Dr. Cara Faulkner Ward is an Assistant Professor of Social Studies in the Watson College of Education at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. She has a B.A. in History and an M.A.T. in Secondary Social Studies from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and earned her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Administration from UNCW. Her research focuses on various topics in social studies education including the use of history labs to teach historical thinking skills and how racialized violence is addressed in curriculum standards. Cara’s work has been published in Social Studies and the Young Learner, The Journal of Social Studies Research, and Whiteness and Education. Along with colleagues, she was awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities grant to plan and direct a Summer Teacher Institute entitled Wilmington 1898: Geographies of Rage, Resistance, and Resilience.
Courses Taught
EDCR 453, Methods and Materials Secondary Education
EDN 300, Elementary School Programs and Practices
EDN 330, Teaching Diverse Learners K-6
EDN 334, Social Studies Curriculum and Instruction K-6
EDN 411, Internship K-6
EDN 521, Diverse Families and Children in Communities
EDN 491, Directed Individual Study
EDNL 331, Apprentice Field Experience I
EDNL 332, Apprentice Field Experience II
EDNL 333, Apprentice Field Experience III
LIC 500, Advanced Elementary Grades Education
LIC 534, Advanced Social Studies Methods, K-6
LIC 560, Internship K-6
SEC 200, Teaching, Schools, and a Global Society
SEC 320, Practicum Block II
SEC 405, Teaching Secondary Social Studies
SEC 431, Student Teaching 9-12 Social Studies
SEC 505, Advanced Theory Secondary Social Studies
SEC 509, Student Teaching 9-12 Social Studies
UNI 101, First-Year Seminar