Tom Barth

Tom Barth

Professor, Department of Public and International Affairs
University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Coordinator of the Strategic Management Academy and Faculty Advisor of the Public Management Concentration

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Barth, Thomas J. (2014). “Leadership Lessons from the World of Athletics: Up Close and Personal” (accepted for forthcoming publication in Public Voices).

Barth, Thomas J. (2013).  “Does America Have a Gun Culture?” Wilmington Star News. January 11.

Barth, Thomas J. (2012).  “Losing Sight: A View from the Top.”  Public Administration Review.  Vol. 72, No. 5: 635-636.

Barth, Thomas J. (2012).  “When Institutions Become Blind.” Wilmington Star News. July 19.

Barth, Thomas J. (2010). “Crisis in the Catholic Church:  Lessons for Public Administrators.  Public Administration Review.  Sept./Oct.: 780-791.

Barth, Thomas J. and Elizabeth Demski (2010). “Cape Fear Healthy Carolinians: Taking Risks, Crossing Boundaries.” In Norris-Tirrell, Dorothy and Joy Clay. Strategic Collaboration in Public and Nonprofit Administration. Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press -- Taylor and Francis.

Barth, Thomas J. (2004) “Teaching PA Online: Reflections of a Skeptic.” International Journal of Public Administration. 27 (3):  439-455.

Barth, Thomas J. and Blair Knox (2004).  “Review of Handbook of Administrative Ethics.”  American Review of Public Administration.  (34) 2:223-225.

Barth, Thomas J. (2002).  “Reflections on Building an MPA Program: Faculty Discussions Worth Having.”  Journal of Public Affairs Education. (3) 4: 253-261.

Barth, Thomas J. (2002) “Lessons from a Life of Quiet Service.” Public Voices. (3) 5:105-110.

Barth, Thomas J. (2001). “The Role of Ad Hoc Regional Alliances in Managing Growth.” Public Works Management & Policy. (6) 2:114-125.

Barth, Thomas J. and Robin Quinn. (2000) “Serving the Homeless: Public Administration as Science, Process and Art. International Journal of Public Administration. (23) 12: 2085-2106.

Barth, Thomas J. and Mark Green (1999). “Public Administration Handbooks: Why, How and Who?” (BRE) Public Administration Review. (59) 6: 535-544.

Barth, Thomas J. and Eddy Arnold (1999). “Artificial Intelligence and Administrative Discretion: Implications for Public Administration.” The American Review of Public Administration. (29) 4: 332-351.

Barth, Thomas J. Kent Hill, Kenneth Mulholland, and David Mirvis (1999). “Strategic Planning in a VA Medical Center,” in Kilpatrick, Anne and James Johnson (Eds.) Handbook of Health Administration and Policy. New York: Marcel Dekker: 655-668.

Barth, Thomas J. Jeuli A. Bartenstein (1998). “Fostering a Learning, Innovative Government: collaboration Between Academics and Practitioners.” The Public Manager. Fall: 63-68.

Barth, Thomas J. (1996). “Administering in the Public Interest: The Facilitative Role for Public Administrators,” in Wamsley, Gary and James Wolf (Eds.) Refounding Democratic Public Administration. Thousand Oaks: Sage: 168-197.

Barth, Thomas J. (1995). “Autonomy Grounded in Subordination: A Framework for Responding to Competing Institutional Norms.” The American Review of Public Administration, 25: 231-246.

Barth, Thomas J. and Joy A. Clay. (1994). “A Picture of the Human Resource Specialty

Offered by MPA Programs.” Review of Public Personnel Administration. (XIV) 4: 127-137.

Barth, Thomas. J. (1993). “Career Anchor Theory: A Useful Framework for Federal Managers.” Review of Public Personnel Administration. (XIII) 4: 27-42.

Barth, Thomas J. (1993). “Constitutional Subordinate Autonomy: Serving Multiple Masters-A Normative Theory in Practice.” Administration & Society. 25: 160-182.

Barth, Thomas J. (1992). “The Public Interest and Administrative Discretion.” American Review of Public Administration. 22: 289-300.

Barth, Thomas J. (1992). “Developing Managers: Lessons from the Trenches.” The Public Manager. 21: 39-42.

Barth, Thomas J. (1992). “Concepts of the Public Interest: Making it Real.” Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Teaching Public Administration, Charleston, South Carolina, February 6-8: 31-41.

Barth, Thomas J. (1989). “Case Studies in Public Administration: Linking Theory to Practice.” Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Teaching Public Administration, Charlottesville, Virginia, March 14-16: 35-43.

Barth, Thomas J. (1988). “The False God of Neutral Competence.” The Bureaucrat, 17:6.

Barth, Thomas J. (1987). “Should Careerists Question Public Policy?” The Bureaucrat, 16: 55-58.