Amanda Boomershine, PhD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Associate Professor of Spanish and Linguistics Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Home | Teaching | Research | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Research Projects Realization of /bdg/ in heritage and L1 Spanish speakers in NC (Lukas Tillmann's Honors project) Realization of syllable-final /s/ in Mexican Spanish (with Greg Lewis) English vowel production by heritage (early bilingual) speakers of Spanish (with Katie Denton) Spanish vowel systems of heritage (early bilingual) and late bilingual speakers of Spanish Perception of Spanish and English vowels by heritage, monolingual, and L2 speakers of Spanish and English Perception of allophonic and phonemic consonantal contrasts by heritage speakers of Spanish
Publications Boomershine, Amanda. 2013. The Perception of English Vowels by Monolingual, Bilingual, and Heritage Speakers of Spanish and English. In S. Blackwell and C. Howe (Eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 15th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Massachusetts: Cascadilla Press. pp. 103 - 118. Boomershine, Amanda. 2009. Perceptual Processing of Variable Input in Spanish. Germany: VDM Verlag. Boomershine, Amanda, Kathleen Currie Hall, Beth Hume, and Keith Johnson. 2008. The Influence of Allophony vs. Contrast on Perception: The Case of Spanish and English. In P. Avery, E. Dresher & K. Rice (eds.), Phonological Contrast. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 143-172. Boomershine, Amanda. 2007. An Exemplar Based Approach to Speech Processing. In P. Reich and B. Sullivan (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the LACUS Forum XXXIII. Boomershine, Amanda. 2006. Perceiving and Processing Dialectal Variation in Spanish: An Exemplar Theory Approach. In Face, Timothy (Ed.), Selected Proceedings of the 8th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Massachusetts: Cascadilla Press. |
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