
Dr. Ann E. Stapleton

\n \n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default Home\n","import React from 'react'\nimport profilePicture from '../images/profile-picture.jpg'\nimport biographicalSketchPDF from '../pdf/Biographical_Sketch_Stapleton.pdf'\n\nfunction About() {\n return (\n
\n \n



\n Dr. Ann E. Stapleton’s research is focused on experimental testing of\n genotype-environment-phenotype models and systems modeling and she has\n more than ten years experience in development of cyberinfrastructure\n for biology. She has published in computer science, statistics, and\n biology journals. She was elected the Chair of the 2017 Gordon\n Research Conference on Quantitative Genetics and Genomics and recently\n served as the faculty lead to develop and approve a new\n interdisciplinary professional science master’s program in data\n science. Dr. Stapleton is currently serving as Program Director at\n U.S. National Science Foundation, Office of Integrative Activities,\n EPSCoR to strengthen and manage programs that build research\n capability, enhance STEM professional development, broaden\n participation in STEM, and impact economic development.{' '}\n

\n \n See My CV\n \n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default About\n","import { Link } from 'gatsby'\nimport React from 'react'\nimport { IoIosMail, IoLogoLinkedin, IoIosCall, IoMdMap } from 'react-icons/io'\n\nfunction Contact() {\n return (\n


\n \n \n stapletona@uncw.edu\n \n
\n \n \n Ann Stapleton\n \n
\n \n \n (910) 962-7267\n \n
\n \n \n Friday Hall 2062\n \n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default Contact\n","import React from 'react'\n\nfunction Impact() {\n return (\n



\n 2016 Science Olympiad Outstanding Volunteer Award\n

\n \n See More\n \n

\n Published with Statistician and Computer Science Collaborators\n

\n \n See More\n \n

UNCW Mentor Award

\n \n See More\n \n

\n Chair of Gordon Research Conference on Quantitative Genetics\n

\n \n See More\n \n

\n Faculty Lead for Development and Approval of UNCW Data Science\n Graduate Program\n

\n \n See More\n \n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default Impact\n","import React from 'react'\nimport Slider from 'react-slick'\n\nconst settings = {\n dots: true,\n arrows: false,\n infinite: true,\n autoplay: true,\n autoplaySpeed: 8000,\n speed: 800,\n slideToShow: 1,\n slideToScroll: 1,\n swipeToSlide: true,\n}\n\nconst Carousel = () => (\n \n

\n I’m in the middle of the 2nd year in the Immunobiology PhD program at\n University of Arizona- and I am absolutely loving it! I remind myself\n quite often how lucky I am to have the opportunity to further my\n education here and I know I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. I\n really appreciate you allowing me to work in your lab and providing me\n with guidance when I applied for school. I just wanted to touch base\n with you and say thanks for being a great mentor and taking the time to\n help us confused students!\n


\n Being a new college student, I don’t think I was ready for the challenge\n of honors biology. It was a daunting challenge, but I know now that it\n really prepared me for my future classes. I’m taking a genetics class\n this semester, and I think it’s because of taking Honors Bio 201 that I\n am having an easier time than some of my other classmates. I just wanted\n to thank you for challenging me and preparing me for future classes\n because I don’t think I appreciated it at this time a year and a half\n ago.\n


\n As my undergrad experience comes to an end I wanted to that you for all\n the initial effort you put into my education. From the thought provoking\n Honors Bio201 class to helping my find a lab that conducted research I\n liked, and everything in between…I really appreciated it.\n


\n Thank you so much for serving on my honors committee, but even more,\n thank you for your constant guidance throughout my undergraduate career.\n I can honestly say that I would not be where I am without your expertise\n and kindness. Thank you for believing in me when I didn’t believe in me.\n Thank you for pushing us all to the limit in “Bio Bootcamp”. Thank you\n for never being too busy to help or talk. I feel truly honored to have\n had the opportunity to learn from you.\n


\n You supported and guided me in my college career. You were my first\n biology professor. Your class was hard, but it prepared me for more\n difficult courses down the road. You were on my Honors project\n committee, and your advice was invaluable.\n


\n I wanted to take a second to thank you from the bottom of my heart for\n the opportunity to be your student and work in your lab. I have grown\n immeasurably as a student and scientist during my time with you and have\n gained so many skills that I know I can take with me into the\n professional world and into graduate school. You have been a great\n mentor to me. Thank you again for all that you've done for me!\n

\n)\n\nexport default Carousel\n","import React from 'react'\nimport Carousel from '../components/carousel'\n\nfunction Interaction() {\n return (\n



\n More than 50 research students have been supported by my federal\n grants in the last five years, and I encourage networking among my\n students and with many other students and colleagues. My research\n students have gone on to successful careers in fields ranging from\n plant breeding informatics to biostatistics to high-school science\n teaching. Career mentoring and training in project management is a key\n part of my student mentoring strategy.\n


Student Comments

\n \n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default Interaction\n","import React from 'react'\n\nfunction DevExperiences() {\n return (\n

About the Developers


\n This site was built by Onshore Studios, a website creation and design\n company run by two UNCW graduates. We used the skills gained from our\n time at UNCW to start a website building and design business. Ethan,\n our administrator, graduated with an accounting degree from the\n Cameron school of business. His knowledge of keeping financial records\n and managing clients and work orders is what keeps our business\n running smoothly, legally, and efficiently. Andrew, our developer,\n graduated with a degree in Computer Science. His coding and design\n ability is what creates our elegant sites and maintains high quality\n products for our customers. Andrew has experience in many programming\n languages, but primarily works as a Ruby on Rails devloper for N2\n Publishing. This shows you should not take the lessons you learn at\n UNCW for granted because one day you could be running your own\n business as well.\n

\n \n Visit our Site\n \n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default DevExperiences\n","import React from 'react'\nimport systemsSeminar2018PDF from '../pdf/systems_seminar2018_Stapleton_materials.pdf'\n\nfunction Publications() {\n return (\n

Publications & Projects




\n You can find all of my publications by clicking the button below\n

\n \n See More\n \n

Biology 495 Seminar


\n Are Biological Systems Like Facebook? Understanding Interactions\n in Cells, Organisms, Ecosystems\n

\n \n See More\n \n



\n Genetically-Informed EnviroTyping Tools to Better Test and\n Target Environments\n

\n \n See More\n \n

Validate 1.0


\n Test predictions, integrate applications, and manage GWAS and\n prediction applications in parallel\n

\n \n See More\n \n
\n )\n}\n\nexport default Publications\n","import React from 'react'\n\nimport Layout from '../components/layout'\nimport Home from '../components/home'\nimport About from '../components/about'\nimport Contact from '../components/contact'\nimport Impact from '../components/impact'\nimport Interaction from '../components/interaction'\nimport DevExperiences from '../components/devExperiences'\nimport Publications from '../components/publications'\nimport SEO from '../components/seo'\n\nfunction IndexPage() {\n return (\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n )\n}\n\nexport default IndexPage\n","import React from \"react\"\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\"\nimport Link, {\n withPrefix,\n navigate,\n push,\n replace,\n navigateTo,\n parsePath,\n} from \"gatsby-link\"\nimport PageRenderer from \"./public-page-renderer\"\n\nconst StaticQueryContext = React.createContext({})\n\nconst StaticQuery = props => (\n \n {staticQueryData => {\n if (\n props.data ||\n (staticQueryData[props.query] && staticQueryData[props.query].data)\n ) {\n return (props.render || props.children)(\n props.data ? props.data.data : staticQueryData[props.query].data\n )\n } else {\n return
Loading (StaticQuery)
\n }\n }}\n
\n)\n\nconst useStaticQuery = query => {\n if (\n typeof React.useContext !== `function` &&\n process.env.NODE_ENV === `development`\n ) {\n throw new Error(\n `You're likely using a version of React that doesn't support Hooks\\n` +\n `Please update React and ReactDOM to 16.8.0 or later to use the useStaticQuery hook.`\n )\n }\n const context = React.useContext(StaticQueryContext)\n if (context[query] && context[query].data) {\n return context[query].data\n } else {\n throw new Error(\n `The result of this StaticQuery could not be fetched.\\n\\n` +\n `This is likely a bug in Gatsby and if refreshing the page does not fix it, ` +\n `please open an issue in https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues`\n )\n }\n}\n\nStaticQuery.propTypes = {\n data: PropTypes.object,\n query: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n render: PropTypes.func,\n children: PropTypes.func,\n}\n\nfunction graphql() {\n throw new Error(\n `It appears like Gatsby is misconfigured. Gatsby related \\`graphql\\` calls ` +\n `are supposed to only be evaluated at compile time, and then compiled away,. ` +\n `Unfortunately, something went wrong and the query was left in the compiled code.\\n\\n.` +\n `Unless your site has a complex or custom babel/Gatsby configuration this is likely a bug in Gatsby.`\n )\n}\n\nexport {\n Link,\n withPrefix,\n graphql,\n parsePath,\n navigate,\n push, // TODO replace for v3\n replace, // TODO remove replace for v3\n navigateTo, // TODO: remove navigateTo for v3\n StaticQueryContext,\n StaticQuery,\n PageRenderer,\n useStaticQuery,\n}\n","const preferDefault = m => (m && m.default) || m\n\nif (process.env.BUILD_STAGE === `develop`) {\n module.exports = preferDefault(require(`./public-page-renderer-dev`))\n} else if (process.env.BUILD_STAGE === `build-javascript`) {\n module.exports = preferDefault(require(`./public-page-renderer-prod`))\n} else {\n module.exports = () => null\n}\n","import React from \"react\"\nimport PropTypes from \"prop-types\"\n\nimport InternalPageRenderer from \"./page-renderer\"\nimport loader from \"./loader\"\n\nconst ProdPageRenderer = ({ location }) => {\n const pageResources = loader.getResourcesForPathnameSync(location.pathname)\n return React.createElement(InternalPageRenderer, {\n location,\n pageResources,\n ...pageResources.json,\n })\n}\n\nProdPageRenderer.propTypes = {\n location: PropTypes.shape({\n pathname: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n }).isRequired,\n}\n\nexport default ProdPageRenderer\n","import React from 'react'\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types'\nimport Helmet from 'react-helmet'\nimport { StaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby'\n\nfunction SEO({ description, lang, meta, keywords, title }) {\n return (\n {\n const metaDescription =\n description || data.site.siteMetadata.description\n return (\n 0\n ? {\n name: `keywords`,\n content: keywords.join(`, `),\n }\n : []\n )\n .concat(meta)}\n />\n )\n }}\n />\n )\n}\n\nSEO.defaultProps = {\n lang: `en`,\n meta: [],\n keywords: [],\n}\n\nSEO.propTypes = {\n description: PropTypes.string,\n lang: PropTypes.string,\n meta: PropTypes.array,\n keywords: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),\n title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,\n}\n\nexport default SEO\n\nconst detailsQuery = graphql`\n query DefaultSEOQuery {\n site {\n siteMetadata {\n title\n description\n author\n }\n }\n }\n`\n","import { Link } from 'gatsby'\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types'\nimport React, { useState } from 'react'\n\nfunction Header({ siteTitle }) {\n const [isExpanded, toggleExpansion] = useState(false)\n\n return (\n \n )\n}\n\nHeader.propTypes = {\n siteTitle: PropTypes.string,\n}\n\nHeader.defaultProps = {\n siteTitle: `Dr. Ann E. Stapleton`,\n}\n\nexport default Header\n","import React from 'react'\n\nfunction Footer() {\n return (\n

© 2019 Ann E. Stapleton


\n Designed and developed by  \n \n Onshore Studios\n \n

\n )\n}\n\nexport default Footer\n","import React from 'react'\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types'\nimport { StaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby'\n\nimport Header from './header'\nimport Footer from './footer'\n\nfunction Layout({ children }) {\n return (\n (\n
\n )}\n />\n )\n}\n\nLayout.propTypes = {\n children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,\n}\n\nexport default Layout\n","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/profile-picture-bc17a0f9fa11c7f7bfe18f81711345bb.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/Biographical_Sketch_Stapleton-0a3ff6dc2fe28e4ead55f281cda504cd.pdf\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/systems_seminar2018_Stapleton_materials-61dfa2517bacdddabdc6d4b5384c3e7f.pdf\";"],"sourceRoot":""}