CSC 131-006 Introduction to Computer Science

Syllabus - Spring 2020

Required Text

Introduction to Computer Science Using Python: A Computational Problem-Solving Focus, Charles Dierbach, copyright 2013.

Course Description

Prerequisite: MAT 111 or MAT 115.
Problem solving methods and algorithms in a modern high-level programming language. Introduces one or more programming environments. Emphasis on a programming style and the design, coding, and testing of complete programs. Recommended primarily for computer science majors. A grade of 'C' (2.00) or better is required for taking any course for which CSC 131 is a prerequisite. Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Mathematics and Statistics. Satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and Logical Reasoning. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Transdisciplinary Cluster/Modeling. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Modeling.

Schedule **Adjusted due to COVID-19

Monday Topic Wednesday Topic
13 January Intro to Computer Science
RBC: Ch 1
PA: Ch 1 P2, pg 36 [due 22Jan]
15 January Data and Expressions
RBC: Ch 2
PA: Ch 2 P5, pg 76 [due 27Jan]
20 January No Class 22 January Data and Expressions
SFQ: 2.5, pg 67
27 January Control Structures
RBC: Ch 3
PA: Ch 3 M7, pg 121 [due 3Feb]
29 January Control Structures
SFQ: 3.4.6, pg 101
3 February Lists
RBC: Ch 4
PA: Ch 4 P5, pg 164 [due 10Feb]
5 February Lists
SFQ: 4.2.5, pg 135
10 February Functions
RBC: Ch 5
PA: Ch 5 D3, pg 205 [due 17Feb]
12 February Functions
SFQ: 5.2.7, pg 186
17 February Exam 1 Review 19 February EXAM 1 (all programming)
24 February Exam Reflection/Lab 26 February Objects
RBC: Ch 6
PA: Ch 6 M2/3 hybrid, pg 245 [due 2Mar]
PA: Ch 6 D1 hybrid, pg 246 [due 4Mar]
2 March Objects
SFQ: 6.2.6, pg 226
4 March Modular Design
RBC: Ch 7
PA: Modify palindrome checker, section 7.3.7 [due 23Mar]
PA: Create homework helper module [due 25Mar]
9 March No Class 11 March No Class
16 March No Class 18 March No Class
23 March Modular Design
SFQ: 7.3.6 - 7.3.7
25 March Text Files
RBC: Ch 8
PA: Letter frequency decryption [due 1Apr]
30 March Text Files
SFQ: 8.4.6
1 April Dictionaries and Sets
RBC: Ch 9
PA: Personal translator [due 8Apr]
6 April Dictionaries and Sets
SFQ: 9.2.2
8 April Recursion
RBC: Ch 11
PA: Ch 11 Recursive Magic # Guesser [due 15Apr]
13 April Recursion
SFQ: 11.1.3
15 April Exam 2 Review
20 April EXAM 2 (written) 22 April EXAM 2 (programming)
27 April Exam Reflection / Object Oriented Programming 29 April Review
4 May Deadline for old assignments 6 May 1500-1800 FINAL EXAM (tentative)

RBC = Read Before Class; SFQ = Study For Quiz; PA = Programming Assignment (template)

Policy Information

Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

  1. Students demonstrate an understanding of basic programming concepts including data types, variables, modularity, parameters, conditional statements, iteration, and arrays.
  2. Students demonstrate program development techniques to describe and understand the problem statement, think through input/process/output, leading to problem representation and finally coding.
  3. Students demonstrate the ability to use program control structures (i.e., iteration, conditionals).
  4. Students develop and use algorithms to solve a variety of problems, for instance those related to array processing, statistical calculations, image and audio processing, and text processing.
  5. Students practice modular programming by developing, debugging and integrating modules into a larger program.
  6. Students demonstrate the ability to use programming language specific software libraries.
  7. Students demonstrate the ability to use basic file input and output.
  8. Students demonstrate the ability to use software development tools from command line compile and run commands to an integrated development environment.

Academic Honor Code

As a student at The University of North Carolina Wilmington, I am committed to honesty and truthfulness in academic inquiry and in the pursuit of knowledge. I pledge to uphold and promote the UNCW Student Academic Honor Code.

The University of North Carolina Wilmington is a community of high academic standards where academic integrity is valued. UNCW students are committed to honesty and truthfulness in academic inquiry and in the pursuit of knowledge. This commitment begins when new students matriculate at UNCW, continues as they create work of the highest quality while part of the university community, and endures as a core value throughout their lives.

Please read and be familiar with the UNCW Student Academic Honor Code. Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated in this class.

Special Needs

If you have a disability and need reasonable accommodation in this course, you should inform the instructor of this fact in writing within the first week of class or as soon as possible. If you have not already done so, you must register the Office of Disability Services in DePaolo Hall (ext. 2-3746) and obtain a copy of your Accommodation Letter. You should then arrange a meeting to make mutually agreeable arrangements based on the recommendations of the Accommodation Letter.

Title IX

UNCW takes all forms of interpersonal violence very seriously. When students disclose, first- or third-hand, to faculty or staff about sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence and/or stalking, this information must be reported to the administration in order to ensure that students' rights are protected, appropriate resources are offered, and the need for further investigation is explored to maintain campus safety. There are three confidential resources who do not need to report interpersonal violence: UNCW CARE, the Student Health Center, and the Counseling Center. If you want to speak to someone in confidence, these resources are available, including CARE's 24-hour crisis line (910-512-4821). For more information, please visit