A visit from the Pastoral Summit's Project Director,
Paul Wilkes, could be the crucial next step in your church's development.
Here's what a "habit of being" visit by Paul Wilkes can incorporate:
- Individual and group sessions with staff, key lay leaders and, most importantly,
targeted possible lay leaders to determine your church's culture, present strengths,
short-term and long term needs.
- Visits are either Intensive or Extended, depending on your needs.
- Analysis of your communications with your staff, your members, possible members and the
larger community
- A talk to your gathered congregation with a vision of what your church might become,
and what steps might be taken.
Here's what happens upon conclusion of a visit by Paul Wilkes:
- Immediate, simple steps and methods to enhance excellence and to forge
out in new ways to a more vibrant church life. These can be put into play the
next day. Specific "recipes" for church excellence and for reinvisioning a
church culture are provided.
- Longer term reinvisioning of the church's future
All recommendations are rendered with insight, but with charity and the understanding
that any changes or innovations a church makes must come from within - not without.
This visit by Paul Wilkes points to possibilities. The visit provides basic motivation
and an easy-to-understand plan that ordinary people, with seemingly limited means, can accomplish.
Church size or resources are not the issue. Imagination, faith in God and faith in members
are the necessary elements.