UNCW Archaeological Field School in Illinois

Application Form



Name      ________________________________________________

Address  _____________________________________________________



Phone ___________    E-mail __________________   Fax _____________

Gender (for rooming purposes) ______________________

University status (circle one):  Undergraduate       Graduate               Other

To fill out if you’re a university student

Primary university enrolled_________________________________

Department, program, or major____________________________________

For all applicants:

Archaeology or other relevant courses taken (course name, number) ________________________________________________________________________




Previous field schools, field experience, and/or travel experience ________________________________________________________________________




Please list any relevant skills you have (photography, darkroom, illustration, mapmaking, geology,

survey, automotive repair, etc.)





On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your own cooking? ________

On the same scale, how would your friends rate your cooking? _______

Special dietary preferences (vegan, food allergies, etc.) ___________________________

Do you have medical insurance?  Please give name and policy #. ___________________________________________________________________________

Name, e-mail, and phone numbers of 2 professors or other individuals who can act as references to verify your information: _____________________________________________________________________________________________



All information given in this application is correct, to the best of my knowledge:


___________________________________                           __________________

(Signature)                                                                                            (Date)

This application should be returned to:

Nora Reber

Anthropology Program

UNC Wilmington

601 S. College Road

Wilmington, NC 28403
