Selected Publications (click on title for pdf)

Gamble, D.W. and V. Meentemeyer, 1996.  The Role of Scale in Research on the Himalaya-Ganges-Brahmaputra Interaction.  Mountain Research and Development, 16(2): 149-155.


Mote, T., D.W. Gamble, S.J. Underwood, and M. Bentley, 1997.  Synoptic-Scale Features Common To Heavy Snowstorms in the Southeast U.S.  Weather and Forecasting, 12(1): 5-23.


Gamble, D.W., 1997.  The Relationship Between Drainage Basin Area and Flood Seasonality in the Southeastern United States.  Southeastern Geographer, 37(1): 61-75.


Gamble, D. W. and V. Meentemeyer, 1997.  A Synoptic Climatology of Extreme Unseasonable Floods in the Southeastern United States, 1950-1990.  Physical Geography, 18(6): 496-524.


Gamble, D.W., T.J. Dogwiler, and J.E. Mylroie, 2000.  Field Assessment of the Microclimatology of Tropical Flank Margin Caves.  Climate Research, 16(1): 37-50.


Gamble, D.W., M.E. Brown, D. Parnell, D. Brommer, and P.G. Dixon, 2000.  Lessons Learned from Field Evaluation of Hurricane Floyd Damage on San Salvador Island, Bahamas.  Bahamas Journal of Science, 8(1): 25-31.


Jacaruso, J., D.W. Gamble, and  M. Benedetti, 2001.  Hurricanes and Snow:  A Common Occurrence in Eastern North Carolina?  The North Carolina Geographer, 9: 13-23.


Gamble, D.W., D. Taborosi, J.E. Mylroie, J.W. Jenson, J.L. Carew, J.M.UJocson, J.R. Mylroie, and D.T. Vann, 2003.  The Use of Water Temperature to Characterize Groundwater Discharge of a Coastal Fracture on Guam, U.S.A.  Journal of Coastal Research, 19(2): 462-469.


Gamble, D.W., 2004.  Rethinking the Region: SEDAAG and the Caribbean.  Southeastern Geographer, 44(1): 8-14.


Gamble, D.W., 2004.  Water Resource Development on Small Carbonate Islands: Solutions Offered by the Hydrologic Landscape Concept.  In B. Warf, D. Janelle, and L.K. Hansen, eds., WorldMinds: Geographic Perspectives on 100 Problems (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 503-508.


Gamble, D.W., J. Arnette, M.A. Crump, and D. Glenn, 2004.  A 2001 Weather Summary for San Salvador, Bahamas: Implications and Applications for the Geosciences.  In Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions 2002, eds. R. Lewis and B. Panuska, 117-126.  San Salvador, Bahamas: Gerace Research Center, College of the Bahamas.


Janis, M.J., and D.W. Gamble, 2004.  NOAA/CSC/20215-PUB Workshop Report: Planning for Coastal Climatologies in the Southeastern United States Charleston, SC: Coastal Services Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 66 pp. (


Parnell, D.B., D. Brommer, P.G. Dixon, M.E. Brown, and D.W. Gamble, 2004.  A Survey of Hurricane Frances Damage on San Salvador.  Bahamas Journal of Science, 12(4): 2-6.


Gamble, D.W. and L. Leonard, 2005.  Final Report: Coastal Climatology Products for Recreation and Tourism End Users in southeastern North Carolina.  Report EA133C-04-SE-1277.  Charleston, SC: Coastal Services Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 51 pp (


Crump, M.A. and D.W. Gamble, 2006.  Hydroclimatic Analysis of a Carbonate Island Pond through the Development of a Hydrologic Landscape Unit Model.  Physical Geography 27(6): 53-64.


Gamble, D.W. and R.D. Jordan, 2006.  Spatial Variability of Precipitation on San Salvador, Bahamas 2001-2003.  In Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions 2004, eds. R.L. Davis and D.W. Gamble, 52-60.  San Salvador, Bahamas: Gerace Research Center, College of the Bahamas.


Jenkins, S.B., D.W. Gamble, M. Benedetti, and J. Willey, 2006.  The Effects of Local Weather Patterns on Nitrate and Sulfate Rainwater Concentrations in Wilmington, NC.  The North Carolina Geographer, 14: 29-38.


Rodgers, J.C., D.W. Gamble, D.H. McCay, and S. Phipps, 2006. Tropical Cyclone Signal within Tree-Ring Chronologies from Weeks Bay National Estuary and Research Reserve, Alabama.  Journal of Coastal Research, 22(6): 1320-1329.


Curtis, S. and Gamble, D.W., 2007.  Regional Variations of the Caribbean Mid-Summer Drought, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI 10.1007/s00704-007-0342-0..


Gamble, D.W., D.B. Parnell, and S. Curtis, 2008.  Spatial Variability of the Caribbean Mid-summer Drought and Relation to the North Atlantic High, International Journal of Climatology 28: 343-350.


Gamble, D.W. and S. Curtis, 2008.  Caribbean precipitation: Review, model, and prospect.  Progress in Physical Geography 32(3): 265-276.


Rodgers, J.C. and D.W. Gamble, 2008.  The impact of Hurricane Frances (2004) on the invasive Australian pine (Casuarina equisetifolia, L.) San Salvador Island, The Bahamas, Journal of the Torrey Biological Society 135(3): 367-376.


Gamble, D.W., 2009.  Caribbean Vulnerability: An Appropriate Climatic Framework. In D. Barker, D. Dodman, and D. McGregor, eds., Global Change and Caribbean Vulnerability: Environment, Economy and Society at Risk? (Mona, Jamaica: The UWI Press), pp. 22-46.


Allen, T.*, S. Curtis, and D. Gamble, 2010. The mid-summer dry spell’s impact on vegetation in Jamaica. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. DOI: 10.1175/2010JAMC2422.1


Gamble, D.W., D. Campbell*, T. Allen*, D. Barker, S. Curtis, D, McGregor, and J. Popke, 2010. Climate change, drought, and Jamaican agriculture: local knowledge and the climate record. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100(4), pp. 880-893.


Gamble, D.W., 2010.  Carolina Lesson Plans: Climate change and the North Carolina coast.  The North Carolina Geographer 17: 60-70.


Gamble, D.W., 2014.  The neglected climatic hazards of the Caribbean: Overview and prospects in a warmer climate.  Geography Compass 8/4: 221–234, DOI 10.1111/gec3.12125.


Curtis, S., D.W. Gamble, and J. Popke, 2014: Sensitivity of crop water need to 2071-2095 projected temperature and precipitation changes in Jamaica.  Earth Interactions 18-012: 1-17, DOI: 10.1175/EI-D-14-0001.1


Hritz, N., A. Fanzidis, J.* Herstine, and D.W. Gamble, 2014.  Climate attributes and importance on traveler behavior and satisfaction.  Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Vol. 2, No. 5, 198-211, DOI: 10.17265/2328-2169/2014.05.002.


Popke, J., S. Curtis, and D.W. Gamble, 2014.  A social justice framing of climate change discourse and policy:  Adaptation, resilience and vulnerability in a Jamaican agricultural landscape.  Geoforum.  DOI 10.1016/j.geoforum.2014.11.003


Ghoneim, E., J. Mashaly*, D.W. Gamble, J. Halls, and M. AbuNakr, 2015.  Nile Delta exhibited a spatial reversal in the rates of shoreline retreat on the Rosetta promontory comparing pre- and post-beach protection. Geomorphology, 228:1-14.


Reidhaar, P.E*., C.S. Lane, C.R. Benitez-Nelson, and D.W Gamble, 2015.  Spatial and temporal variations in Pyrodinium bahamense cyst concentrations in the sediments of bioluminescent Mangrove Lagoon, St. Croix, U.S.V.I.  Estuaries and Coasts, DOI: 10.1007/s12237-015-0032-6.


Curtis, S. and Gamble, D.W., 2016.  The boreal winter Madden Julian Oscillation's influence on summertime precipitation in the Greater Caribbean, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 121,     DOI:10.1002/2016JD025031.


Spencer, J.*, K. Jones*, D.W. Gamble, M. Benedetti, A. Taylor*, and C. Lane, 2017.  Late-Quaternary records of vegetation and fire in southeastern North Carolina from Jones Lake and Singletary Lake.  Quaternary Science Reviews, 174: 33-53, DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.09.001.  


Gamble, D.W., D. Burrell, S. Curtis, and J. Popke, 2017. Contextual Analysis of Dynamic Drought Perception Among Small Farmers in Jamaica. Climate Research, DOI: 10.3354/cr01490.


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Updated by Doug Gamble 10/17
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