

Resources on Research

***** Big Ideas in Beginning Reading.  Identification of the big five reading skills; research reviews; methods of instruction.  MUST SEE!  

**** "Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read, Kindergarten Through Grade 3

***** Materials from National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development

**** National Institute for Literacy Partnership for Reading.  Large literature reviews and position papers.

**** "Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science" (What teachers need to know.)


Instruments for Assessing Reading:  From Reading First, Prepared by Edward J. Keme'enui: (Every School Administrator and Teacher Should Know These)
See "Executive Summary," "Results of Analysis," and "Developing a Framework for Reading First Implementations."

See the whole website.  Evaluation of 29 instruments k-3 regarding phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, for use in screening, diagnostics, progress monitoring, and evaluating outcomes of reading instruction.

Florida Center for Reading Research.  Evaluations of curriculum materials; instructional methods

Three-tier Reading Model (Wanzek & Rodriguez)

Three-tier Reading Model Materials

Three-tier Reading Model (Sharon Vaughn)

How Does Phonemic Awareness Contribute Directly to the Development of Reading Fluency?  (Powerpoint presentation by Dr. Joe Torgesen, Florida State University

National Institute for Literacy 

Reading First Proposals for All States (So Far) [Excellent Resources on Curricula, Assessment, Professional Development]

Council on Basic Education 

National Right to Read 

The What Works Clearinghouse 

Reading Academies 

Texas Reading.  On-line reading academies and terrific publications

Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI)

DIBELS: "The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of standardized, individually administered measures of early literacy development. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of pre-reading and early reading skills."

National Reading Panel: Free "Report of the National Reading Panel:  Teaching Children to Read."

Rodeo Institute for Teacher Excellence.  How a few smart and gutsy Texas woman (and maybe a guy or two) used research (how novel!) to build district-wide reading programs that actually work.

"The Keys to Literacy": What Effective Reading Instruction Looks Like

Publisher of some of the most effective curricula around.

Reading Excellence Act (Lots of Resources)

Reading First:  No Child Left Behind Legislation and Resources

Reading First Introduction (International Reading Association. Click on slide presentation)

Reading First Model

Early Reading First ("The overall purpose of the Early Reading First Program is to prepare young children to enter kindergarten with the necessary language, cognitive, and early reading skills to prevent reading difficulties and ensure school success.")

"Put Reading First: Helping Your Child Learn to Read"

"How psychological science informs the teaching of reading."

Syllabus for a Direct Instruction Reading Course

How the Cult of Whole Language Infected California: Article by Jill Stewart

Rebutting Whole Language Cult Diehards

Direct Approach to Literacy Instruction Inventory of Essential Knowledge and Skills

Vast Amount of Research.  Message: "Direct" Instruction is the Best Bet.  Go to "Documents."

"Phonemic awareness in Reading Mastery," by Siegfried Engelmann

Synthesis of Research on Reading, by Bonnie Grossen

Center for Academic and Reading Skills (The "Last Word" on Research on Effective Instruction.)

The "Three Cueing System," or Maximum Twaddle

The "The Cueing Systems" (Short Version on Maximum Bilge)

ProjectPro's "Research Regarding Phonics"

Topics in Early Reading: Great articles--Debunk A lot of "Progressive" (i.e., Ineffective) Instruction)

Headsprout (On-line Reading Program and Excellent Research on Reading.  Click on "For Teachers)

Read By Grade Three (See "Reading Research.")

Phyllis Haddox's Web Site (Teach Virtually Anyone to Read for $17.95. Great Series of Training Tapes!!)

Kerry Hempenstall's Excellent Site (Must Read His Fine Articles on Phonics Vs. Whole Language.)

Summary of Research by Reid Lyon

MiddleWeb's Guide to the Reading Wars

I Can Read

Research Base for Direct Instruction Reading (Reading Mastery)

Excellence in Education

Riggs Institute

Effectively Teaching Children to Read

Learning to Read

Elaine McEwan (Vast Experience and Commonsense.)

Elaine McEwan Answers Questions About Reading Achievement

Phonics research (MUST read!)

National Right to Read Foundation (Fundamentals of Reading Instruction; Reading Competency Test; Evaluation of Reading Recovery.)

Must Reading on Phonics and Other Reading Research

Research and Recommendations From California, After They Finally Dumped Whole Language

California's Reading Curriculum (Based on Research!  How Novel!)

Texas Alternative Document On English/Language Arts/Reading. (What Smart and Committed Folks Can Do)

Policy Review (Click on "Improving America's Schools" and "See Dick Flunk" For Definitive Research on Phonics.)

Reading Excellence Act of 1998 (HR 2614) (Sense at the Federal Level)

Whole Language Umbrella (Many contrasts With the Above Sites.)