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Essential Information


Class Time: TR 8:00 – 9:15 (Section 1); TR 9:30-10:45 (Section 2)


Location: LH 107



Online texts:

Your professor:

Communicating with me:

The best way to be sure that I understand your individual issues and problems is to come to me during my office hours, or make an appointment to see me at another time.  You may call me or send me emails.  You may not get immediate responses with emails; if you don’t, please raise your issue in person with me before or after class or during my office hours. 

Catalog description:  CLA 210. (ENG 210) Mythology (3) The major mythological systems of Western society Greek, Roman and Norse. Mythology of other parts of the world and related material are also considered.

About this course:  CLA 210 is an introduction to the mythology of ancient Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, and Northern Europe, with a focus on ancient Greece and Rome.  This course will provide you with: (1) familiarity with and appreciation of a variety of forms of literary representations of mythology; (2) the ability to use a variety of critical methodologies to interpret and analyze mythic narratives from different perspectives; (3)  awareness of the cultural contexts for and uses of mythic narrative, including  the roles of class, ethnicity, social status, material culture, political systems, and historical events in constructing narratives of the divine and of interactions between human and divine world; (4) appreciation of the ways in which myth expresses communal and individual religious perceptions; and (5) awareness of the role of mythology as a focus for the artistic creation of meaning in a variety of cultures and cultural contexts.



Date Readings & Topics Assignments
R  Jan. 12 Introduction, Interpretations (M&L pp. 3-7), Cultural Background (M&L pp. 18-26) Be there ...
T Jan. 17 Sources: M&L pp. 26-30; Historical Background (M&L2), Archetype (M&L pp. 7-11) Myths of Creation (M&L3) M&L quiz 2 due at beginning of class
R  Jan. 19 Myths of Creation (M&L3) M&L quiz 3 due at beginning of class
T Jan. 24 Zeus’s Rise to Power (M&L 4), Olympian Gods (M&L 5);

In-Class Quiz: Creation concepts and characters

M&L quiz 4 & 5 due at beginning of class

R  Jan. 26 Nature of the Gods (M&L 6) M&L quiz 6 due at beginning of class
T Jan. 31 Poseidon (M&L 7); Athena (ML 8)

In-Class Quiz: Iconography

M&L quiz 7 & 8 due at beginning of class

R Feb. 2 Aphrodite and Eros (M&L 9)

Writing assignment 1: Arachne

M&L quiz 9 due at beginning of class

T Feb. 7 Artemis (M&L 10); Sacrifice M&L quiz 10 due at beginning of class
R Feb. 9 Apollo (M&L 11); Hermes (M&L 12)

Source and Citation Exercise due

M&L quiz 11 & 12 due at beginning of class

T Feb. 14 Dionysus (M&L 13) M&L quiz 13 due at beginning of class
R Feb. 16 Demeter and Eleusis (M&L 14)

Writing Assignment 2: Liminal Deities

M&L quiz 14 due at beginning of class

T Feb. 21 The Afterlife (M&L 15) M&L quiz 15 due at beginning of class
R Feb. 23 Orpheus (M&L 16); Heroes

M&L quiz 16 due at beginning of class

T Feb. 28 Test 1 Test  1
R Mar. 1 The Theban Saga (M&L 17) M&L quiz 17 due at beginning of class
T Mar. 6 The Mycenaean Saga (M&L 18) M&L quiz 18 due at beginning of class
R Mar. 8

 The Trojan Saga (M&L 19)

M&L quiz 19 due at beginning of class

T&R Mar. 13 & 15 SPRING BREAK  
T Mar. 20 The Trojan Saga cont.; The Returns (M&L 20) 

Essay Due

M&L quiz 20 due at beginning of class

R Mar. 22 The Returns cont.; Perseus (M&L 21)

In-class quiz: concepts and their applications

M&L quiz 21 due at beginning of class

T Mar.  27 Heracles (M&L 22)

Writing Assignment 3: Heroes

M&L quiz 22 due at beginning of class

R Mar. 29 Heracles cont.; Theseus (M&L 23) M&L quiz 23 due at beginning of class
T Apr.  3 The Argonauts (M&L 24)

Paper Proposal due

M&L quiz 24 due at beginning of class

R Apr. 5 State Holiday  
T Apr. 10 Middle Eastern Mythology 1: Inanna's Descent; Epic of Gilgamesh tablets 1-4

In-Class Quiz: Hero patterns

Inanna quiz due at beginning of class

R Apr. 12 Middle Eastern Mythology 2: Epic of Gilgamesh tablets 5-12

Writing Assignment 4: Inanna and Persephone

Gilgamesh quiz due at beginning of class

T Apr. 17 Norse Myth 1: Prose Edda  pp. 13-35  Norse myth quiz 1 due at beginning of class
R Apr. 19 Norse Myth 2: Prose Edda pp. 35-68 Norse myth quiz 2 due at beginning of class
T Apr. 24 Norse Myth 3: Prose Edda pp. 69-87 Norse myth quiz 3 due at beginning of class
R Apr. 26 Test  2 Test  2
April 27, Friday Paper Due in my office, LH 273, by 5:00 PM


Requirements and Assessment:


Grade Scale:

A 93-100

A- 90-92


B+ 87-89

B 83-86

B- 80-82

C+ 77-79

C 73-76

C- 70-72

D+ 67-69

D 63-66

D- 60-62


Course Goals:

Read this carefully, and keep it where you can refer to it.  Each of our class exercises & activities is oriented toward developing one or more of these language skills.  This list of course goals includes both the goal and the strategies we will use in working toward it. (Aesthetic, Interpretive, and Literary Perspectives  SLO’s and Historical and Philosophical Approaches SLO’s are appended.)     

1. Gain an understanding of several mythic systems through the study of Greek, Roman, Mesopotamian, and Northern European literature.  This means:

A.      read primary source tests and discuss them fluently in class (AIL I);

B.       learn to recognize and appreciate the aesthetics different mythological narrative express (AIL I) (AIL 2); and

C.       develop an understanding of the ways in which mythological narratives reflect significant historical trends and human experiences (HP 1).

2. Appreciate the dynamics of cultural difference and key cultural concerns in mythological narratives.  This means:

A.      develop awareness of the functions of myth within its home cultures, the ways in which myth affected and reflected cultural values and cultural change; and its relationship to the historical and cultural forces that motivated these changes (AIL 2, HP 1); and

B.       explore the ways in which myth expresses social, cultural and religious concerns such as cosmic order, authority and transgression; gender roles; political and familial organization, and both communal and individual religious practice (AIL 2; HPA 1);

3. Develop sound critical approaches to interpreting myth.  This means:

  1. learn and master critical methodologies that may be used in interpreting myth (including representative methods from different fields such as literary criticism, historical methodology, psychology, feminism, anthropology …) (AIL I; HPA 2);
  2. apply them to a variety of types of myth (AIL I, HPA 2);
  3. contrast the insights of different methodologies in specific works or passages (AIL 2, HPA 2);
  4. Use different versions of myths, with a focus on their development over time and between cultures,  to illuminate the ways in which different societies construct  gender roles, sexuality,  justice; and social differences (AIL 2, HPA 3);
  5. Build awareness of the different uses of myth in the literatures and religious practices of different ancient cultures (AIL 2, AIL 3; HPA 3); and
  6. Study the differences in perspectives and literary techniques created by different cultures, times and places (AIL 2) (AIL 3).

4. Appreciate the ways in which mythology continues to affect us in the present day.  This means:

A.      explore the ways in which key mythological themes reflect central human concerns (HP 1); and

B.       study the recurrence of mythic motifs in our own society, both similarities and differences , and consider the ways in which our own approaches to similar themes is created by our own cultural expectations (AIL 2, AIL 3, HPA 3).

5. Examine the individual voices of different authors.  This means:

  1. investigate how political and social limitations might inhibit or foster creative expression (AIL 3); and
  2. show how cultural or social expectations were fulfilled or transcended in mythic narrative (AIL 3).

6. Write effectively about the material.  This means:

  1. master primary source materials, and how to locate good ones and interpret them.
  2. learn from and effectively use academic secondary sources (HPA 1, WI 1);
  3. support arguments effectively from primary and secondary sources, and cite sources fully and appropriately (WI 1, WI 2, WI 3);
  4. use appropriate methodologies to guide and support your own interpretations (WI 4, WI 5);
  5. Make critical interpretations both of the literature and of secondary source materials, effectively summarizing both in a way that supports your own arguments (WI 1; WI 2); and
  6. use these abilities to critique the work of other students, and interpret and respond to critiques of your own work (WI 5).

Student Learning Outcomes for Aesthetic, Interpretive, and Literary Perspectives:

Student Learning Outcomes for Historical and Philosophical Approaches:

Class and University Policies:

Respect and Professionalism:

Academic Honesty

All members of UNCW’s community are expected to follow the academic Honor Code. Please read the UNCW Honor Code carefully (as covered in the UNCW Student Handbook). Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated in this class.

Please be especially familiar with UNC-W’s position on plagiarism as outlined on in the UNCW Student Handbook. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty in which you take someone else’s ideas and represent them as your own. Here are some examples of plagiarism:

  1. You write about someone else’s work in your paper and do not give them credit for it by referencing them.
  2. You give a presentation and use someone else’s ideas and do not state that the ideas are the other persons.
  3. You get facts from your textbook or some other reference material and do not reference that material.

Religious Observance Policy

In accordance with NC SL 2010-211, you are entitled to two excused absences for religious observances per academic year. You must inform me in writing the first week of class if you will be missing any classes due to religious observance and using one of the two permissible absences for the academic year. In addition, please inform the Registrar the first week of class who will then confirm your intentions to miss class with the impacted course instructors. Any absence for religious purposes will be considered unexcused unless you submit the request in writing the first week to both me and the Registrar.

The UNCW Statement on Diversity in the University Community

            As an institution of higher learning, the University of North Carolina Wilmington represents a rich diversity of human beings among its faculty, staff, and students and is committed to maintaining a campus environment that values that diversity.  Accordingly, the university supports policies, curricula, and co-curricular activities that encourage understanding of and appreciation for all members of its community and will not tolerate any harassment or disrespect for persons because of race, gender, age, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, or relationship to other university constituents. Students with Disabilities information and resources available at

Zero Tolerance Policy

            UNCW practices a zero tolerance policy for violence and harassment of any kind, so please do not violently harass your fellow students, me, or anyone else.  For emergencies contact UNCW CARE at 962-2273; Campus Police at 962-3184; or Wilmington Police at 911.  For University or community resources visit: Violence prevention information and resources available at