Dr. Lou

Dr. Louis J. Lanunziata

Associate Professor

Department of Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle, Literacy, and Special Education

Education Building Room 212 
(910) 962-3368 Phone
(910) 962-3988 Fax

Courses Taught

EDN 105    Seminar in Education (freshman)
EDN 205    Seminar in Education (sophomore)
EDN 106    Seminar in Education (freshman)
EDN 206    Seminar in Education (sophomore)
EDN 319    Individualizing Instruction (Elementary Education)
EDN 320    Individualizing Instruction (Middle Grades)
EDN 367    Behavior Management Techniques
EDN 370    Behaviorally Disordered Children and Youth
EDN 371    Program & Interventions for Behaviorally Disordered Students
EDN 411    Practicum (Special Education)
EDN 412    Extended Practicum
EDN 503    Exceptional Child Development
EDN 504    Issues and Trends in Special Education
EDN 550    Nature and Needs of Exceptional Children
EDN 553    Classroom Management for the Mildly Handicapped
SED 352    Behavioral Development
SED 355    Children and Adolescents with Behavioral Disorders
SED 362    Teaching Students w/ Social, Emotional, & Behavioral Problems
SED 553    Behavior Management Techniques for Students with Mild Handicaps

Current Courses and Materials

EDN 319-003 Syllabus
SED 352 Syllabus
SED 355 Syllabus

 Taskstream Requirements

Instructional Resources

EDN 319 Resources:

BED Resources:

Behavioral Development Resources:

Professional Service

Research Interests

Applied Behavior Analysis re: Special needs population 
Applied Behavior Analysis re: Early Childhood 
Effective Programming within Inclusive settings 
Pro-Social Behavior Development 
Positive Behavioral Supports for Social Skills Instruction in Special Needs

Honors Related to Teaching/Profession:

Additional Information
