CIT 204-002 Digital Media

Syllabus - Fall 2018

Required Text


Course Description

Prerequisite: CIT 110 or equivalent.
Introduction to technologies of the Internet. Web-page design; graphics and animation; client/server concepts; collaborative computing and group work; network publishing; security and encryption; audio, video, and image compression; ethical issues and privacy; e-commerce; client-side Web programming; and dynamic Web-page generation.

Schedule (details are provided on Canvas) **Adjusted due to Hurricane Florence (**AHF)

Week of: Topic Due 2200 on:
20 August Course Introduction 28 August
27 August Digital Libraries & Copyright 2 September
3 September Introduction to Digitization 9 September
10 September Hurricane Florence Closure NA
17 September Hurricane Florence Closure NA
24 September Hurricane Florence Closure NA
1 October Hurricane Florence Closure NA
8 October Text & Color **AHF 14 October
15 October Images I & II **AHF 21 October
22 October Animation & Midterm Exam 28 October
29 October Audio 4 November
5 November Video 11 November
12 November Web CSS & HTML5 **AHF 18 November
19 November JavaScript I 25 November
26 November JavaScript II & III **AHF 2 December
3 December Project 9 December
12 December Final Exam NA

Policy Information

Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

  1. Describe major digital libraries.
  2. Describe media acquisition tools and techniques to create and record media.
  3. Describe media acquisition tools and techniques to capture, digitize, and sample media contents.
  4. Describe media acquisition tools and techniques for multimedia authoring.
  5. Compare/contrast graphic media file format characteristics such as color depth, compression and CODEC.
  6. Compare/contrast streaming media file format characteristics such as color depth, bit rate, CODEC and server requirements.
  7. Compare/contrast concepts of graphic file formats including lossy/lossless compression, color palettes and CODECs.
  8. Discuss the issues involved in deploying/serving media content.

Course Advanced Learning Outcomes

  1. Integrate digital libraries with other media contents.
  2. Apply media acquisition tools and techniques in creating and recording media.
  3. Apply media acquisition tools and techniques in capturing and digitizing media contents.
  4. Select and use multimedia authoring tools.
  5. Explain and compare media file formats including lossy vs. lossless compression, color palettes, streaming formats, and CODECs.
  6. Explain and compare the inter-operability of formats.
  7. Deploy and serve media contents within Web applications.

Academic Honor Code

As a student at The University of North Carolina Wilmington, I am committed to honesty and truthfulness in academic inquiry and in the pursuit of knowledge. I pledge to uphold and promote the UNCW Student Academic Honor Code.

The University of North Carolina Wilmington is a community of high academic standards where academic integrity is valued. UNCW students are committed to honesty and truthfulness in academic inquiry and in the pursuit of knowledge. This commitment begins when new students matriculate at UNCW, continues as they create work of the highest quality while part of the university community, and endures as a core value throughout their lives.

Please read and be familiar with the UNCW Student Academic Honor Code. Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated in this class.

Special Needs

If you have a disability and need reasonable accommodation in this course, you should inform the instructor of this fact in writing within the first week of class or as soon as possible. If you have not already done so, you must register the Office of Disability Services in DePaolo Hall (ext. 2-3746) and obtain a copy of your Accommodation Letter. You should then arrange a meeting to make mutually agreeable arrangements based on the recommendations of the Accommodation Letter.

Title IX

UNCW takes all forms of interpersonal violence very seriously. When students disclose, first- or third-hand, to faculty or staff about sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence and/or stalking, this information must be reported to the administration in order to ensure that students' rights are protected, appropriate resources are offered, and the need for further investigation is explored to maintain campus safety. There are three confidential resources who do not need to report interpersonal violence: UNCW CARE, the Student Health Center, and the Counseling Center. If you want to speak to someone in confidence, these resources are available, including CARE's 24-hour crisis line (910-512-4821). For more information, please visit