COM 210 is a survey course designed to introduce college students to the artistic process of studying and communicating children's literature through its performance. The primary purposes of the course are 1) to define, develop, and apply an effective set of performance principles and techniques for audiences where young children as well as adults are spectators, 2) to expand understanding of what constitutes children's literature, and 3) to gain greater insight into the elements that make children's literature so compelling. Through creative dramatics, performances for your peers and for children, and through observations and discussions of videotaped and live performances, the course should enhance your vocal-physical expressive skill, imaginative abilities, and critical thinking. Further, lectures, discussions, performances, and readings in and outside of class should help you appreciate and understand children and their literature in a special way. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to 1) define your personal aesthetic of performance of children's literature, 2) use creative dramatics exercises to regain the spirit of childhood and enhance your imagination, 3) perform children's literature to reach, stimulate, and excite children and adults, 4) demonstrate a much expanded awareness of classic AND contemporary works of children's literature, and 5) increase your knowledge of literature and performance in general as a result of understanding and appreciating the performance of children's literature. This course focuses on literature for young children (ages 2-10) including folk and fairy tales, picture books, nonsense poetry, and classics stories and novels. If you are interested in literature for older children, you might consider taking a children’s literature course in the English department. This course does not assume you have previous performance experience. No student will be asked to do any performance that has not been thoroughly discussed and/or demonstrated in class. I encourage anyone who loves children, children's literature, or performance to take this course.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Completion of this course should help you: 1. To understand the principle psychological and aesthetic appeals of quality children’s literature 2. To understand the role played by orality in children's literature 3. To gain increased sensitivity to performance techniques of children's literature 4. To broaden your knowledge of poetry and prose available for young children 5. To develop a critical vocabulary for the analysis and performance of children's literature 6. To acquire skill in physical/vocal expressiveness in the performance process 7. To understand the use of creative dramatics for performing children's literature 8. To appreciate the values of picture books for children and imaginative ways to perform them 9. To introduce and perform tales, picture books, poems, and prose fiction 10. To offer and accept constructive oral and written critiques of your own and other's performances 11. To get comfortable seeing yourself performing by viewing videotapes of yourself 12. To learn how to effectively channel performance anxiety and nervousness in appropriate ways 13. To regain a sense of your inner child and your capacity as a creative individual
Performances (3 Graded Performances in class AND 1 performance of one of the previous 3 performances at a local school for children) 1. PICTURE BOOK 2.
Written Assignments: 1. There will be brief papers, self-critiques, and daily assignments that are graded as either a "Plus" (which indicates excellence), "Check" (which indicates adequacy) or a "Minus" (which indicates inadequacy). Such assignments provide me with additional evidence to make a final decision as to your Teacher Evaluation Grade. Please take such assignments seriously. 2.
There will be one paper in which you discuss your reactions to the
performance you do for children. See
Course Packet Selection, "Performance for Children."
Teacher Evaluation/Course Participation: A large part of your final grade
determination will be based on the following criteria: 1.
willingness to listen in class at all times 2.
enthusiastic participation in class exercises 3.
offering quality comments during class discussions without being
monopolizing 4.
becoming seriously engaged in the objectives of the course and class
activities 5.
positive, congenial attitude toward self, others, course content,
professor, and class exercises 6.
daily class preparedness, knowledge of readings, and assignments 7.
regular attendance and promptness 8.
original creative thinking; 9.
synthesizing theoretical concepts
in order to make practical applications in performance 10.
submitting assignments in a timely, neat manner with evidence of
thoroughness and careful thought 11.
commitment to this course as demonstrated by critiquing yourself and
others 12.
participating in group analyses with a collaborative spirit 13.
demonstrating that you are really rehearsing extensively outside