Courses Taught
EDN 203: Psychological Foundations of Teaching
EDN 500: Human Development and Learning
EDN 523: Research in Education
AIG Foundations Courses:
EDN 552: Introduction to Gifted Education & EDN 553: Social-emotional issues in Gifted Education
Professional Service
American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences
American Educational Research Association
Association for Childhood Education International
Eastern Educational Research Association
Society for Research in Child Development
Research Interests
Teacher change and professional development
Children's developing knowledge and understanding of assessment and evaluation
Understanding understanding: A developing theoretical model
Personality influences on online small group interactions
Cross-cultural online learning
Additional Information
Recent Vita
Italy Study Abroad Program: Information PPt
Italy Study Abroad Program: Costs/Information
MCCSSS Developing Assessment Literacy Workshop
Course Resources:
- Developing Assessment Literacy
- Online Resource Page
- Matching Items to Objectives
- Test Construction Rubric
- Judging the Quality of a Test
- Test Item Development Resources: UIUC MSU BYU
- Sample Tests: ST1-2 ST3-4 ST5 ST6 EgT1 EgT2 EgT3 EgT4 EgT5 EgT6