems and pollutants of concern
Urban sprawl
Watershed management
Tyranny of small decisions/cumulative and secondary impacts


Rosenbaum: 183 - 228
Cooper: Water Quality: The Issues (Reserve) (In Watershed Simulation folder)
Handouts - Water Quality
Handouts - Urban Sprawl
Read EPA Water Quality Inventory: Chapter 1 - Introduction (pdf file) and one of the following to prepare for the watershed simulation EPA Water Quality Inventory: Chapter 3 - Rivers (pdf file) or EPA water Quality Inventory: Chapter 5 - Estuaries and coastal areas (pdf file)

Lecture Notes

View or print lecture notes as a adobe acrobat file


Watershed Simulation

Web Resources

Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Office of Water, Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds, National Estuary Program, Section 319 NPS Program, Wetlands, Total Maximum Daily Loadings, Ocean and Coastal Protection Division
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) and its Division of Water Quality, Division of Water Resources, Division of Coastal Management, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, and other programs
Albermarle-Pamlico National Estuary Program
TMDL Case Study for the Tar-Pamlico Basin
NOAA's Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM), Coastal Zone Management Program, National Marine Sanctuary Program, and National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR)
U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and the Forest Service
Congressional Research Service reports on water quality issues
National Water Quality Inventory
National Wetlands Inventory
Information about the water quality in your state
Index of Watershed Indicators
Surf Your Watershed
Water Environment Federation
Terrene Institute
Know Your Watershed sponsored by the Conservation Technology Information Center
Clean Water Action Plan
Antidotes to Sprawl
Smart Growth Network
Sustainable Communities Network

Movies that Might Be of Interest

Erin Brockovich (2000) starring Julia Roberts and Albert Finney: A true story of Erin Brockoich and Attorney Ed Masry and their efforts to sue PG & E for poisoning the groundwater in Hinkley, CA.  The movie illustrate the important role the courts have in enforcing environmental policies as well as the complexity associated with demonstrating violations of federal and state laws.  Julia Roberts won an Academy award for her performance.
A Civil Action (1999) staring John Travolta:  Based on the excellent book of the same name, this true story depicts attorney Jan Schlichtmann's efforts to sue two companies for polluting the drinking water in Woburn, MA.  The movie depicts the important role of the courts in enforcing environmental policy but also the limits of science when incorporated into a judicial process. 

Books that Might Be of Interest

A Civil Action
Cadillac Desert

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Page last modified 05/13/03

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