Course  Assignments 



Homework Assignments:

Chapter Problems Due
2 5 6 11 15 17 18 08/30
2 24 25 26 28 32 37 37 49 52 09/11
3 1 4 6 10 12 13 21 23 09/20
3 9 28 29 40 42 45 09/27
4 2 6 7 9 10/04
5 3 4 6 7 10 15 19 10/25
6 2 4 6 7 12 14 11/1
7 2 4 15 16 and two of the set {6 7 10 12} 11/13
  Project #1 - Due Dates Nov 1, 8, 15, 29 11/29
7 3 22 24 26 29 34 38 12/4

You Might Be a Physicist if...*

  • the water in your kettle is boiling at 373 Kelvin.
  • you know that the velocity of light is 299,792.5 km/sec.
  • you know the direction the water swirls when you flush.
  • you've already calculated how much you earn per second.
  • you are sure that differential equations are a very useful tool.
  • you are at an air show and know how fast the skydivers are falling.
  • you know the second law of thermodynamics, but not your own shirt size.
  • you avoid stirring your coffee because you don't want to increase the entropy of the universe.
  • you try to explain entropy to strangers at your table during casual dinner conversation.
  • your three year old son asks why the sky is blue and you try to explain atmospheric absorption theory.
  • you're at a wine tasting event and find yourself paying more attention to the cork screws than the Chardonnay.
  • you carry on a one-hour debate over the expected results of an experiment that actually takes five minutes to run.

*From Professional Jokes


E-Mail: Dr. Russell Herman Last Updated: November 15, 2007