Bloomberg Professional Services ( New York, NY
Bloomberg Essentials Training Program: Equities and Fixed Income, 2015,
Bloomberg Market Concepts: Economics, Currency, Fixed Income and Equities, 2015
Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists
American College of Nutrition, New York, NY
and Clearwater, Florida
The Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) holds an advanced degree (masters or doctoral level) from a regionally accredited institution in the field of nutrition or a field allied to nutrition and relevant to the practice of nutrition. The CNS must complete either a) 1000 hours of supervised professional experience in nutritional related activities or b) 4000 hours of independent experience as a professional nutritionist as a dietitian, nutrition researcher, or public policy nutritionist.
A Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) is a health educator who has met the requirements of certification as established by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. CHES have bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in health education, have passed the Certified Health Education Specialist Examination.