To, Ba,
To If/when…(What
naturally follows is …) ‘to’, …(factual statement, habitual statement). “To”
marks a conditional clause and indicates:
1) a logical cause-effect
relationship, and
2) an action or event and its inevitable (or natural or habitual) consequence. So ‘to’ is best
used with factual statements that describes something that is true for
everyone or true every time for someone (habitual). E.g. 秋になると、涼(すず)しくなります。(factual) If/when it becomes fall, it gets cool. 夏になると、毎日海(うみ)で泳(およ)ぎます。(habitual) Note 1:: The conditional clause expresses
something that happens, (not something the speaker or the hearer
internationally does). Therefore, it
cannot be used with such endings as –mashoo, -te kudasai, and –tai desu. |
Ba General condition, factual or counterfactual
statement. “if and only if…” It is
safe to use ‘ba’ in factual statement, and
especially to indicate strong hypothetical meaning. However, ‘ba’ can
be used in almost any typ of sentence of the first
clause ends with and i-adjective. E.g. お金があれば、いつでもどこへでも旅行(りょこう)に行けます。 毎日練習(れんしゅう)しなければ、上手になりません。 Note 2: ’Ba’ can be used only with verb or i-adjectives. “Verb or i-Adj.
+ ‘ba’, ... Instead,
‘ E.g. カタカナなら、書けます。If it is katakana, (I) can write it. 日曜日なら、行けます。 If it is Sunday, (I) can go. “Noun or na-adjective + Note 3: Set phrases: a) …ba, ii deshoo ka.” “What (who, when…Z) should
I/we do…?” “What (who,
…) would be the best…to do…?” b) “…ba, ii n desu.” “All one can do is…” giving a solution to a problem in
more general terms. A: 道(みち)にまようと、どうすればいいんでしょうか。If I get lost, what shall I do? B: 交番(こうばん)に行っておまわりさんにきけば、いいんですよ。 Note 4: Common usage:
…ba, … potential forms of verbs. (‘ E.g. 日本へ行けば、おいしいお寿司(すし)が食べられます。 明日お天気がわるければ、ピクニックに行けません。 If the weather is bad tomorrow, (I, we)
cannot go on a picnic. |
“If (and after)…;
when…” ‘ The only time it can not be used is when the action
in the first clause does not precede the action in the second. In other words, when ‘ E.g. 日本に行ったら、京都を訪問(ほうもん)したいんです。 お金がたまったら、車を買うつもりです。 明日お天気がよかったら、海(うみ)にいこうと思っています。 If the weather is good tomorrow, I
think I will go to the ocean/sea/beach. Verb + ‘to’ or ‘ba’ can not be used with the second clause, expressing
the speaker’s or the listener’s volitional action. So use ‘tara” in such cases. When ‘ E.g. 学校に行ったら、日本語のクラスは休講(きゅうこう)でした。 When I went to school, the Japanese
class was cancelled. Note 1. Set phase: … E.g. A: 今日はちょっと気分(きぶん)がわるいんです。 I feel sick today. B: じゃ、学校をやすんだら、どうですか。 Why don’t you take a day off from school. On the other hand, “…ba, ii n desu”
means “All one can do is…” giving a
solution to a problem in more general terms (see the Note 3 above). Suggestions for both the speaker and the
listener to take a certain action would be expressed by “---masen ka” “why don’t we do …?” “Would you
like to …? (proposal)” E.g. A: のどがかわきましたね。 お茶にしませんか。 I am thirsty. Shall we do tea? B: ええ、そうしましょう。 Yes, let’s. |
Conditionals: To, Ba,
Complete the
sentence by adding the second clause.
To make B’s
statement into suggestions, change the words in the parenthesis and complete
the sentence.
A: 明日の宿題がわかりません。
B: じゃ、先生に (ききます)。
A: 今日はお天気がいいですね。
B: ええ、ピクニックに (行きます)。