Lynne L. Snowden, Ph.D.

3902 E. Yacht Drive

Oak Island

North Carolina 28465


Phone (910)962-3838

Fax (910)962-7385

Home (910)278-9520



Institution          Field of Concentration    Years    Degree Granted

Univ. of Delaware    Sociology                 1990     Ph.D.

Univ. Of Delaware    Sociology                 1987     M.A.

Univ. of Delaware    Human Resources           1985     B.S. Soc. Minor

Professional History

Position Institution Dates

Assoc. Professor Univ. of North Carolina-Wilm. 1998-Pr

Asst. Professor Univ. of North Carolina-Wilm. 1993-97

Instructor West Chester University 1992-93

Asst. Professor Duquesne University 1991-92

Visiting Professor Franklin & Marshall Coll. 1990-91

Adj. Professor Neumann College 1989-91

Instructor University of Delaware 1987-89

Teaching Asst. University of Delaware 1986-88

Res. Associate Disaster Research Center 1985-86

University of Delaware 1988-89

ESL Instructor La Communidad Hispana 1986-90

Courses Taught at UNCW

CRJ 420 Collective Violence

CRJ 490 Criminal Justice Practicum

CRJ 490L Criminal Justice Practicum Lab

CRJ 110 Issues of Criminal Justice

CRJ 315 Victimology

CRJ 450 Criminal Justice Theory

SOC 326 Collective Behavior/Social Movements

Hon 210 The Criminal Justice System in Crisis

NSG 530 Migrant Farmworker Health Care

Courses Taught at Other Universities

Criminology Sociology of Law

Deviant Behavior Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction to Sociology Race & Ethnic Relations

Collective Behavior Introductory Sociology

Child and the Family: Social Work Approach

Dynamics of Social Change

Sociology of Marriage and The Family

Sociology of Sex and Gender Data Collection Methods

Grants and Fellowships Awarded

Summer Research Initiative for Study of the Impact of Title V of the Immigration Act of 1996 on the Response of Migrant Workers to Hurricane Floyd, Summer, 2000.

Cahill Grant for research on Violence in Refugee Detention Centers in the United States ($1542), Fall, 1995. Project resulted in publication.

UNCW Faculty Summer Initiative Grant ($3000) for research

to design a study of Refugee Detention Centers in Western

Europe and the United States, June 1994.

Duquesne University Hunkle Grant ($3000.00) for research

on "Rural Homelessness in Pennsylvania Migrant Communities".

Summer, 1992.


Publications in Refereed & Non-Refereed Media, Convention Presentations, etc.


Fuss, Tim & Lynne L. Snowden (2000) Studying Sexual Harassment in the Police Chief. Accepted for Publication, Spring, 2000.

Snowden, Lynne L. "Can We Control Illegal Immigration? Evaluating Methods of Immigration Law Enforcement" in Security Journal, Volume 11(Winter,1998) Elsevier Publishers, Pg. 171-177.

Snowden, Lynne L. (1998) "The European Enforcement Experience"

in Regulation of Migration:International Experiences, A. Bocker,

K. Groenendijk, T. Havinga, & P. Minderhoud, EDS. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis Publishers. Pg. 159-173.

Tim Fuss, Brendan McSheehy, and Lynne L. Snowden,(1998). "Under Investigation: Background Checks in North Carolina Police Departments", Police Chief, Vol. LXV(April), Number 4, Pg. 169-172.

Snowden, Lynne L. (1998) "Violence in U.S. and Western European Refugee Detention Centers" in In Defense of the Alien, Volume XX;

L. Tomasi, Ed. New York: Center for Migration Studies. Pg. 160-176.

Snowden, Lynne L. (1993) "Asylum Seekers and Illegal Labor in Southern Italy and Sicily" in The Journal of Refugee Studies, Oxford Univ. Press, Vol. 6, No. 2, pg. 158 - 170.

Snowden, Lynne L. (1992) "Social Policy as a Precipitating Event:

The Case of German Descent Migration and the Berlin Wall" in The Quarterly Journal of Ideology. Shreveport, Louisiana: Louisiana

State University. Vol. 15, Fall, No.1-2, pg.63-80.

Snowden, Lynne L. (1990) "Collective vs. Mass Behavior: A Conceptual Framework for Temporary and Permanent Migration in Western Europe and the United States" in International Migration Review, Fall, Volume xxiv, No. 3, pg. 577 - 590.

Book Under Contract

Barkan, Steven & Lynne L. Snowden, (Pub. Date, March 04, 2000- Copyright date of 2001) Collective & Political Violence (Under Contract with Allyn & Bacon, Publishers)

Manuscripts Under Review

Snowden, L. and T. Fuss (2000) "A Costly Mistake: Inadequate Police Background Investigations". Under Review by The Justice Professional, Winter, 2000.

Snowden, Lynne L. (1999) Investigating Terrorism. Currently under review with Prentice-Hall Publishers.

Snowden, Lynne L. (1996) "Immigrant Children in the United States" in The Encyclopedia of Childhood, D. King & B. Rothman, Eds. (Under Review by Yale University Press)

Snowden, Lynne L. (1996) "Child Refugees" in The Encyclopedia of Childhood, D. King & B. Rothman, Eds. (Under Review by Yale University Press)



Tim Fuss, Brendan McSheehy, and Lynne L. Snowden,(1998). "Do Background Investigations Matter?, The Investigator. Newsletter of the National Association of Background Investigators. Vol. 1, Number 1, Pg. 1-3.

Snowden, Lynne L. (1991) "The Impact of Asylum Policy in the

Netherlands, France, and West Germany" in Migration World.

Volume XIX, No. 3, Pg. 14-19.

Snowden, Lynne L. (1991) "Book Review: New Identites in Europe by Karmela Liebkind, In International Migration Review, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Spring), Pg. 195.

Snowden, Lynne L. (1988) "The Norms of Parenthood" in Delaware Sociological Review, Vol.10, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, pg. 63-64.

Friedman, B., D. Lockwood, L. Snowden, & D. Zeidler (1987). Mass Media & Disasters: Annotated Bibliography 2nd Ed. Report #40, Newark, Delaware:DRC Publications.

Snowden, Lynne L. (1986) "Film Review: Acceptable Risks" in International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, Pg. 91-93.

B. Friedman, J. Linn, D. Lockwood, L. Snowden,& D. Wenger. (1986) Disaster Response in Two Communities: The Effects of Limited and Extensive Planning on Response Report #38, Newark, Delaware: University of Delaware DRC Publications.

Friedman, B., D. Lockwood, L. Snowden, & D. Zeidler (1986). Mass Media & Disaster: Annotated Bibliography. Report #36, Newark, Delaware:DRC Publications.



T. Fuss & L. Snowden. (1999) "A Costly Mistake: Inadequate Police Background Investigations" at the 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Nov. 17-20, 1999 in Toronto, Canada.

Snowden, Lynne L. "Can We Control Illegal Immigration? Evaluating Methods of Immigration Law Enforcement" at the Fourth Biennial Conference of International Perspectives on Crime, Justice, and Public Order, Budapest, Hungary, June 21-26, 1998.

Snowden, Lynne & Steven E. Barkan. "Do Immigrants Cause Crime? An Analysis of Public Opinion Using the 1996 General Social Survey" at the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Nov. 11-14, 1998, Washington, DC.

Snowden, Lynne L. "Internal and External Methods of Immigration Control: Border Interdiction, Refugee Detention, and Employer Sanctions" at The Joint Meeting of Law & Society Association and ISA RC Sociology of Law at Glasgow, Scotland, 10-13 July, 1996.

Snowden, Lynne L. "Due Process in Refugee Detention Centers in Western Europe" at the Annual Meeting of the Law & Society Association" in Toronto, Canada, June 1, 1995.

Snowden, Lynne L. "Using Collective Behavior to Predict Illegal Migration Streams After NAFTA" at the 1994 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 7, 1994 in Los Angeles, California.

Snowden, Lynne L. "Refugees or Disaster Victims? Applying Situational Stress Models to Forced Migration Control" at the International Sociological Association Meeting, Bielefeld, Germany on July 21, 1994.

Snowden, Lynne L. "Asylum Seekers and Illegal Labor in Southern Italy and Sicily" at the Third Annual International Research and Advisory Panel of the Refugee Studies Programme at the University of Oxford, England, January, 1992.

Snowden, Lynne L. "Racism and Xenophobia in Western Europe: The Collective Redefinition of Social Position" at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio,

August, 1992.

Snowden, Lynne L. "A Comparison of Employer Sanction Enforcement Data From France, West Germany, & Belgium, 1976-1986", International Conference on Law & Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 29, 1991.

(Additional Presentations upon request.)

Membership in Professional Associations

International Sociological Association, 1990-97

Law & Society Association, 1987-1997

American Sociological Association, 1987-97

Eastern Sociological Society, 1987-90

American Criminal Justice Society, 1993-98

American Society of Criminologists, 1996-99

Southern Sociological Society, 1993-94

North Carolina Criminal Justice Association, 1994-99

Phi Kappa Phi, 1987-99

Alpha Kappa Delta ñ Sociology Honor Society, 1987-99

Grants/Fellowships for Off-Campus Study/Professional Development

Funding to Attend Conference in Nijmegen, The Netherlands

on the Regulation of Migration, Institute for Sociology of

Law, University of Nijmegen; Sponsored by the Dutch

Organization for Scientific Research, NMO, 1995.

NSF Funding Award LSA to Participate in the International

Law and Society Congress in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1991.

NSF Grant to Participate in the World Congress of the

International Sociological Association in Madrid, Spain, 1990.


Other Scholarly and Professional Efforts

For the last 3 years I have worked in conjunction with Cape

Fear Community College to establish a North Carolina BLET Course

(Basic Law Enforcement Training) for UNCW criminal justice majors

and graduates during the summer.



University Committees/Leadership Positions/ Administrative Duties

UNCW Faculty Senate President, 1999-2001.

SAC's Accreditation Steering Committee, 2000.

UNCW Chancellor's Faculty Advisory Committee, 1997-2000.

UNCW Chancellor's Human Relations Advisory Committee, 1993-96.

UNCW Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi - Chairman of Committees for Fall Speaker Series, 1994-98

UNCW Faculty Senator, 1994-00.

UNCW Continuing Education Committee, 1994-97

UNCW Representative to University of North Carolina System Articulation Committee, May, 1996

Facilitator/Chairperson of Psychology & Sociology

UNCW Representative to Specialty Programs of the North Carolina System Articulation Committee, September, 1996 Curriculum Departments in Community Colleges and Universities of North Carolina

UNCW Honorís Program Council Member, 1996-98

UNCW SPEAK Evaluating Committee - 1998-99


College-School Committees/Leadership Positions/ Administrative Duties

Leadership Minor Coordinator - 1998-9

UNCW Search Committee for Director of Career Services, 1995-6

CAS Representative to 50th Anniversary Committee - 1998

Department Committees/Leadership Positions/ Administrative Duties

Criminal Justice Tract Coordinator - 1998

Criminal Justice Program Committee 1993 - Present

Criminal Justice Recruitment Committee, 1993-99

Library Committee - 1993-94

Space Committee - 1993-94

Chairperson - Advancement Committee. 1994-95

Chairperson ñ Tract Brochures Committee 1994

Student Counseling/Advising Other Than Routine Work With Department Advisees, As in Clubs, Campus Groups, etc.

I supervise and conduct the induction and initiation ceremonies for students into the Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Fraternity as well as student applications for scholarships to the national organization.

To Scholarly Organizations By Leadership in Professional Societies

President, North Carolina Criminal Justice Association, 1999

President-Elect, North Carolina Criminal Justice Association,1998

Vice-President, North Carolina Criminal Justice Association,1997

President, Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Society, UNCW Chapter, 1994-98


Secretary/Treasurer of the International Migration

Section of the American Sociological Association, 1994-97

Chairman and Member of Nomination/Elections Committee

of the Collective Behavior/Social Movements Section, ASA, 1994

Roundtable Coordinator of the Collective Behavior/Social

Movements Section of the ASA, 1994.

Membership Committee of Eastern Sociological Society


Leadership in Seminars/Short Courses Taught to Professionals in Candidate's Discipline

Coordinator of a Teleconference for Mentor-At-The-Gate Personnel, interested students and faculty on Juvenile Delinquency; Sept.18, 1997 via Satellite with the United States Office of Juvenile Justice.

Chairman - Panel on Developing Graduate Programs in Criminal Justice at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Diego, California, November, 1997.

Chairman - Panel on Comparative Research in Criminal Justice at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, Illinois, November, 1996.

Organizer/Chair of Panel entitled "Cross Border Interaction.

and the Future of the NationñState" at the Joint Meeting of Law & Society Association and ISA RC on Sociology of Law at Glasgow, Scotland, 10-13 July, 1996

Table Presider/Discussant of Panel on Immigrant & Refugee

Justice Society in Boston, Mass., March 7-11, 1994.


Professionally Related Activities

NSF Grant Reviewer, 1990-1991

Articles and Books Reviewed For:

Sociological Inquiry, 1998

Criminology, Spring, 1996, Fall, 1997, Spring, 1998.

American Sociology Review

Quarterly Journal of Ideology


Community Service:

Board of Directors (2000) Amigos International. Hispanic Outreach Agency that is newly-formed.

Board of Directors (1996 - Present) Mentor-at-the-Gate Project to aid the reintegration of incarcerated juveniles into a positive school experience. Program is coordinated through the Community in Schools Organization.

Board of Directors (1986 - 1997) of La Communidad Hispana, a Social Service Agency which provides educational instruction, health care, and emergency aid to low income people and migrant farm workers.

Volunteer Translator - Cape Fear Community Legal Services -

Translated 250 page manuscript from English into Spanish for the Directory on Coastal Carolina HIV Care Consortium HIV/AIDS Resource Manual.

Helped organize UN Day 50th Anniversary Luncheon and Guest Speaker, David J. Biggs, at UNCW Center Stage in October, 1995.

Phi Kappa Phi Fall Speaker Series Organizer in 1994-96.

Secretary-Treasurer of Board of Directors (1980 -1992) Western YMCA

International Programs Speaker on "Violence, Crime, and Punishment" in March, 1997.




Dr. Randy LaGrange, Professor, Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology,

UNCW, 601 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403-3297. (910)962-3433.

Dr. David Lynch, Asst. Professor & Llb., Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, UNCW, 601 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403-3297. (910)962-3016.

Dr. Judith Warner, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Sociology, Texas A&M International Univ. 5201 University Boulevard, Laredo, Texas 78041. (956)722-8001.